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WTC7 phoneboot explosion sound pinned to corner Murray Str-W.Broadway, 2 blocks from WTC7.

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posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:46 PM
I've noticed something when listening to that video. That one firefighter that runs up to them sayin they should get back , not because Seven is exploding, but Seven is going to fall down. Listen very closely. Its sounds nothing like "Seven's exploding", but "You gotta get back, Seven's gonna fall down." And the guy says "I know that."

I dont know where people hear "Seven's exploding" since what the guy is actually saying is, "Seven's gonna fall down".

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

You really think they are saying "seven's gonna fall down" and not "seven's exploding"?

I'll just let the video speak for itself.

"We gotta get back...We gotta get back, Seven's exploding."

I know how to speak English, thank you.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by bsbray11]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Are you kidding? There is no "Seven's exploding" being said anywhere! None!
The new firefighter says when he runs up to them, "We gotta bet back, Seven's gonna fall down." Where in the video does anyone say "Get back get back Seven's exploding?" I sure as hell do not hear it and never heard anything like it before. In fact I always wondered who started the lie that they did say it. No offense, but I doubt your understanding of English. Especially when you can clearly hear "fall down" and NOTHING about exploding. Geeze even listening to the words themselves you can tell by the amount of syllables: "Seven's gonna fall down." 6 syllables right there. I can hear the syllables of it. "Seven's exploding" has only 5. I can hear six syllables when that firefighter says his statement. Please dont lie that he says Seven's exploding. Remove the filters from your ears and listen closely. Even watch his mouth move as he says it. I hear it clear as day, "Seven's gonna fall down." It could also be "The second is gonna fall down".

The words as best as I can hear them:
Policeman 1 (the guy on the phone with the cloth over his head)
"Heres one of the guys that can tell you that I'm OK, allright? (hands phone to Policeman 2) here you you want to call your mother or something?"
Policeman 2 (tall guy with black air mask and gray cloth over shoulder)
Loud noise makes the two policemen flinch and look around towards the South (The direction of the WTC Towers).
Fireman 1 walks up from east (wearing white mask)
"(You are ?) not supposed to be right now, you gotta get back from here, you know that, they gotta get back, the second's gonna fall down....
Fireman 2 (previously unseen, wearing helmet and black mask)
"Allright just hold it, I know"
Policeman 1
"dont' worry about me"
Fireman 2
"you need to make calls, I know"

[edit on 4/1/2010 by GenRadek]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Joey Canoli

I thought you were talking about the OP video of WTC 7.

Anyway, what I hear in the Trinity Church video is a massive explosion which then collapse ensues. Hear all that "roaring" noise? Right after the explosion happens, the roaring sound is heard while the building is barely moving. That roaring sound is all the hundreds of explosives being detonated.

The Trinity Church is almost a half-mile away from the WTC. If that were a natural collapse, you wouldn't hear building parts crashing into each other that loudly that far away. You're hearing the loud explosives being detonated in rapid sequence.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
Are you kidding? There is no "Seven's exploding" being said anywhere!

You should keep playing the audio over and over again to make sense of what is being said.

The firefighter in the middle that comes up says "We gotta get back, Seven's exploding" and the firefighter on the very right says "I know".

He clearly says "exploding". Sorry you don't hear that.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

I think you guys are just trying to hear something that just isnt there. I listened to that clip quite a few times, even had my brother listen to it, and he also said it sounds like the one firefighter running up to them says, "we gotta get back, seven's gonna fall down," or "the second's gonna fall down." You can even hear him say "fall DOWN" right when the second firefighter overlaps him saying "Just hold it I know".

unless you guys are mistaking "just hold it" for "exploding". Ahh wait I got it. You guys are totally mishearing what they are saying. The first firefighter runs up to them saying "we gotta get back, the second's gonna fall down," and he is almost cut off by the second firefighter that is saying to him "Just hold it, I know". Listen very closely and again, remove that selective hearing you have which filters out everything but what you want to hear.

[edit on 4/1/2010 by GenRadek]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
remove that selective hearing you have which filters out everything but what you want to hear.

Firstly, stop making false accusations. I never even payed attention to that part until I saw you two debating it. So I'm hearing it for the first time. There are no preconceptions unless you'd simply like to call me a liar.

Secondly, this is what I hear after listening to it a couple dozen more times:

Firefighter in the middle runs up and says "We gotta get back, Seven's exploding".

Firefighter on the very right says either "It's gonna come down, I know." or "Ok, calm down, I know".

You're mixing the two, but the word "exploding" is very audible and definitely present.

I'm now done with this debate and moving on.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
I think you guys are just trying to hear something that just isnt there

Man, YOU are hearing something that's not there. He clearly says "seven's," and then the word after that is clearly THREE SYLLABLES and nowhere near "gonna fall down." He even puts emphasis on "ex-PLOD-ing", which doesn't fit into "gonna fall down" at all.

Are you from the US man? East coast? Do you speak our language? Keep listening to it. Maybe we are not even talking about the same person.

Geez is right. We should start a thread polling Americans about what they are hearing.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

And the firefighter video? Honest researchers about 9/11 - which doesn't include you - have done the analysis that I stated. We're working on getting a similar forensic analysis put together like was done for the Trinity Church thing.

This includes contacting Lucia Davis - who as I pointed out, is the filmographer of that piece - and getting original footage. If that happens though, I suspect that none of you will be swayed as to the ridiculousness of your continued claims....

Huh? So just to translate this last comment for anyone who didn't happen to catch it...

JoeyC, and his so called honest 9/11 researchers have a working theory, whereas they believe that the explosion sound was inserted into the video.

As I had suspected, your first post claiming that this was old news and had been debunked a few years ago was a total stretch of the imagination, as another member mentioned they thought it was.

You had me going though, I actually spent some time trying to see what available information there was on this thorough debunking of the Davis shot.

Oddly(I thought at the time), there wasn't a single anything found...I couldn't even find a blog talking about your claim(a lot about the Davis shot that was previously available years ago when I first looked into this, I thank you for that).

I figured this was why no link was added upon request, you did the old bait and switch trick, uh let's talk about the Trinity church video, righttt.

Seriously though, I hope you do let us know what you guys came up with because this video has always interested me and the more people analyzing it the better.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by GenRadek

I got a question for you...

I found a few other places where the guys there had analyzed the video to estimate the time frame. The new ones seem to think 10:15am, the old pdf I read on it had estimated 10:10am. Either way the explosion sound seems to occur shortly after tower two's collapse.

If this is all correct, how would the fire fighters believe seven was going to fall down? My limited knowledge of the dynamics of the towers collapses still tell me that there was zero damage done to seven at this point. Is this not correct? I have a hard time believing that after the south tower collapsed, that there would be any fire fighters on the scene thinking that the untouched tower seven (at this point) would be "falling down".

What does make sense is that the explosion sound is heard, everyone(including the camera operator) instantly turn towards tower seven, the fire fighter says "seven is exploding/falling down" (referring to the explosion, some would say) while he points towards tower seven.

Try watching the video with the sound off, and imagine you were given a question to answer, one that said "does fire fighter3 say "tower seven is exploding" or does he say "tower seven is falling down"?

Isn't the logical, more likely answer, the first one based off the actions of all the people in the video?

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Anyway, what I hear in the Trinity Church video is a massive explosion which then collapse ensues.

So then I guess you didn't read the pdf.

Like the phone booth video, the explosions are stereo, while everything else is in mono.

It's a fake, and I believe it was uploaded by a Holocaust denier with the screen name coffinman, from Manchester, England.

You fell for the lie cuz it fits your preconceived beliefs.

Very sad...

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by PersonalChoice

Either way the explosion sound seems to occur shortly after tower two's collapse.

Isn't the logical, more likely answer, the first one based off the actions of all the people in the video?


The most logical would as Gen Radek pointed out. Like he says, what the guy is saying is "the second's gonna fall down". Meaning of course, the second tower.

7 wasn't really hit by 2's collapse, but by 1's. So there would be zero reason for them to be talking about 7 AT ALL at this point.

So like Bone_z, you also are falling for the lies that they are referring to 7, since it fits your preconceived beliefs.

Very sad......

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:09 AM

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by _BoneZ_

I think you guys are just trying to hear something that just isnt there.

[edit on 4/1/2010 by GenRadek]

It's clearly audible. The guy in the background says "seven is exploding."

Play it again, it's there.

RIP Barry Jennings. You will not be forgotten.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by shasta9600

reply to post by bsbray11

reply to post by _BoneZ_

I've played it more times that I can count, and everytime, there is NO mention of anything exploding. And after listening constantly, I no longer hear anything about Seven WTC, but reference to the second WTC thats going to collapse.

I hear the younger firefighter (one in the middle) who just ran up to the group gesturing towards the WTCs, saying, "We gotta get back, the second's gonna fall" (just focus on him and his mouth as he is talking) and at the same time I hear the firefighter on the right with the black cloth over his face say, "HOLD IT, I know." You can see his jaw moving as he says those words. Two different voices at the same time. Neither says "exploding". I hear no "p's" or "-ploding's" in either man's sentences. Watch the jaw of the firefighter on the right with the black cloth over his face. Watch it move as he says "Hold it I know" just as the middle FF says, "the second's gonna fall down." You are hearing both at the same time, and stretching it you hear somehow, "Seven's exploding". Well thanks for telling me to listen to it over and over. Its just confirmed and reinforced what I said and heard. I asked my brother without telling him what is being said and had him tell me what he heard. What he heard was something along the lines of: "we gotta get back, the s**t's gonna fall down," and "Hold it I know". He laughed when I told him they were suppose to be saying "Seven's exploding". I'm laughing too.

And yes, you are selectively hearing what you want to hear. I'm not calling any of you liars, but you have all fallen for the lie of the firefighters saying "Seven's exploding". And if you are going to repeat blindly that they said "exploding" i dont know what to say, other than you have fallen for another "truther" lie. But if you know that I am right, there is no "Seven's exploding" being said, and yet you continue to push it constantly, well what are you doing then?

There are TWO separate sentences being said by two firefighters at almost the same time. One is saying: they gotta get back, the second's (or s**t's) gonna fall, and the other is telling him to: hold it I know.

[edit on 4/2/2010 by GenRadek]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli
So then I guess you didn't read the pdf.

Actually I did. I got the link to the original video from the PDF and my post was based off of the original.

Wanna retract your statements now?

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek

And yes, you are selectively hearing what you want to hear. I'm not calling any of you liars, but you have all fallen for the lie of the firefighters saying "Seven's exploding".

Personal Choice has the clues they need to determine the truth.

He's discovered that it happened between 2 and 1's collapse, BEFORE debris hit 7.

Therefore, logic would dictate that they are NOT talking about 7, but as you said, the second one (1) is gonna fall too.

Let's see if they can make this leap onto the side of logic, and run away from truther "urban legends"..........

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by Joey Canoli
So then I guess you didn't read the pdf.

Actually I did. I got the link to the original video from the PDF and my post was based off of the original.

Wanna retract your statements now?

Sure, I'll retract my original statement then.

You read the pdf, but your preconceived beliefs about 9/11 prohibits you from actually absorbing the info contained therein.

Very sad........

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli
You read the pdf, but your preconceived beliefs about 9/11 prohibits you from actually absorbing the info contained therein.

My post was based off what is heard in the original video, period. Plain and simple. The camera is over a half-mile away from the WTC. The loud explosion at collapse initiation and the "roaring" sound right after are all explosives being detonated. You will not hear the building parts crashing through themselves that loud, that far away. Especially when the roaring sounds when the building isn't even hardly moving yet.

Not to mention the time it takes sound to travel. That means the roaring started before the building started moving which means explosives are being detonated and the roaring is absolutely not from the building itself collapsing.

Originally posted by Joey Canoli
Very sad........

Care to enlighten us as to what is "very sad" since you keep repeating it?

[edit on 2-4-2010 by _BoneZ_]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by Joey Canoli
You read the pdf, but your preconceived beliefs about 9/11 prohibits you from actually absorbing the info contained therein.

My post was based off what is heard in the original video, period.

So you admit that you reject the forensic analysis and refuse to comment on it. Instaed, you prefer to make subjective statements about what you believe you hear, rather than address the objective facts that can't be challenged.


Originally posted by Joey Canoli
Very sad........

Care to enlighten us as to what is "very sad" since you keep repeating it?

That so many of you claim to be honest researchers, and yet, when provided with objective evidence of video fakery, the TM runs away and relies on subjective statements about what they hear, rather than jump to the side of logic and reason and examine their preconceived beliefs about the events of 9/11.

Clear enuf?

[edit on 2-4-2010 by Joey Canoli]

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