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Leaders with a Common Purpose

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:08 AM
Leaders with a Common Purpose

Common Purpose is an international organisation with leaders of a new order being trained and placed in key positions around the world.

According to over 120,000 leaders in the UK have contributed to or participated in a Common Purpose programme and this grows by at least 3,000 people each year.

Here in the UK, there are many who believe that there are those who are working behind the scenes to weaken the UK from within, while also preparing new government structures and putting in place new leaders via quasi secret society that doesn’t declare itself to ordinary people.

An organisation that has been the focus of such criticism is Common Purpose (CP), a charity that was founded in the UK in 1989. As stated in an article by the BBC in March 2009, “Its [CP] critics say it is a secret networking organisation at the heart of the establishment, with a hidden agenda and influence. More than 20,000 people -- identified as the next generation of leaders -- have attended its courses, but if you are not one of them, you have probably never heard of it.

Julia Middleton, the CEO of Common Purpose has founded or helped in the founding of DEMOS, the Media Standards Trust, The Good Governance Network, Impetus Trust, and Alfanar. Julia is also on the board of the Orwell Prize and was an editor of the magazine ‘Marxism Today’.

The board of trustees of the Media Standards Trust include Julia Middleton (CP), Sir David Bell (CP) and Anthony Salz, the executive vice chairman of Rothschild. The president of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in the U.S. was the founding president of Demos (U.S. Think Tank), an organisation of which he is currently board chair. The History section of Demos informs us that Barack Obama was recruited to Demos when he was a state senator in Illinois.

Common Purpose has members in central and local government, Houses of Parliament, police, military, legal profession, BBC, NHS, church, many of Britain’s 8,500 quangos, education, social services, civil service, and regional development agencies. This makes lodging complaints against CP difficult because CP graduates and trainees are everywhere.

The National School of Government, Public Service Leadership First Annual Conference, includes Workshop 8, ‘Leading in Partnerships and Beyond Authority’ -- the facilitator is, Julia Middleton, chief executive of Common Purpose.

The following is an excerpt from a reply to a freedom of information request regarding Workshop 8 that can be found at (WDTK). “After careful consideration, the National School of Government has concluded that it must withhold the names and job titles/ranks of those who signed up to attend this particular workshop, citing the exemption detailed at section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘personal information’). . . . no documentation is traceable for Workshop 8. I can also confirm that the National School does not hold a syllabus or any other learning material relating to this workshop.” To find this reply, do a search at WDTK for ‘Public Service Leadership First Annual Conference’ and find reply with the same title dated 22 February 2010. I tried to include the link several times, but it keeps going dead.

On 6 February 2002, the official website of the UK Prime Minister announced, “Dame Rennie Fritchie re-appointed as Commissioner for Public Appointments.”

In the following minutes (Number: 716), dated 23 May 2002, Julia Middleton, CEO of Common Purpose, states that she is working for Dame Rennie. This gives Julia Middleton a great deal of influence not only as an assessor, but also to ensure that once assessed by herself or colleagues, suitable Common Purpose graduates and/or trainees are appointed to key leadership positions in the public sector throughout the UK.

Parliament UK: Select Committee on Public Administration, Minutes of Evidence. Examination of Witnesses, THURSDAY 23 MAY 2002 JULIA MIDDLETON AND AMELIA SUSSMAN


715. Do you feel you are working for the Department?

(Ms Middleton) No.

716. Who are you working for?

(Ms Middleton) Now, Dame Rennie; before, I have no idea who I was working for.”

Dame Rennie Fritchie became a Baroness in 2005 and is a member of the House of Lords.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 05:40 PM
It would appear to be a treasoness organisation and a branch of the NWO it is really important that people read up on common purpose. Brian Gerrish and the UK column does some good work on exposing them.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:27 PM
I'm surprised only one person has responded to this thread.

Julia Middleton, the CEO of Common Purpose (CP) has founded or helped in the founding of DEMOS, the MEDIA STANDARDS TRUST, The Good Governance Network, Impetus Trust, and Alfanar. Julia is also on the board of the Orwell Prize and was an editor of the magazine ‘Marxism Today’.

The board of trustees of the Media Standards Trust include Julia Middleton (CP), Sir David Bell (CP) and Anthony Salz, the executive vice chairman of Rothschild. The president of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in the U.S. was the founding president of DEMOS (U.S. Think Tank), an organisation of which he is currently board chair.The History section of DEMOS informs us that BARACK OBAMA was recruited to DEMOS when he was a state senator in Illinois.

See article 'Leaders with a Common Purpose' for more links and info

Another Common Purpose website

Chair of the Trustees of Common Purpose, Sir David Bell addresses the conspiracy theories about Common Purpose.
Sir David Bell is also Chair of the Media Standards Trust and Financial Times Group.

On 6 February 2002, the official website of the UK Prime Minister announced, “Dame Rennie Fritchie re-appointed as Commissioner for Public Appointments.”

In the following Parliament UK minutes (Number: 716), dated 23 May 2002, Julia Middleton, CEO of Common Purpose, states that she is working for Dame Rennie. This gives Julia Middleton a great deal of influence not only as an assessor, but also to ensure that once assessed by herself or colleagues, suitable Common Purpose graduates and/or trainees are appointed to key leadership positions in the public sector throughout the UK and overseas.

CLIMATEGATE: Brandon Gough, the Chancellor of the University of East Anglia (UEA) used to be Chair of The Common Purpose Charitable Trust - see last paragraph. Is Professor Phil Jones at the CRU also a member of Common Purpose?

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:46 PM
i have done quite a bit of research on cp . i have also phoned tem on nuremous occasions to ask them about whta they do . well im can tell u they are very secretive . everyone should look up there local office and call them . post here there findings afterwards .

oh and i ave ran into them in real live . i tried to get the local council to fix a repair in my area . well after 6 months of chasing them i had finnaly ad enough so i asked to speak to a manager this woman was so politicallyy correct no wonder nothing gets done . now after reading gerish and cpexposed . i decided to ask her if she hadd been on a cp course . lets just say she was blown away when i asked her.and she says yes . she was so intrigued how i knew that tellin me that was aweird question .because not nmany pepole know about it .and she asks me if i also have done this course ;-)

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:01 PM
I have come across Common Purpose ans only wish I knew more than I do currently. Pretty scary stuff to be honest. I hav seen a few Brian Garish videos on the matter and will research further. I am glad it has been mentioned here.

Peter Mandelsons position isn't surprising.

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