posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:01 PM
This is exactly what they do. They take a site like this one with plenty of different opinions, mix it up, and create the news in the same way they do
it on the mainstream media. There is no difference. I read the whole 3 pages of reply's and it goes from yeah their might be something to watch....
to complete destruction of AJ credibility. (even though I have to admit that he does fearmonger a bit)
Yes this is a critical time, And yes 9/11 has been the starting point of the comming 3rd world war. How exactly it is going to happen, is still
unknown. We all know that healthcare is not a very fuzzy subject for americans right now. Does not make a lot of you happy. This is certainly what
they are preparing for. There are more chances of a civil war right now then most of you are prepared to admit. Your country is fighting a war that
makes no sense, has few or little real enemies (people in countries that barrely have food and water that are simply trying to defend themselves and
are backed by the bankers who have been as always backing both sides of the fight)
Now there is no real need for a false flag attack right now, as tensions are high in the united states and anything that would happen, would make the
people trust less the governement........They will not cause anything more then they are allready doing right now....
WHEN things go bad, then you will most certainly see something happen to counteract it . Here are the things to check in the upcomming months :
Financial Market, Stock Market, Bonds (james bond)
Oil, Diamonds, gold, silver (watch for fluctuations in sells and transactions)
China and other countries getting rid of US $
Money from the FED eventually loosing all of it's value.....
Healthcare reform bill, Stimulus money, Bankrupcy
And last but not least... The governement crumbling under it's own pressure....
Now these are the real factors to watch. Everything that I have mentioned here, could implecitely cause rioting in the street. And if it does happen,
it will most likelly lead to total war. I believe they create these false flags to avert the civil unrest and try to keep us from being stupid. The
same way that none of you (including me) will ever get disclosure about the alien presence on planet earth. (must be peacefull if we are all here
now... just by logic)
When everything you own, is taken away, and you are left helpless to defend yourself and your familly, that is when the rioting starts. That is when
human tolerance reaches the bottom, and destruction follows.
Ohhh.... And do not for a minute, think that the U.S is not bankrupt... because it's been since even before 1950. So is Japan, China, And most of the
countries that have been hiding it.... Ignorance is bliss I say