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Strange dream from someone who's dreams come true

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:38 PM
This is not my dream because I rarely remember any of my dreams; this is my mom’s dream.

Around 20 years ago was the first dream that my mom had that came true. She said she was in a state of not exactly sleep and not exactly awake but it felt so real. She saw a fire in her dream in the neighbors babies bedroom, they lived in a duplex. So she woke up my dad and told him to run over to the neighbor and tell him that there is a fire. So he did and they said there was no fire in the house. So later that day they went to my dad's mom’s house and they were staying over there when they got a call that the neighbors babies bedroom caught on fire and they survived. That scared the hell out of my mom.

Another dream she had was about my great grandmother and she had the same feeling of half awake half asleep. Anyways she dreamed they were on a speeding train and the train was being robbed and people being killed, so she was going to jump off of the train and told my great grandmother to jump off too, but she told my mom it doesn't matter because she's going to die anyway because she has cancer. So my mom was freaked out by the dream, then a couple months later my great grandmother went to the hospital and was diagnosed with some female cancer.

Now to this dream. It was about 1 week ago and she told me about it, she had the same half awake - half asleep feeling. She said that in her dream there was fog everywhere and loud blaring alarms were everywhere. People were running in the streets and getting shot. She said it felt like a war zone, and it was MY neighborhood. She said that there was gun fire erupting everywhere and the radio was urging people to get below ground immediately. Then bombs were dropping. She said people were shooting people from their homes to defend themselves. Planes were flying overhead and she said outside the patches of fog was a red sky and the air was thick like smog.

I don't know exactly what this means and it rather scared her and me too. So can anyone help me and her to figure out what this means?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:05 PM
I hope her vision doesnt come true! As with her previous dreams, it might be sometime before this even happens. What does she think of it? Thanks for sharing

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:08 PM
Sounds like nuclear war to me, but I sincerely hope this is not the case, espicially if you say your mothers dreams come true.

You didn't mention if shes ever had dreams like this (half awake/half asleep) that turn out to be nothing.

Did she watch a disaster or war movie the night before?

Also, as far as your grandmother is concerned, was your mother possibly aware that she was being tested for cancer or that there were suspicions about it?

Sometimes even the mention about something like that will affect a persons subconsience more than they realise.

The dream about the fire is very creepy though!!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Hatcookie
Sounds like nuclear war to me, but I sincerely hope this is not the case, espicially if you say your mothers dreams come true.

You didn't mention if shes ever had dreams like this (half awake/half asleep) that turn out to be nothing.

Did she watch a disaster or war movie the night before?

Also, as far as your grandmother is concerned, was your mother possibly aware that she was being tested for cancer or that there were suspicions about it?

Sometimes even the mention about something like that will affect a persons subconsience more than they realise.

The dream about the fire is very creepy though!!

I could only pray it doesn't mean nuclear war.

She has never told me about any dreams she had that was half asleep/awake that did not happen.

I am sceptical of course, but I was just wondering what it meant.

No she did not know about my great grandma having cancer, she didn't even visit a doctor in years. But she died only 4 months after it was found.

No she did not watch any war or disaster movies, we don't have cable and barely watch any movies so that did not happen.

Yeah that really caught my attention too. A blood red sky and a thick fog like cloud hovering above the ground.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
I hope her vision doesnt come true! As with her previous dreams, it might be sometime before this even happens. What does she think of it? Thanks for sharing

It had her very worried. She said what really scared her was the sirens blaring and the gunfire in the streets.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
She said what really scared her was the sirens blaring and the gunfire in the streets.

what really scares me are the bombs.
u can hide behind walls, buildings to stop bullets
but u can't hide from bunker busters.

as far as interpretation:
I'd say Iran
her own street was just a metaphor
for the dream meaning

I have those type dreams too
though not of the same scenario
my last 3 have come true

so I can empathize with her and you

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:31 PM
Pretty scary stuff and it doesn't sound so far fetched now. To me, it sounds like war and riots.
From a dream interpreter:
Riots= Need to stand up for yourself and speak up.
War="Perhaps you need to be prepared to put up a fight in some area of your life. On a more direct level, the dream may be reflection of current wars around the world."
Fog="confusion, troubles, scandal, uncertainty and worries"

To some, red skies mean war or that "God drops the cloak of war"

My mother has these half awake dreams that come true as well but I think these are called visions. I also hope that she was watching a war movie and it is just that and not a premonition.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Misoir

It is uncanny how everyone I know who has these talks about these dreams as happening in that fog between being awake and asleep. When having one I am sometimes unsure of whether I was actively visualizing something or if it is 'one of those visions' that I'll later experience.
I and others in my family occasionally have this type of dream.


posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:59 PM
I have had dreams of the future many times (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we all have to some extent). For the longest time, I've felt like the world was going to end. I saw horrible things, things that didn't make any sense.

Then in 2001 I saw Lord of the Rings. It is a highly impactful movie, very emotional and I was emotionally devastated by it. I had seen that movie in my dreams, and lived in fear that times were going to be really bad in the future. It completely changed the way I look at my dreams. Sometimes what we see, even when it is real, isn't the truth.

And then sometimes they're just our mind working out a stressor, or fear.

I'm just saying.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:27 PM
I have dreams too ...

I had one years ago that something serious happened at the ring of fire (Earthquakes,and volcanos) wasnt sure if it was one or the other or both that was happening but it was very bad for the whole world (total chaos happening).
I thought it was Venezuela or Guatamala area where it started .
(I noticed this last month MANY MANY earthquakes and many volcanos about to go happening all at once these days) ..

Anyway a week ago I dreamed cops came to my door with a warrant for my son (he doesnt live here anymore but he knew it was coming and so did I) I just didnt know when my dream I was in my nighty when they came (was early morning) and everything I said in my dream and they said to me came true to a tee the very next morning after this dream .

There are many many more...but I will spare you ..

After my dream the other night the next day when I told my son and my best friend about it they also had dreams the same night I did ..

My best friends dream was there was fireballs of some kind hitting earth everywhere causing fires and total chaos ...everyone was running and hiding and scared ....

My son had a dream the same night ...that two white planes that looked like a jet slash helicopter ..and on the bottom they were carrying bombs and were dropping them on everything and everyone ..

Sounds really similar to your moms dream ...

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:24 PM
Damn it, man. I knew I shouldn't have read this before I went to bed! I had an adrenaline pumping dream last about about trying to outrun a red..smoke?...haze?....covering the sky. Our (American) soldiers were shooting down anyone trying to get away. Damn it, why does my brain have to be impressionable?!

Hopefully your mom was just having a bad dream. But you never know. Some people are just...sensitive? Hmmm...I like intuitive better.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
She said it felt like a war zone, and it was MY neighborhood.

Do you think that she thinks that it's just in your neighborhood? Does she live in Jacksonville too? The reason I ask is that if she does live in the same city as you, and she's saying it's in your neighborhood, then that would imply that it's very localized (limited to your literal "neighborhood"). If she doesn't live in your city, then maybe it could imply that it's more than just what most people call their "neighborhood" (i.e. "your neighborhood" could mean a larger geographical area).

[edit on 24/3/2010 by Iamonlyhuman]

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