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Child porn laws need overhaul

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:13 PM
"Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography"


Now, no one get me wrong, I share the utmost disgust for child pornography that most Americans have but my purpose and intent of this post is to point out that child porn laws are not perfect and are in dire need of overhaul. Lets face it, the system is severely flawed and need revision. Child porn laws are too broad and so strict they can easily make an innocent PC user a victim of computer hackery and viral attack. The media is flooded with news stories of how many people charged with child porn are merely victims of spyware attacks and or virus infection of their PCs. Upon an individual's accusal very rarely is a computer forensic brought in to do an investigation to rule out a virus or spyware infection as courts have said this is too costly. Distribution of child porn is usually irrefutably and unmistakably illegal and easily proven. Child porn possession is not always a guilty guarantee as that many can be easily set up or framed with illegal content in hidden files or folders. If an individual had a grudge at school, college dorm, or work place wanted to make your life miserable or land you in jail, they wouldnt need to do alot to do so. Or even a internet prankster hacker uploaded a virus via email or otherwise, to you or on your facebook, they would instantly have remote access once the message or file was open, unaware they were uploading very illegal files to your PC. The laws, system, and process need heavy oversight as to ensure that true justice is served. All thoughts and ideas welcome.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:20 PM
i dont know why these people are allowed to walk the streets. Jail really cant reform these types unfortunately since its more a mental thing then an impulsive crime. The best thing I can think of is to export them to Australia like we used to. Criminals like this never change and should be among their own kind. This way we are able to protect society but at the same time respect the rights of the individual. The death penalty is to extreme but jail wont solve the problem due to it being unable to rehabilitate people, this solution I thought of a long time ago, and feel its a win win for all parties involved since australia can return to its founding roots, while america gets to maintain its cultural purity.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

I share your disgust my felow man, but Im thinkin you missed my intent of the post. I was just pointing out the process in which child porn charges are brought against individuals is quite flawed. Mostly in the internet/PC realm. Simply finding child porn on an individuals PC is not necessarily a true conviction of a crime. It may be that the accused was actually a victim of computer/internet crime. And its the court and law enforcement's duty to ensure that true justice is served by ensuring that all possibilities are ruled out. A judge denying a full investigation with computer forensics because it is "too costly" is not true justice. My arguement is that the law (as it stands now) is mostly this: Your caught with it, your guilty. End of story, now you go to jail. That is not justice. Thats a failure of justice when there are way too many variables involved in what may have occurred. I hope I am making sense... Anyone agree?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:51 PM
I wonder how many of you are aware of a modern witch hunt eh?
Just a thought.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Im not sure what you mean....???

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:17 PM


posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by AzoriaCorp
"Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography"

Oh yes your worship.

I have no idea how my hard drive filled up with all those dirty pictures and videos.
Fifty of them every single day for ten months, and I never even noticed.
It must have been some spy software.

Yeah, sure it was.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow

Originally posted by AzoriaCorp
"Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography"

Oh yes your worship.

I have no idea how my hard drive filled up with all those dirty pictures and videos.
Fifty of them every single day for ten months, and I never even noticed.
It must have been some spy software.

Yeah, sure it was.

I am not by any means defending sex offenders or pedofiles, please do not twist it into that. I am merely making an observation that due to the ever growing and security lacking internet, laws need to be adjusted to ensure justice is served. My main problem is that courts need to make sure they are investigating each and every possibility to prove guilt not simply place a conviction on simple speculation... and to PROVIDE funding to make such an investigation. Im sure you wouldnt like it if the authorities showed up at your door and accused you of child porn possession and then the judge said it was "too costly" to fund your investigation and it was just easier to throw you in prison. THAT is my point. No further.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by AzoriaCorp]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:54 PM
I used to work for a computer repair shop, and we had on couple occasions customers come in with child porn on their pc's but we didn't turn them in cause it was pretty obvious that the virus we found was doing it.

I remember one of them had Backdoor.IRC.Bot.B

the script kiddies were uploading child porn, beastiality, from gore to shocking porn. Anyhow we reformatted and fixed the customer up. You can tell especially working in the industry by both the customer's reactions and stuff plus the location and log of the system to see if it came in via web browser or whatnot and tell if the user is actually downloading illegal porn or not.

lot of places don't care though and even if a virus got ya if found you are screwed. But there are companies like the one we worked for that didn't just jump and scream and point fingers immediately cause we know wtf the problem was.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Cito
I used to work for a computer repair shop, and we had on couple occasions customers come in with child porn on their pc's but we didn't turn them in cause it was pretty obvious that the virus we found was doing it.

I remember one of them had Backdoor.IRC.Bot.B

the script kiddies were uploading child porn, beastiality, from gore to shocking porn. Anyhow we reformatted and fixed the customer up. You can tell especially working in the industry by both the customer's reactions and stuff plus the location and log of the system to see if it came in via web browser or whatnot and tell if the user is actually downloading illegal porn or not.

lot of places don't care though and even if a virus got ya if found you are screwed. But there are companies like the one we worked for that didn't just jump and scream and point fingers immediately cause we know wtf the problem was.

Thanks for the input! very informative! This is my point exactly.

lot of places don't care though and even if a virus got ya if found you are screwed.

THAT is not justice. This meaning anyone with the knowledge of hacking/virus manipulation can destroy ANYONE'S life. THAT is where the law needs to be adjusted.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

[ first answer me this: why do you come to a thread like this and talk like you have some knowledge in how computer systems work ? you are totality irresponsible and you should get a warm ]

well, lets say you go to a page looking for illegal stuff like music free or whatever, then you will notice that a lot of these pages you have ads that are pornography, so, all these pictures are downloaded to a temp folder, even if you didnt want to see them, it just appeared in your screen

so, I dont know how much proof they need to arrest someone

about trying to make you look like a criminal, thats too easy, so, its hard

thats why I read somewhere that some agencies try to upload files to computers to arrest and get access to some people

so, yeah, I think this is an area where everyone should be careful analyzing

read Cito's post

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Faiol]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

ok now ive never posted but this ish hits a nerve! pedophiles should get min 25 years and castration minimum. the systems #ed up and would rather take a dope smoker and lock em up 4 long tyme and give the pedo probation. thats whats wrong anybody that defiles a child should get 25 years min and castration
we need hardcore rules 4 hardcore people. they wanna prey on our inocent lets pray on them

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:55 AM
Here is the part where somebody posts one of those malicious websites that peppers your web browser with illegal images and for the next 8 months stores them in your offline history.. Then we all have an ironic laugh from prison together.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by AzoriaCorp
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Im not sure what you mean....???

Witch Hunt

He is referring to the reactionary response everyone has to the issue of child pornography. That the term is treated with the same stigma as the issue of witchcraft in medieval times.

I suppose it takes a pretty intelligent person to talk about child pornography without including the stock standard disclaimer: "Oh I'm not saying I like child porn or anything and I think that if you have child porn you should be castrated".
This is evidently due to people of instinctual intelligence clinging to the group mentality to keep themselves safe. It's a survival reflex.

Yes child porn is bad as a child is exploited sexually and the product is then consumed by presumed pedophiles who then propogate the industry further. But that is as far as it goes. So that is where to focus must be.

***So catch the producers and consumers of child porn. But DO NOT prosecute people based on ASSUMPTION of guilt.***

Assumption of guilt is also used when a person is found to be viewing drawings, lifeless pictures devoid of a soul or emotions, of underage people in sexual situations. The Japanese doujinshi which contain characters from populer anime form the bulk of this medium and people are prosecuted for owning it because "the drawings are real children too"...

Thought crime much?

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:16 AM
Well, I mean, the whole hysteria over child pornography is such that all you have to do is accuse somebody of doing it, right, to destroy that person's reputation and/or career.

It's worse than accusing somebody of being a racist or a Nazi, okay?

Which is why I agree that our child porn laws do need an overhaul. The fallout from child porn accusations can destroy lives, whether the allegations are true or not. So... I would suggest reciprocal punishment for FALSELY ACCUSING somebody of child pornography.

So, if you accuse John Q. Public of child porn, and it's not true, then YOU face SEVERE criminal charges, okay? And YOU are required to disclose to all authorities and future employers that YOU are a LIAR who has attempted to destroy somebody's life, okay?

I think this same sort of reciprocal punishment should be applied to those who falsely cry rape, as well as to those who falsely report other people for child abuse.

AND I want this sort of law to specifically target the law enforcement, judicial and child protective services authorities who all-too-often turn into zealots anytime these cases of child porn, rape and child abuse come across their desks.

We have to make it PLAIN to these authorities that they are NOT exempt from reciprocal punishment. They should NOT be able to ruin a person's life and get away with it, okay?

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 3/23/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:18 AM
I think the point that's getting missed here- and a VERY important point it is - the pedophiles who use the internet to traffic in child porn (may they all be burnt at the stake) are going to get the internet locked down for EVERYONE.

The PTB are going to use the excuse of the increasing malignancy of child porn to make everyone register to use the net, net identity, etc.

Sure there will be people who can get around it, etc, but for those who can't or are not computer savvy enough??? We'll be screwed because of the internet abuse done by those life-support-systems-for-evil = pedophiles.

Beyond that - and I hate to say it but - I do think everyone that has child porn on their computers should be reported immediately.

If it's as easy (as some here have said) to prove it's malicious add-ware downloading the porn, then the computer owner will be aright.
It he (or she) is a filthy rotten piece of human excrement pedophile - then maybe by reporting them you'll save a child.
Weight it on a balance and you'll see what I mean. The harm will surely outweigh the risk if you don't report the computer owner - just in case.


[edit on 23-3-2010 by silo13]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:24 AM
Child pornography, like the drug trade, could be totally shut down in a month if government, the Zionists, mafia, and the secret societies seriously opposed it.

But there is far too much easy money being made for that ever to happen.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Kaytagg
Here is the part where somebody posts one of those malicious websites that peppers your web browser with illegal images and for the next 8 months stores them in your offline history.. Then we all have an ironic laugh from prison together.

Thats exactly my concern. I was doing some reading further into the subject and even judges are now wanting to reduce sentences for child porn possessors as they believe sentences are too harsh. One scenario included two underage teens get carried away by taking pictures of themselves when goofing off sexually. Then email them to a male friend to is a legal adult. Then somehow police are involved and the legal aged male is prosecuted and his life is ruined. How is this justice? Also I found a hypothetical scenario and rant by a commenter on one of the articles about child porn VIEWERS not OFFENDERS. The commenter had stated that it really makes no sense how VIEWING child porn is actually illegal. No one was an offended so why is the "viewer" charged as an "offender"? People view children being beaten on news and other media sites and THAT isn't considered illegal. The child certainly didn't consent to the beating so shouldn't that be considered illegal?--

A very good point by the commenter. I will post the link once I find it again if anyone is interested.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by AzoriaCorp

I think the viewing of child pornography is seen as illegal because as long as someone wants to view child pornography, someone will want to produce it.

Again, REAL child porn is the issue not drawings.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by silo13
I think the point that's getting missed here- and a VERY important point it is - the pedophiles who use the internet to traffic in child porn (may they all be burnt at the stake) are going to get the internet locked down for EVERYONE.

I don't believe that's ever going to happen. That would be like shutting down the Interstate Highway System because a handful of people refuse to obey the speed limit.

I mean, I've been on the Internet since it first became available to the public, which is the late 80s, and in all this time, I have never seen evidence of a "child-porn" subculture. I've never chatted with a pedophile online in a chat room or message board or continuous feed. While I've seen lots and lots of redirects to adult pornography, I've have NEVER been redirected to a child-porn website.

I don't think such a thing even exists.

So, HOW can a handful of perverts who are running so far below the surface affect the entire Internet? I don't believe it can be done. I mean, that's like saying homosexual necrophiliacs are going to "bring down" the Internet.

— Doc Velocity

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