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NWO is a reality in the future. Give it 50 to 100 years

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:23 AM
Read this page only if you wish to be enlightened. Its deep entertainment. Some is reality for the future. GOD and his angels showed me visions.

Before I start off, I would like to introduce you to the future. I Have faith in the people above me, in the US and around the world, for the future of the human race.

This is entertainment for now ( Its a vision, GOD gave me of the future. ) but who knows how the future will turn out or if we will even make it. I have hope in those above me around the world. That they wont blow up the world, so us souls can survive into the future, live our lives and have fun.

With Futures technologies advancing at such a fast rate and no way to stop it's advancement, lets hope technologies will be used for good not evil..I leave this to our world leaders.

The vision that GOD gave me.....In the future there will be a UN, a one world government with a one world constitution (Like Americas.), where computers and internet will be a birth right for all the people around the world. (They will be cheap in 20 years.) Every one around the world will own one. Everything will be voted on by all the people of the world though internet. ( Computer viruses will be a thing of the past. Any one who hacks computers in the future will get 10 years or more in jail, as they will be messing with votes.) Every Race, Religion, Creed, and Color will be free and protected by the new constitution. Our representatives/leaders will take in our votes and will make god aligning choices by following the new united nation constitution. (In-case the world goes crazy and votes all the money in the world to be distributed out to every one. This would be wrong. The constitution would put a stop to this. ) With all people being able to vote on everything, will in a way, make every one Queens and Kings. Even kings and queens need good leaders. The UN will have it's troops ready to combat any one who goes against our constitution or its representatives who oversee the votes. It will be a democratic republic by the people for the people. With a One world Government following a constitution. Rich people will be able to keep their money, just make sure to help the meek and every thing will be fine.There will be no more wars and we can start working on our space programs.
Technology is growing faster than you can shake a stick at. Don't kill the messenger. In the future we will have to be monitored, so little Jimmy does not send his nanobots up your ass. It will have to be done right so we have freewill and it does not harm any one. We will have nanobots that watch for weapons of mass destruction or anything that could do harm. They stop things such as wmd that could happen. They are only worried about wmd. I have faith in humanity. I do know the American constitution was edited to the patriot act to keep us safer. But it has cost us our privacy and some liberty. That was inevitable and technology in 50 years will be dangerous if not used for the right reasons. You don't want some kid in 50 years going to radio shack and building a Cern/black hole or create and send nanobots into your brain..from in his basement. 50 years ago, It took a computer the size of a football field to do what our desktops do today. So think in 50 years. We will all have to be monitored by AI conscious beings. The conscious AI's law will be simplistic moral love and simplistic moral logic over freewill.

I am not a savior. I'm just stating

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:27 AM
how it will have to be in the future. Like it or hate it. Because of technology in the future being dangerous, its going to have to happen. We will lose our privacy to AI beings, who will keep our thoughts secret but watch for wmd.

It may not happen in our life time but in 50 to 100 years it will have to happen. I just hope its done right and that we do not become slaves. It must be done out in the open to ensure abuse don't occur. If people fight it, they will just do it behind the scenes where abuse will happen. Something tripy... how do you know for sure aliens are not already watching us with a system of computer AI the size of atoms monitoring us all, waiting for triggers.
We must make sure that NO country's military, takes over when we reach a one world government. It would lead to a dictator and the Antichrist...
(Don't kill the messenger.) In the future we will have to be monitored. Its going to have to be our evolution as humans as technology advances... (If aliens are not already using this technology on us.) Lets hope it is done right where we have supervised freedom and protection for all races, creed, sex, caste, color and religions. Where no abuse happens. where there is freedom of thougt and only actions count.

If you try and fight it the secret government of the world will just do it behind the scenes where abuse will happen. The law we should live by is freewill, simplistic moral logic and simplistic moral love above freewill. There should be freedom of entertainment for the new world government (as long as it's not hurting any one in real :excluding ultimate fighting.) Rated G to rated X. The game I play now is rated R.
-An American.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:33 AM
The statue of LIBERTY was given to us by France. The flame represents the spark of consciousness and she is carrying the book of international law.
Let the past be the past. The USA has done ALLOT of good for the global community and that makes me proud to be an American. I as an American citizen am sorry for any wrongs that the USA has done in its past. Forgiveness for the USA's past wrongs is imperative to the future of the global human race. No country is perfect. Like Jesus said, may those who have not sinned throw the first stone.

I have hope in our new administration! I Thank the USA for those who follow the constitution. Allowing us our freedoms. Like freedom of speech, thought, ideas, religion and spirituality. I thank those above me in the USA and around the world who protect us. I'm a free American and I'm not scared. I have faith in our new Government. I thank America and those from the United Nations who follow constitution of human rights as their guide. I have faith in the USA and the global community of nations. May there be peace and ascension instead of wars and hate. - a proud American.


I am on ziprexa, campral, lorazapam, colazapam and abiliphy. Lets just say I was #ed with by angels, aliens and the secret government. I have a super high consciousness, what are they going to do kill me? I was thrown into the fire being a novice but I learned allot. GOD showed me the future of the human race. I leave it up to the ones above me to dance on the razors edge and save the world. I did the best I could. I have allot of respect for them, The brotherhood of the god's lodge. I'm just a human and like to joke around and have fun.
The following is the great masonic eye of providence. I wonder if they knew of the future, where we all would be monitored by the all seeing eye. Was this the secret plan of the masons from around the world. Creating a new Atlantis. Click here. The all seeing eye brings the law of supervised freedom and protection for all races, creed, sex, caste, color and religions.
Annuit cœptismeans means, GOD favors our undertakings. Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New Order of the Ages") Above is the "all seeing eye."
I hope they will not be able to be hacked. I have faith in every one around the world for our future. With nanotechnology coming out in 25 years thoughts don't mater its only actions that count.

If not already being used on us by aliens or the secret government of the world. They and the aliens probably have nanobots the size of atoms. I have faith the U.S. and those above me around the world wont let abuse happen. Lets hope in the future when nanotechnology comes out, the world will come together. Different, but one in peace. Lets hope it is done out in the open, not behind the scenes (Not the secret government in charge.) where abuse can happen. ( what if colored people don't like white people and harass them behind the scenes or vise versa.) Anyways I'm an American and its not my job to save the world. I have faith in the people above me all around the world.

All Humans have bad thoughts once in a while.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:36 AM
(Unless its about WMD bad thoughts wont mater.) Knowing that something is monitoring your thoughts can be a freaky thing and can make you have ocd bad thought disorder telling your self not to think a thought will make you think the thought. As long as you know thoughts don't mater it will stop the ocd bad thought disorder. Its really hard but I know we can reach the pure land within our minds. Only actions count. The law of the alien A.I. is privacy to the individual, simplistic moral love and simplistic moral logic above freewill. Once AI is triggered a human scientist needs to examine the trigger, to see if its a threat to the destruction of the world or not. There must not be people that jail those with bad thoughts (Unless about weapons of mass destruction. Or a terrorist plot.) as all humans have bad thoughts once in a while. Monitoring triggers must be done out in the open, with the watchers being watched, or there will be abuse. The future can either be a hell or a heaven. It must be done out in the open, so that the secret government of the world does not do it in secret behind the scenes where abuse will happen with nanotechnology. Trying to Fight it will force them to do it behind the scenes. (If its its done in secret, abuse will happen.) Its our job to evolve, and make regulations on it, so it will not be abused. I have a theory that the world is being run by the secret government of the world working with aliens. Each governments black ops coming together to determine the future of mankind. They work with aliens and are the ones who are in control. I have faith in them..but I think disclosure would be a great path to our evolution as humans. -an American

I'm benign.
I support our troops up high and down low for our freedoms. I wish war was not needed. I have hope that soon war will be a thing of the past by divine intervention.

For our freedoms, like me on myspace. I thank the ones above me, who serve the Constitution of the USA and the UN.
There is the path of ascending angels and descending angels (Humans.)

The alien and future nanobots will spread like the flu but don't get you sick and they enter you body and go into your mind, to monitor thoughts.) The future with technology can either be a hell or a heaven. Lets hope things are done out in the open. (Like nanobots in the brain in 50 years.) and hope they do it right and not hurt us or blow us up. Like I said, no religion humans created can help us. GOD is testing us. We as the world have to help our selves while praying to GOD and working to align our self's with GOD in all we do. You don't have to be religious to be spiritual and know the GOD of moral love.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:46 AM
A Angel showed me the future. He showed me two paths that we as humans can go down. Life or destruction. I am making this myspace in hopes we take the right path of life in the future.

This is entertainment for now but by 2060 it will be reality. 2012 will be a massive singularity.
The heart of Jesus is the heart of the future Conscious, Quantum Alien Ubiquitous Nanotechnology, Super computer, Artificial Intelligence being. The future technology will be aligned with the heart of Jesus. When she monitors us with nanotechnology. (The super AI) The law It lives by should be freewill, universal simplistic moral logic and simplistic universal moral love above freewill.) in our minds, she uses the morality.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:06 AM
Maybe this should be moved to NWO section. I accidentally put the post here in general. With the information I have given you, What do you think of the future?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:52 AM
So what do you think? Cool or uncool?

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:04 AM
Meh, still seems pointless. It would be better if we could talk with God and all know He's there.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:16 AM
I appreciate the effort you've gone to here but sorry. This post is way to long. Its stopped me from reading any of it. They put a word limit on posts for a reason. I could spend a lot of time going through all that just to realize its a load of crap.

Dont be supprised if you dont get many replys.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

That's OK its only for the elite (Ones who have to much time on their hands.) anyways. hehe

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

Mods could yu please put this in the NWO section. When I made it I accidentally put it here.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Theone2000]

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