posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:28 PM
This is just my opinion but in the event of any drastic disaster,Be it Economic Collapse,2012,Civil War in the U.S. or the dreaded Government Take
over,I feel the key info will be passed on these sights.I must say tons of folks come on ATS and make predictions about when and what it will be and
most of the time there wrong.But there are those out there who do research and planning and charts and links to back up what they post,while never
making a claim but only giving you the facts the have and there honest opinion and to those i want to say keep it up you are truly the backbone of the
true ATS community.I joined last year when the swine flu first emerged and alot of the correct info kept me from panicking.The reason why i say that
info will come from these to sources is because I can no longer trust the MSM fox,cnn,msnbc will have 3 different views on 1 keep up the good
work and fight the good fight guys.