posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:55 AM
As a law abiding citizen that has been involved in my country and political process, as a father and husband and farmer and just regular hard working
Joe, I am terribly dissappointed and very, very frustrated at what Congress and our President are doing.
Yes, we are on the verge of totalitarian dictatorship... Taxation without Representation. I have to weigh my words here and now, as one day they may
be used against me... will I give the Feds reason to use them against me?
As usual, I want to pursue the normal, lawful, and Constitutional steps to achieve change and protect my rights. However, if the current situation
continues to deteriorate, I have to ask myself...
What will I do next? What will my next step be? What would I risk to do mypart in re-establishing the America I grew up in? How far would I go, what
deeds would I do... to do what I believe is right?
Imagine if you will, that it is the same moment for us, that some colonist farmer/tradesmanexperienced some 230 years ago. We have protested...civily.
We have written letters, posted hand bills and signs and placards. We have contacted the government. We have done all we can lawfully do...and yet
THEY WILL NOT LISTEN. They...the government WILL DO WHAT IT WANTS, irregardless of what the people say.
So now, we find ourselves in the tavern...with our fellow belligerant citizens, ... frustrated, angry, scared, weighing our homes, our futures, our
families...against what we know in our hearts is right. We hear the distant approaching snare drums...the fifes... the sound of men marching in order.
The time to respond is quickly upon us.....
What will we do? What will you do? What will I do?
Some will say Nothing. Some will say there is nothing we can do, or that we dare not do. I say I WILL... the question is, Will You Do,Too?