Article Headline: Attorney-General Michael Atkinson to quit front bench.
[Please NOTE this is in Australia and refers to the South Australia State election and issues to do with R18+ ratings classification for computer
games re: Censorship.]
Story Snippet: "TROUBLE-plagued Attorney-General Michael Atkinson is expected to announce within the next few minutes that he will not recontest the
ministry, following the State Election."
[Please see article for full story. And please watch the 1m55s video embedded on the linked page.]
Explanation: Mr Atkinson has just found out that when you go pushing peoples buttons that they shove back.
That's right Mr Atkinson...put down the wii/xbox360/sony controller and go lick ya wounds!
I provide this as evidence, along with Obama's brilliant use of the internet and the marshalling of those demographics that are savvy with it, that
both TPTB and us i.e. ATS membership, Anonymous, bloggers ect. are currently on what appears to be a new and equal playing field. Use it wisely OK!
The battles have already begun [i.e. china vs google, anonymous vs aust gov, anonymous vs scientology, china vs usa, ect!] and Mr Atkinson serves as a
political scalp that we can believe in and hold high as a trophy for both free speech and also for appropriate censorship ratings
Personal Disclosure: I salute the internet and its membership of free speech advocates, without which this post would be impossible!
Mr Rudd and Mr Conroy might just want to recalibrate their attitude before the next elections or I might just have to loudly advocate...
$&F! Let this be a lesson to those that would ruin games for gamers. As a PS3 owner I feel like this is a good step towards a different direction and
with time maybe better rating games can come into play.