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Dem Congressman On Health Bill: Insurance Companies Are "Holding Hostages"

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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Now ask yourself why WALMART, one of the richest companies in America, doesn't cover all of its employees?

Same reason every company with "open enrollment healthcare" doesn't cover all their employees. And when they do, their health care accounts get nulled out annually and whatever was in the account is profit for the corporate headquarters.

Why do you think companies like Walmart and Target invent their own insurance company?

Can you go buy Target insurance without being an employee of Target?


And when Congress does force a company to provide insurance, how does that effect the business?

You mean that Target insurance might suddenly be forced to offer health care to more people than just Target employees?

Quit trying to twist my posts into something I didn't say. It is obvious you want this bill and it is obvious I don't.

We both agree on the need for healthcare reform, we just don't agree on this bill.

It not a twist on your words, as there are other positions about the health care reform.

This healthcare reform heads up competition against insurance companies like Walmart and Target that don't fairly offer health care widely. These companies have thrived on the fact that not everybody is covered, and they health care insurance has helped profited their company more because of the annual returns and complex open enrollment process.

If people are offered health care, by this reform, there is no need to wait for open enrollment process. This reform will help make sure that a family can get the health care it needs until some successful open enrollment process is complete.

With a job, people don't qualify easily for medicaid, medicare, etc. People that lobby against this bill have totally forgotten about this people that try to work and don't qualify for general assistance.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by David9176
Which has to make us all wonder...


Because they are full of S!!!

No because as a party they actually et more in campaign donations than the Democrats. Obama got the most of any single canidate, but the Repulicans get more as a party.

So he calls for reform with a public options. The Republicans come out and appear to fight tooth and nail to stop the public option. Obama says, okay we'll drop the public option. A few democrats put up a fascade of indignation. The public buys in to the whole dance. Then the insurance companies start pocketing our money.

We spent a year screaming at each other while Insurance C.E.Os laughed and slid more money congress's way.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:50 PM
I am continually amazed at this perception that there are so many people out there lobbying for a free ride through life... I simply don't see it.

Undoubtedly those people exist, but what I see much more clearly is a rapidly diminishing middle class ... people who have always been happy to work an honest job, but who just can't make ends meet anymore. People like myself, who have been laid off from jobs that we loved (I was a university lecturer), who only want a fair shake at making an honest living again. I would much rather have my job back than have to be on unemployment, believe me!

I went to an unemployment meeting recently (mandatory) and looked around... what I saw was a room full of professionals, most of us with advanced degrees, who couldn't begin to imagine how we got from point A to point B so rapidly. These are not people who want to be living off the system in any way.... these are people who are trying desperately to find work again.

Losing one's job also means losing access to health care, and unfortunately, this bill doesn't seem help that situation at all. At best, it will force the unemployed into Medicaid, which is not a system most of us want to be forced into!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by jam321

You nailed it. As a smoker I;ve been paying ridiculous taxes on tobacco so "I can help the children" by footing the bill for SCHIP. Yippee, I raised 4 of my own now I get to pay for EVERYONE.
Why don;t we stop paying women to have babies that they don;t care to provide for? (not to mention impregnated by men that they didn't bother to discuss birth control with or do anything about it).

If this were my living room you would be hearing a plethora of cuss words right now.
Flat out this is greed disguised as altruism.

Now for the tasteless joke of the day-
Anchor babies - you know I tried to use one that way only to find out they float!

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

So sad that people still doesn't get it, is not free health care, poor people will still fall under Medicare, yes you hear me under Medicare as they do now, those that work are the only ones that will be target by this bill.

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