posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 06:08 PM
As I posted elsewhere, there very much appears to be systematic shut down of sites dealthing with true regarding the CriminalS Justice System. Marvin
Bryer, the COBOL programmer who exposed the Judicial Slush funds some years back was on a video and has a book but there don't appear to be any valid
links. Many sites referencing his material go to fake generic directories or fake sites that appear to offer but without a working checkout system.
Look up Sui Juris, many bits of information have all but died. There does seem to be a systematic targeting underway. The info may be out there but
not easily accessible. The search engines seem to definitely be hiding things now. For some time now, enter an important topic on YouTube and you get
the video but you also get a bunch of soft porn kinds of enticements along with it. I think an over act of shutting down a site would send a pretty
clear meaning to people. ATS is pretty good all by itself at burying important topics anyway.