posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 04:21 PM
This is incorrect. Whoever designed this "talisman" did so poorly. The words are supposed to be:
It's an old ceremonial Grimoire magic square. It comes from the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage, a common magickal textbook in societies
like the Golden Dawn and the Aurum Solis. It means: The Creator Arepo holds the wheels of work. However, since the talisman creator misconstrued this,
I immediately consider your talisman to be bunk.
For the sake of fun though, here is the rest:
Bast is the Egyptian deity who protects children and a type of avenger commonly called the Eye of Ra.
Hathor is the Mother Goddess of Ancient Egypt. Cow-headed she mid-wives deities, defends Ra, and generally watches over all of creation with a
Mother's loving eye. Hugely popular with Neo-pagans.
Anubis is the illegitimate child of Set, and guardian of the Gates of the Afterlife. Jackal-headed he moves the bodies and souls of the deceased to
the Halls of Amenti. Again, a popular Egyptian deity with modern Neo-pagans.
Horus is the thrice-born Falcon-headed God of the sun in all of it's locations. He is also crown Prince of the United Kingdoms of Upper and Lower
Egypt, rival to Set, defender of Ra's Sun Barque and a whole host of other things.
Harpocrates is an interesting one. He is actually the Greek God of Silence and other stuff. However, the Greeks borrowed Harpocrates from the
Egyptians, and the deity they lifted Harpocrates from is none other than Horus. The creator of your magic amulet messed up again.
Isis is the wife of Osiris, restorer of life after her husbands death. Mother Earth, the Mother of Magic, etc. She's prominent in mythology and even
a pre-cursor to Mary the Virgin mother of Jesus.
Sothis is the "Dog Star," Sirius, which was instrumental in Egyptian pyramid construction. Sothis itself was not a deity. Lachen/Lachim is
traditionally considered the deity embodiment of Sothis, if any did ever exist at all.
All of the "demon" names are from various Goetic origins. Which you already discovered. However, on their own they are powerful, together nothing
can be done with them. They can only be worked by utilizing their appropriate sigil and "spell" as found in the Goetia. Placing them around the
amulet probably only serves an aesthetic purpose.
The geometric desings in the actual pentagram I cannot really make sense of. They're not familiar to me.
It seems like what you have here is someone with a layman's understanding of ceremonial magick, or Thaumaturge. They attempted to mock the Holy
Pantacle of John Dee and his Enochian magical system. Unfortunately, as pointed out by the flaws I noticed, this talisman undermines it's own
Sorry to disappoint.
~ Wandering Scribe