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Religious STUPIDITY!

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:36 PM
(sorry if this isnt the right board for this - MODs feel free to move)

I want to start of by saying first, that I believe in god.

Today I'd like to share with you a few things that piss me off about religion.
Crazy Exremeist Bible Thumpers.


Translation for non-hebrew readers:

LETTUCE Causes Autism!

Lettuce in gimmetria = 73
Autism in gimmetria = 73

Curly lettuce, Arabic lettuce, Baby lettuce and etc..


There is faith but there is blindness

Well, personally I laughed my *** off.
I eat lettuce all the time... Love it.

another one

There is law and there is a judge, and all will come to trial!
One of Israel's greatest in a special message:

Why do we anger god... why do we defy him... why do we say okay on that which is forbidden... Isnt it enough that israel is suffering? did you not learn the lesson?

Heaven speaks that all who has a computer in his home and is connected to this devil, will not be saved - He will go to hell, and many diseases will come his way!

Note: There is no decree that allows anyone to own a computer, and no rabbi in the world can say you may!


BEWARE FIRE!! *Skull and bones*

The "beware fire" part really got me pissing my pants out of laughter.....

Anyway... this stuff just goes on and on and on......


I mean... do homosexuals, lesbians and pot smokers, really belong on that list?

I'm sure you all know god-warrior:

And the list goes on and on and on...... I'm sure you've seen alot of these people...


Well....... I dont think I need to add anything here about religious fundamentalism.......

Now.......... All of these are just FEW examples of things you all probably already seen in your lifetimes....
Why do people take religion to this extreme???

IS this really what Jesus, Mohammad, and Moses wanted us to be?
Crazy idiots?

What in your opinion causes such behaviour?

I am a man of god, I believe in being good and kind to your fellow brethrens, and I have no problem with religious people......
But this stuff goes wayyyyyy to far....

Can you be "Saved" by hating those who are not like minded in spiritual belief?

(note: if this post somehow offended someone - I am truly sorry)

[edit on 23-3-2010 by freebourn]

[edit on 23-3-2010 by freebourn]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:47 PM
I am a Christian, and a devout Bible reader, I enjoy deep Bible study, love to approach all those questions and subjects that "they" never talk about in Sunday School... but as a teacher I

I don't know why some folks go to extremes... you'll find them in ANY group...even here at ATS. There are people that love cars...and then there are the wackos that live cars. Same with food, tattoos, music, the Beatles or Zepplin, you'll find the wackos in surfing, sports, running, Civil War reenactors, and so it goes...

There will always be those that go "one step beyond." Maybe it's mental, maybe a self esteem issue, maybe a chemical imbalance, I don't know... unfortunately, in some instances you will find them in a position that can actually do harm.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Thanks for commenting.

But what I dont understand is why people contradict themselves?
On one hand they say in the bible that all that was created by god is divine.
On the other hand they say lettuce is the work of the devil and causes autism..

How can they say these things and still believe in the bible?

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by freebourn

I have been a Christian for some time now and I have never ever seen
anything as repulsive as that video. I can't believe there actually are
people that act that way over a religion. It is one thing to be adamant
about Jesus or Christianity or whatever religion, but to go completely out
of one's mind is totally off the scale to me. This woman would probably
not be too welcome at the Christian churches I know of. Maybe not
though. Jesus loves everyone and will accept anyone if they only ask
for his grace and love. I think that woman need to re-evaluate her life.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:53 PM
I think most sane people know that everyone that calls themselves Christian(or anything else) are not really that. Yet, you're labeling all Christians by what some of the phoneys do.

[edit on 3/23/2010 by Blueracer]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Blueracer

I am definitely not!!
Same as I am not labling all jews as insane!
I know many christians who are very religious and are very very kind, rational, loving and spiritual people!

Please dont get me wrong like that.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by freebourn]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by freebourn

Evolutionists, and Money-Lovers HAHAHA. Wow. I geuss i will be seeing all of ATS in hell then.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

LOL I think those lists include just about 99.9% of human population.

Your missing my question...

What causes this??
Are the rabbis, and revrents who brainwash to blame?
Or the people themselves for being stupid?

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by endtimer
reply to post by freebourn

I have been a Christian for some time now and I have never ever seen
anything as repulsive as that video. I can't believe there actually are
people that act that way over a religion. It is one thing to be adamant
about Jesus or Christianity or whatever religion, but to go completely out
of one's mind is totally off the scale to me. This woman would probably
not be too welcome at the Christian churches I know of. Maybe not
though. Jesus loves everyone and will accept anyone if they only ask
for his grace and love. I think that woman need to re-evaluate her life.

LOL I agree with you, its quite horrendus.

It is my belief that it does not matter wether you are jewish, christian, or muslim, if you are truly good inside, no matter how much the world pushes you to hate, you still give out nothing but love, then god truly approves of you.

I think God wants us to be as much like him as possible...
And what better way, then to stop hating people for various reasons?

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Riddle yourselves this -

Q: Would satan be more apt to continuously attack non believers...... or believers.

A: satan doesn't worry about the non believers - he doesn't have to. Why? Because he knows they are no threat to him.

Believers on the other hand are very much a threat to him - he hates all people who worship Jesus Christ.

satan is alive and kicking in our world, on our planet, in our schools, in our music, etc. He is also, sadly, most present in our churches - i.e. he is working overtime attacking the churches, and believers, in a last ditch attempt to see who can be swayed from Jesus Christ. He knows he is on borrowed time now.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by nomorecruelty]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by freebourn

I know many christians who are very religious and are very very kind, rational, loving and spiritual people!

Weeeeell, rational is stretching things a bit don't you think ? Come on now dude, be honest lol doesn't rationality require reason ?

What exactly is reasonable about "We don't hate homosexuals, just homosexuality" That's about as rational as demanding a boomerang be straight.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by freebourn

LOL! That is funny. What craziness hath they wrought?


Love that placard!

Let's see, counting my blessings there....hmmmmm....

Well, I am definately NOT a Child Molester, so that's a point for me.

What else am I NOT....

Sports Fan
Lesbian (but only because I'm male, and unqualified)
Psychic (although it can be argued that ALL humans have at least some psychic abilities...? Guess they meant 'practicing' psychic?)

Now....'hypocrite'? I may have resembled that remark, at least a few times in my life. But, that's what life is supposed to be about, learing and all that jazz, eh?

SO...eight out of, not worried, since there's no such thing as hell, and jesus ain't comin' back, no matter how hard people may wish it.

Funny stuff, SG>

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by yodagod
reply to post by freebourn

I know many christians who are very religious and are very very kind, rational, loving and spiritual people!

Weeeeell, rational is stretching things a bit don't you think ? Come on now dude, be honest lol doesn't rationality require reason ?

What exactly is reasonable about "We don't hate homosexuals, just homosexuality" That's about as rational as demanding a boomerang be straight.

You do realize that you are using a mighty big brush to paint that generalization right?

I am quite rational, and I do have a higher belief system that I choose to believe in, but I don't hate homosexuals, nor do I fault them in anyway.

And if you are going to nit pick anyone with any type of belief system (yes atheists this includes you) then you surely must realize that boneheads and "thumpers" exists in every belief system.

But hey, I am just a girl that has picked my belief system and doesn't fault anyone for theirs.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by yodagod

Well... some people take stuff into proportions, and not believe blindly word by word to what the bible says.

Religion takes a heart to interpert things.
You need to listen to your conscience to be a good person or a spiritual person.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by nomorecruelty

Q: Would satan be more apt to continuously attack non believers...... or believers.

A; satan is the product of the imagination and doesn't even enter into the mind of a nonbeliever. Given that none believers on average live no more nor less a "better" life than believers, then it would be fair to conclude that satan can only influence non believers.

Christians are,die, get ill, get divorced ,go bald, have babies , develop mental issues at the same rate as non believers. One can only conclude from this is that jesus and satan are equally imaginary.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by nomorecruelty

I agree that Satan is everywhere. He definitely is at work night and day
trying to destroy anyone that believes in Jesus. He doesn't need to work
on the non-believers because they have already doomed themselves to
be with Satan for an eternity. And yes, Satan is at work in every church
in the world. When he gets his way, it is called sin.

Satan knows he is on borrowed time. It is plainly stated in the Bible and
if a person is familiar with the seven year tribulation period, there will be
a time that is so horrific that Satan will be working overtime to gather his
followers. He knows that God will win in the end and is out for a last
hoorah so to speak. Once he is cast into the lake of fire for a thousand
years, and after that time is gone, he will be let loose for a short time
on the earth to work his deceitfulness, and then he will be in Hell for an
eternity never to be worried about again. These are Christian beliefs
obviously, and I am one of those. However the power of Satan is all
over the world and effects all people know matter what their religions
is or isn't.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by freebourn

Religion takes a heart to interpert things

In a manner that fits the agenda of leaders of the religion.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:38 PM
I just want to tell that lettuce thingy is probably a parody. I saw posters claiming that internet causes autism written in the same style and using gematria before "lettuce" ones came out. So i guess someone thought that finding something with same gematria as autism will be appropriate.
On general there a lots of people in this world, some good, some bad some in between. Some smart some stupid some in between. Some conservative some liberal some in between. And ctr. In organized religions as in any social groups there is just the same distribution as in general public. I am sure that there are lots of religious dudes who see how yellow newspapers deal in Rafaeli vs Di Caprio thingy and react as you reacted to lettuce (or internet) one.
One aspect that is different though is that in religion way of life of individual is much more dependent on its current "trends". However as far as it is not forcing its way on people outside - i see no reason to be afraid or ridicule about it.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:40 PM
The funny thing about the gimmetria thing...

Is that when I argue with devout jews about that stuff...
I mention the fact that: (in hebrew)
Barny the purple dinosaur = God almighty in gimmetria
So they should shut up with their nonsense...........

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Justaposter

And if you are going to nit pick anyone with any type of belief system (yes atheists this includes you)

How the hell does "not" believing something equate to a belief system ? That's silly

I don't believe that I don't believe nothing systematic about that.

I don't believe that I left the car unlocked, I don't have a "don't believe that I left the car unlocked beleife system, any more than I have a don't believe that the moon is made of cheese beleif system"

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