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Religion, a human invention?

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:05 PM
Worldwide, there are so many different religions. Some of them claim to bethe only true one,others are not really religions, but more like philosofies. But is there such a thing as a god, or goddess, or even a pantheon of gods and goddesses? Are we indeed created by a god, or gods, or did we invent these gods? In ancient times, difficult circumstances may have inspired people to create something outside themselves to explain events, such as bad harvests, earthquakes, thunders, etc etc. Romans had a god/goddess for everything, so did the Greeks and Egyptians. So, how can we be sure there actally is a god, or more gods, or goddesses for that matter? Maybe all these different deities are nothing more than a symbolic reflection of our own personal desires and fears.

Just a thought...

I didn't start this thread to bash any religion, it is an honest reflection of what i've been thinking for quite some time now.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Gwynniver]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:44 PM
Hi Gwyn~ as for answering this of my knowledge from a lifetime searching these things
the word being Religion (extending assistance, as an 'outward service') I'd say YES!
And hope that it is not thought of as 'GODward' or "of GOD" (therein are all the problems!).

Yet if it is asked here intending answers in reply;
"But is there such a thing as a god, or goddess, or even a pantheon of gods and goddesses? Are we indeed created by a god, or gods, or did we invent these gods?"
"So, how can we be sure there actually is a god, or more gods, or goddesses for that matter?"
I'm willing to deal with this directly also (I needed to know too, my parents divorced over it when I was 12)!

[edit on 2010/3/23 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Thank you for choosing to articulate and share your thoughts on this subject.

You posed many questions so I will not address them individually, rather I will contribute my own thoughts so as to share my insight on a path that can become confusing.

I don't know definitively that religion was invented by humans, not with any sound reason, but I assert that neither does anyone else. I do, however, observe humans practicing religions with mixed results. The obvious question is "why?", therefore, the essential question is "what is the purpose of religion?".

The purpose of religion is to attain wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge worth knowing. Knowing is the result of teaching or direct observation. Accordingly, almost all religions of Earth involve "teachings" and a basic assertion is the knowledge that each individual has a special connection to a "higher power". Surely that is knowledge worth knowing, if it's true.

God surely exists, but not in the way It is traditionally understood (or misunderstood). I won't delve into detail but this particular universe is a game in every sense of the word and it's rules began as thoughts (precisely seven), not with a "Big Bang" as is commonly believed. Wisdom is only found in truth and that is the basic truth of this universe. No wonder most religions are centered around a God or gods, however, their approach has little to do with understanding and mostly relies on faith, mystery, and coersion. In other words, "magic".

I would implore you to think long and hard about your own religious pursuits (if any) and reject anything that does not add to your understanding. There is no freedom in faith; you will only find it in the fullness of understanding and Truth.


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:49 PM
i think every human can invent their own god, and really if you choose that god has created you then thats that, so in other words we create our own gods and then we choose what powers our gods have. i belive that my god is all powerful and all seeing and has created everything..

we can never answer this question, maybe when we die but for now all we can do is wait...

but someone said if satan exists then so does god. can we prove that satan exists?

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:57 PM

I'm willing to deal with this directly also (I needed to know too, my parents divorced over it when I was 12)!

Feel free to share your knowledge, or your opinion!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:58 PM
yes, religion is a weapon used to control population and a weapon used by people to control themselves too

so, yeah, human invention

read my signature

I am against any type of religion, because it means that you didnt used your brain to find out what do you think its our truth; that doesnt mean I dont believe we have a creator or something like that, I just dont support any type of movement that dont let people use their brains, thats why we live, to use our freaking brains;

another thing amazing about religion is their claim that GOD has our face, I mean, its ABSURD; read my signature, I wont extend any more, if you want to have more of my opinion, search for my posts, I posted a lot about this ...

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:58 PM
If there was on true God, don't you think all practices would do the same.

Religion is just a belief...a belief on how to moraley live your life. All God's are just an unseen high power, no one can prove that they do or don't exist...but at least if you belief you have something to work towards.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:00 PM

The purpose of religion is to attain wisdom.

I agree, but sometimes religion is about power and control.
That seems to be exactly the opposite of your statement. Is that a corruption of the original purpose?

God surely exists

How do you know? And why just one god? I'm not questioning your beliefs, I would just like to know how you come to this conclusion.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Okay, but I'd have you know Assuredly and for Certain -so I shall not anymore be opinionated
-for there is no individual interpretation when it is GOD being affronted, and I'm required
to quote His Words (Scriptures of all "Religions") EXACTLY!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:05 PM

If there was on true God, don't you think all practices would do the same.

I don't know, would they? There's only one human race, but we don't do the same things. Ok, maybe that's a lame comparison, but humans are very different and I can understand why culture and location might influence the practice of religion over time. But that would be man-made, then, not divine.
Is religion indeed inspired by a divine being? Or did we invent the divine beings? I don't know.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Gwynniver

If there was on true God, don't you think all practices would do the same.

I don't know, would they? There's only one human race, but we don't do the same things. Ok, maybe that's a lame comparison, but humans are very different and I can understand why culture and location might influence the practice of religion over time. But that would be man-made, then, not divine.
Is religion indeed inspired by a divine being? Or did we invent the divine beings? I don't know.

Well that's what keeps us going. Obviously something is more powerful than the human race, we are the rulers of Earth, but Earth rules us. And Earth is ruled by our galaxy. And the galaxy is ruled by the universe.

Is there a special place that we go to when we die where there are pretty clouds and smiling faces? I doubt it.

But was there a man named Jesus who was labeled a god because he could heal the weak, and turn water into wine? More than likely, he hasn't been the only one, even in today's world who knew how to use his inner-energy.

For me, God is a metaphorical expression. Is there something greater than us that controls everything we do? Well that's the government, we are already brainwashed patients of their school systems, TV programming, internet content, and every belief we have stems from what they tell us...whether it's positive or negative.

But there is always something out there higher, because if their wasn't then the universe would just stop...everything in the world just wants to be greater than they already are.

So in a sense we created the divine being, but only based of great men who held power than the rest of humanity at one point in time.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU

That's ok, you are free to express your opinion and your belief, as long as you don't try to convert me.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:52 PM
To begin with there's been a lack of affirmed definitions of the terms endeared in Scriptures
which have become traditions of religions -mostly following their pious leaders speculation
stated as the best interpretation according to a words occurrences in all contexts.

We live in amazing times that see ancient languages confirmed (or not) by the sciences.
And where an idea in translation is established (or abolished) by the archaic witnesses
we can in fact 'know assuredly' what is (or isn't) of what was (or wasn't), and thus have
a real valid understanding of these things!

This is the case for "GOD" and the 'words' and Names thus translated:

The 0ldest word being EL (Heb. 'To/Toward' Intended 0bjective -thus inevitable/inavertable) has been found as a petroglyphed Icon-Symbol on 6 continents worldwide, and represents the Earth on a Tilted axis (a day) or a Galaxy (and thus a very long "day"?)... it is usually found directing one to a certain view (for a path, or location such as a spring).

The next 0ldest is the Chinese "Shang Ti" found in oracle bone script as a Name (enclosed in a box, like a cartouche) inscribed in tortoise shells, it represents a Mountaintop Altar with Wood Bound to it having Smoke of Incense Rising, and the Name means "Heavenly Emperor" (lit. 'Heavens above' and 'Enthroned upon') -it is the Biblical "Almighty" (Heb. ShaDdaI).

These are both found in the ancient Indus valley where the next symbol "word" comes from being AUM "0M" as 'the word of God' breathed in creativity, it is the last essences or sounds of the names shivA vishnU brahMa and was AVM to the Romans (Agni Varuna Mithras) and ultimately became our protestant "word"
GOD (Genera Opera Demoli -creator -sustainer -renewer).

[edit on 2010/3/23 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Because our "word" GOD translates the following sampled words of languages concepts -we have the complex extant today:

Greek THEOS 'idea'/'concept' is the Philosophers' communicative 0bjective -to depict for 'beholding' (get the message across).

Roman Latin DEO fixed upon the prefix of the Greek word DEOMAI 'sought petitioned begged'.

From that came Deity.

-and then there are Names...

[edit on 2010/3/23 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:14 PM
The Name of a 0ne GOD (of unity or only) was AMuN in Egypt meaning 'Continuance'
as granted time (It shall will may might or could -Be seen or prove To-Be),

it is in answering that Egyptian response to the Hebrew certainty/belief
(in an entity character or persona) that the Name was given at the '0il tree' to one
"Moses" (a Pharaonic 18th Dynasty successor of the Ahmose line) as E'HaYaH "I- Exist",

that into the 3rd person (retransmitted) being Ye'HaUaH "He- To-Be/ Becoming"
was 'Ha Shem' (The Name) throughout the books composing the Bible "Old Testament",

with the "New Testament" this 0ne called Messiah (MuShIaCh "to Rub with") the
long expected 'creator come into the creation as the creature' comes as YeShUaA
("He- Saving-up /preserving by storing away") a name occurring some 77 times
as a word (salvation, deliverance, health, help, healing) and he is 'labelled' that Name
called the "Tetragrammaton" ('4-letter word') when he is crossed up by the Jews as:
Yeshuaa Ha'netzari U'melech Ha'yehudim.

[edit on 2010/3/23 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Gwynniver
Worldwide, there are so many different religions. Some of them claim to bethe only true one,others are not really religions, but more like philosofies. But is there such a thing as a god, or goddess, or even a pantheon of gods and goddesses?


Maybe all these different deities are nothing more than a symbolic reflection of our own personal desires and fears.

Just a thought...

Along these lines you talk about, I've always equated the need for organized Religion as atonement for wrongs and injustices perpetrated against and by individuals.
That is, there needs to be an independent party involved in order to 'remove' the hurt from a person so that they may try and deal with the issue, rather than dwell on it.

As far as control, this is done via what Western Religions call tithing, where one is to donate goods, services, monies and other things to the body of the Church. Also, you are coordinated to deal with others who are like minded; ie, Christian businesses.

Often, I see the whole Theological approach as damning in and of itself, where an entity is to blame and you will be forgiven for anything you decide to do, and to whomever. Where, there is no rebound or recourse in this world.

I do feel, however, there is another world. One that is poorly defined by most modern accepted definitions. What is in this other world, and what it is like, I do not know.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Names (also the word Heaven/Heavens!) are Representations of BEing/ Descriptive terms
but they are ordinarily based on Words, anything can be determined exactly and
communicatively expressed successfully (whether rightly received or not) by Etymology
and here's a great example of this in Hebrew whence the Alphabet came to be
(with Abraham accounting the fixed stars by a grand connect-the-dots):

From that same two-letter etymon of AMuN, which is still our AMEN (the sense of 'agreeing'
to furtherance), is a literal continuing 'Line of Truth':

AM "Conditional/Variable" (by an ongoing or 'long view')
AM'm "Mother" (as Carrying out the 'fashioning in Continuance')
AMaH "Bond/Band" (as Commitment to Continue with)
AMU "Proceedure/Process" (as Continuing training/upbringing Developmentally)
AMUNaH "Established Trustworthy/Faithfulness" ('Faith' as Continuing)
AMIR "Exultant" (anticipatory, as perceiving a Constant)
AMIN "Believing/Determinate" (as a balance experientially negotiated)
AMaL "Weak/Feeble" (less Continent)
AMaM "Gathering/Uniting" (as on a point or place to Continue on to /Continue with)
AMeN "Sure/Steadfast/Certain" (Continuing)
AMuNaM "Doubtless" (Continuous)
AMeTz "Courage/Confidence"
AMeTzaH "Obstinate/Forcefulness" (as unrelenting/ not letting up)
AMeR "Saying-Quote/Promise" (cont./Certify/ an Affirmation-Expression/Answer)
AMeRI "Publicity/Declaration" (as made Prominent/ Pass it on)
AMeSh "Yester_ /Aforetime" (as a 'has been'/ Dated)
AMeT "Verified/Proven/Confirmedly-Affirmed ("Truth" as Factually apparent/a Constant)
AMeTaCh "Expansive/Extending" (a bag/sack of standards/weights/measures/as Continuing...)
AMeTaNI "Exceeding/Valiant" (an above and beyond continence unto Exceptionality)

[edit on 2010/3/23 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Sorry, i'm to lazy to scroll through all of that and read every single post. ( I'm gonna be working on that. ) But I truly believe that religion is a control tactic that has been implimented for a very long time. I use to go to church and all that good stuff, but do you know what I began to realize as of recently? THat was a bunch of older, ignorant people , forcing their language on me. They blindly worship the words of man who hadn't a clue of what they were describing. And why do they do it? Because they feel that they NEED to.

How many times have you seen Churches get mad because they lost a basketball game to another church team. Religion isn' about that. The main thing the bible does it make a vague message. "Do unto others what you want done unto you."

If you are good you will be treated good.

If you are bad, you will be treated bad.

That is what life is. The people who treat good are obviously the people that are uh ... doing the thing that I believe everybody should e doing? ...

Anyways. That is what I feel about religion.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by Simply J

good post

there is no way to know if something is good or not, it depends on the perspective

but you are right, people that are brainless follow religion, and nothing can change their minds

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by Faiol

Well, religions only avail the ability to know in a 'social club' which one can take or leave,
and yes as most are followers of the 'group dynamic' -so it's not usually especially 'definitive'
or determinate of absolutes, but more a membership support group with a view toward
acceptance for a position among (and power within) a privileged class rehearsing weekly!

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