posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:52 PM
I believe that there is a deeper issue here that the citizens of the United States of America is starting to realize. Before I get to that point, I
would like to go back into history, to the founding of the country. 1764, Ben Franklin was in Londen, to try to see what he could do to try to ease
the tensions between the colonies, Up until that time, he was a loyal supporter of the astorcracy and the British Royal Crown. He had great respect
for the British Parlimentary system and the king. While there, he endured abuse and hatered for himself and the colonies. The main cause that the
country was rebelling against, was not for the taxes or loss of rights, but the lack of representation and the tyranny of the British crown towards
the colonies. Yes England needed money and the taxes were just, however, what he failed to realise is that there was no representation of the
colonies in Parliment, and without that representation from the colonies, then Parliment could run roughshod over the colonies, at the behest of the
monarchy. The voice of the people were not being heard or fully ignored. When a government failed to listen, respond or speak for its people then it
boarderlines on tyranny, as it means that government no longer fears the very people it is suppose to speak for. When a government fears its people
you have democracy and the will of the people, its voice sounds out loud and clear, but when it is ignored, it is Terrany.