posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 02:03 AM
Well,take small steps first,you will still get there.
You have done the time at the CC stick it out and get an AA first.
Why you think you need to travel ALL the way across country to Calif. to go to school is beyond my comprehension.
CUNY (City University of New York)has one of the finest film schools in the country and it is just down the road and across the bridge.
California is full of bums,drug addicts and waiters and waitresses that came here to,"go to film school".And not many job openings in that field
either in case you hadn't noticed.
The Spielberg's,Tarantino's and Rodriquez's are far and few between these days.
You would actually have a better chance of getting in the business in NYC.
The plus is if you do go there(NYC)it is a better atmosphere for doing student films.
It would take you at least a Masters to get anywhere,anyways.
Get your AA where you are now,check CUNY for your BA and THEN go to Calif. for your MA.
Don't be a fool,stay in school!Don't quit,commit!
Okay I am done with the cliches.