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911 DISINFORMATION and Far-out Theories : Proof of Coverup

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:02 PM
As predicted in some of my threads this month ( dated march 7th, the 911 forums will be littered with outrageous theories that have been debunked long time ago as the truth movement gains some credibility and ground in the pursuit of information awareness pertaining to the events of Spetember 11 2001.

The 911 movement consists of not only debunkers but Pseudo-truthers. These people act like truthers but solicit far-out theories in the name of 911 truth. These theories usually are about already debunked or overly discussed topics such as Space weapons, Missile Pods, Holograms, Tv Fakery, Windowless planes, CGI, Flight 93 shoot down, no planes at wtc, Exotic weapons, and other nonsensical theories meant to discredit the 911 truth movement and really lead you down a dead end dirty road.

Their intention is that they hope that lurkers or curious people who want to see what this whole 911 truth movemenet is about come across forums such as this one and find that 'Truthers' are talking about crazy , far-fetched, non reality based theories. They hope this leads the reader to think that after 8 years, this is all the truth movement has for evidence of a conspiracy which is further from the truth.

911 cover-up is not just lying about what happened or ignoring facts but actually installing people to inject nonsensical theories to muddy the waters and turn off the casual investigator by alienating and insulting their intelligence.

Here is a video about some of the more well know players in this 911 game

Mild Profanity, please use discretion.


The objectives and methods of disinformation are quite sophisticated. Here are a few of the main strategies:

The Straw Man Argument/Sensationalism - by promoting speculative, sensational, and false evidence, opponents can setup easily debunkable or dismissable points that can be used to lend credence to their position. The opposition prefers dealing with topics that can be easily countered, or that simply make 9/11 skeptics look like kooks. Controlled demolition and no plane at the Pentagon are some of the most incredible theories in the movement. Whether or not there is prevalent evidence to support these theories almost doesn’t matter if the public is likely to be incredulous and quickly dismiss them. At TruthMove, we find controlled demolition to be a compelling hypothesis but not theories of a missile or military plane at the Pentagon. Sensational issues such as these also have a way of overshadowing the drier, more documentary evidence. If, for example, controlled demolition captures your imagination, you may not be so interested in the hundreds of other details that together make a watertight case for government complicity.

=Muddying the Waters= - making it harder to discern the real evidence/researchers/websites from the fake ones. This approach both frustrates efforts at understanding the subject and makes the project less focused and more frustrating to be a part of. For example, when a newcomer visits the Scholars for 9/11 Truth site, and sees that there are two exclusive, competing groups (that are each essentially calling the other “disinfo”), they might become frustrated or dismissive with the whole movement. While one may be interested in researching and “getting to the bottom of 9/11,” distinguishing between honest information and disinformation, between trustworthy and suspect sources becomes another time-consuming, distracting layer of investigation.

Bad Jacketing/Death by Association/Smear Campaign= - by including the target idea/individual/movement along with another topic or personality that is disliked or discredited (UFOs, anti-semitism, nazis, etc.), the original subject can be smeared and dismissed. These smear campaigns can be extremely effective, as most people are very concerned with the image of a group or subject that they might get involved with. While not entirely due to disinformation, you can see this dynamic at work in the generalized image of “conspiracy theories.” For some reason, many diverse topics—UFOs, 9/11, JFK, Illuminati, Satanism, New World Order, Shapeshifting Aliens—are commonly conflated with each other in people’s minds.

Paranoia/Divide and Conquer - one of the most effective ways to destroy a group is to sow distrust among members. COINTELPRO is known to have supplied false information in order create suspicion between authentic progressive activists. Seemingly paradoxically, disinformation agents may actually promote discussion of disinformation/infiltration in order to increase paranoia. Such efforts may be targeted at creating suspicion around real and effective evidence/materials/activists.


What you should look out for is threads from users who will debunk really damaging theories that have credibility then support off the wall theories.

Right now on ATS there are a couple of threads that have been started that entertain some of these theories mentioned. What has been disclosed is that some of these users are actually people who hate the 911 truth movement and log on and pretend to be 911 truthers. Their aim is to discredit the movement.

The 911 cover up is happening right now right in front of your face.

Remember all good lies contain 90% truth.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

[edit on 18-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Here is a link pertaining to 911 disinformation

Excerpts from the site...... read on please at the link provided.

No Planes Theory

The "No Planes Theory" (NPT) comes in various forms including the "No Big Boeing Theory" (NBBT) and "TV-Fakery". These theories are highly flawed and are largely based on the idea that all evidence of planes such as eye-witness statements, video, photos, and debris are fake and/or planted. This notion is promoted by a very specific handful of individuals and is in no way representative of the beliefs of the 9/11 truth movement as a whole.

Star Wars Beam Weapons Theory

The "Star Wars Beam Weapons Theory" or "Directed Energy Weapons Theory" supposes that the twin towers were destroyed via highly concentrated energy directed at the twin towers from an orbiting satellite or terrestrial location. This theory was put forth by Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood in 2006 and has been universally rejected by the majority of the 9/11 truth movement for its incredible implausibility.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:14 PM
On the otherside of Disinformation there is also Rules to identify these folks by their tactics.

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
2. Become incredulous and indignant
3. Create rumor mongers
4. Use a straw man
5. Sidetrack opponents w name calling, ridicule
6. Hit and Run
7. Question motives
8. Invoke authority
9. Play Dumb
10. Associate opponent charges with old news
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions
12. Enigmas have no solution
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic
14. Demand complete solutions
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions
16. Vanish evidence and witnesses
17. Change the subject
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad
19. Ignore facts, demand impossible proofs
20. False evidence
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor
22. Manufacture a new truth
23. Create bigger distractions
24. Silence critics
25. Vanish

Learn more here about certain tactics you have most likely seen but didnt know for sure why there were being implemented. I am sure some of you by know have been alienated by these tactics.

From the appropriately titled page

[edit on 18-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:50 PM
It seems to me that this whole thread is designed to be propaganda to discredit the truth movement and to try to have them fighting among themselves

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:51 PM
So in a nutshell, anyone who post an opinion, post or thread that does not jive with what someone else believes or thinks is just an agent of disinformation.

I think that was tried in Germany in the 1940's...I could be wrong but I'm not.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by warisover
It seems to me that this whole thread is designed to be propaganda to discredit the truth movement and to try to have them fighting among themselves

Those who peddle the theories in the OP are not considered part of the truth movement and are actually considered the ones that are purposefully and willfully trying to discredit the truth movement. And since the peddlers of disinfo theories are not considered truthers, we're not fighting amongst ourselves.

I made a similar thread about a week ago and it can be seen here:

And just to make it clear before you go killing the messenger, the research organizations in the truth movement dictate what theories they will support and not. And none of them support the theories in the OP of my thread or this thread. Two main ones discussed on this forum are "no planes at the WTC" and "energy weapons", so my thread deals with those specifically and there are many articles and debunks of both.

If anyone has a problem with these facts, I suggest you take it up with the research organizations and ask each one of them specifically why they won't support "alternate theories". Anything else is just preaching to the choir.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by mikelee
So in a nutshell, anyone who post an opinion, post or thread that does not jive with what someone else believes or thinks is just an agent of disinformation.

Not true. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and theories. Certain theories like "no planes at the WTC" have been found to be purposeful disinformation. There is a short list of names of people that made up the no-plane disinfo to purposely discredit the truth movement because they have past grievances with the truth movement.

The few that made up the "no plane at the WTC" theories are considered disinfo artists. They actually created the disinfo. They falsify information and add it in with truthful information. They take images and tweak them until it fits their "theories". That is creating purposeful disinformation, plain and simple. And that's why no research organization in the truth movement supports "no planes at the WTC", and most have even banned the discussion of it (except for Pilots still allows discussion in a buried forum).

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Good post Bonez.

These people rarely offer any good advice or material and seem they get off on just talking about nonsense. They actually believe that people are taking what they say seriously.

These people in questions are all about far out silly theories but when they are show evidence that goes against the official story that is pretty damning and not far fetched, they reject it in the name of 911 truth in attempts to make it look like truthers are fighting each other (in fighting). like, " I dont care that person x said 911 was an inside job even if he is in the military and has inside sources with proof but i do believe the planes were CGI and holograms.

In another thread this Wtc - no planer basically said that the planes were laser guided to its targets but was only a hologram generated by cgi and that eyewitnesses who were there were under some mass delusional state.

Like what!?

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 09:36 AM
they have certainly driven me to lose interest in any discussions of it. I think you are probably right OP, sounds like an excellent tactic if that's your objective.

What a shame.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by mikelee
So in a nutshell, anyone who post an opinion, post or thread that does not jive with what someone else believes or thinks is just an agent of disinformation.

Not true. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and theories. Certain theories like "no planes at the WTC" have been found to be purposeful disinformation. There is a short list of names of people that made up the no-plane disinfo to purposely discredit the truth movement because they have past grievances with the truth movement.

The few that made up the "no plane at the WTC" theories are considered disinfo artists. They actually created the disinfo. They falsify information and add it in with truthful information. They take images and tweak them until it fits their "theories". That is creating purposeful disinformation, plain and simple. And that's why no research organization in the truth movement supports "no planes at the WTC", and most have even banned the discussion of it (except for Pilots still allows discussion in a buried forum).

The entire "disnfo" thing is being used by a few people who either support certain groups or people who are directly involved with these groups. Just as there are (in my opinion) gov dis info types there are 911 conspriacy dis info types who keep dividing the waters for their own self serving purposes. The 911 issue is paying off for some people now and many are trying to make a "my theory is better than yours" fight out of it when all they are really doing, is stirring the pot of already muddy waters here.

All of the folks who keep spreading dis-info "alert info" are likened (in my opinion) to the Gestapo in not only their tactics but their infiltration of objective discussion boards & forums on the internet.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

These people rarely offer any good advice or material and seem they get off on just talking about nonsense. They actually believe that people are taking what they say seriously.

Describes perfectly those involved with spreading "dis info warning material * info" for the purpose of division so that they propagate their group's theorys or individual's opinions.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Frakkerface
they have certainly driven me to lose interest in any discussions of it. I think you are probably right OP, sounds like an excellent tactic if that's your objective.

What a shame.

It is a shame and another tactic they use is that these no planers are disinfo spreaders will more than likely accuse me of being part of some gestapo or group.

Saying things like " people who warn others that disinfo tactics are being used are most likely disnfo artists themselves".

Wow, I am being called disinfo for saying that cgi, hologram, space weapon theoris are unproven and debunked by the 911 truth community.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Just agreeing with you. Thats all.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

The few that made up the "no plane at the WTC" theories are considered disinfo artists. They actually created the disinfo. They falsify information and add it in with truthful information. They take images and tweak them until it fits their "theories". That is creating purposeful disinformation, plain and simple. And that's why no research organization in the truth movement supports "no planes at the WTC", and most have even banned the discussion of it (except for Pilots still allows discussion in a buried forum).

Actually, it's all just a matter of degrees, vis-a-vis the truther vs debunker arguments.

You, and other, have drawn the line at no planers, energy weapons, nukes, etc.... and have decided that they are nonsense. On the other side of the line, you have decided that thermxte, explosives, etc are the truth and plausible.

This is where your own personal incredulity/gullibility takes you.

On this side of the fence, we don't believe, nor have we seen positive or even believeable proof or evidence of the things that you have accepted regarding the events of 9/11.

A perfect example of this is the April Gallup lawsuit. Her lawsuit is stupid, and was thrown out.

The TM will learn nothing from this. Instead, they will be offended, have their egos bruised (even though the vast majority are anonymous) and instead will argue even stronger, rather than examine themselves.

It's like a person I know that went off their Lexapro. This person was taking it for anxiety, and was able to have good personal relationships. When they quit taking it, their perception was that everyone else around them changed. This person was not able to realize that it was THEM that had changed. They were not able to realize that, no, everyone else hadn't changed. It was them. They were wrong. They were not able to learn from it.

This is the TM.

Unable to learn......

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 11:04 AM
Lets see if I got this right.

Theories that you deem to out there are propaganda to make the truther movement look bad.

Theories that you deem are possible is the only theories truthers are allowed to believe in or they are not accepted into your club.

Those who believe in the OS and think your theories are out there are seen as disinfo agents or sheeple.

That about covers it?

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Berserker01
Lets see if I got this right.

Theories that you deem to out there....
That about covers it?

I have met the people involved in spreading blatant disinformation while turning a buck. I have had them admit to me that they know they are spreading lies. I have had them try to hire me through a headhunter service to spread these lies.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Berserker01
Theories that you deem to out there are propaganda to make the truther movement look bad.

There's no "you" in this discussion, so let's drop that word. These "out there" theories have been looked at by quite a few professionals and researched thoroughly, found to have no merit, and deemed disinfo.

So, in place of "you" in your sentence, you can put "9/11 truth movement".

Originally posted by Berserker01
Theories that you deem are possible is the only theories truthers are allowed to believe in or they are not accepted into your club.

Again, nobody is telling anybody what theories people are allowed to believe in or not. Science, research, and fact-checking are what dictates the theories that the truth movement accepts.

Originally posted by Berserker01
Those who believe in the OS and think your theories are out there are seen as disinfo agents or sheeple.

There are a few OS believers that would defend the OS no matter what evidence is presented, even if Bush came right out and said that yes, he ordered "Operation 9/11" to be carried out. The answer to your statement here would be yes. There are a few on this forum that easily stand out of the crowd and defend the OS at all costs. They sign up here and only post in the 9/11 forum, defending the OS, ignoring any evidence to the contrary.

One of the above people I mention wouldn't even look at the evidence in a thread before making a post about the information. If someone can't look objectively at any evidence before making a post about the evidence, then they have some other ulterior motives.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

I have met the people involved in spreading blatant disinformation while turning a buck. I have had them admit to me that they know they are spreading lies. I have had them try to hire me through a headhunter service to spread these lies.

That's odd.

I've met truthers that have admitted that THEY lie in their posts. They also admitted that they were being paid to do this.

And I also have been recruited by a headhunter service to join their ranks, to tell lies about 9/11 being an "inside jobby job".

See what I did there?

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

I will use whatever language I see fit in my posts thank YOU.

Many experts have come forward and said that this was not a controlled demolition, but YOU seem keen on disagreeing with them. Why can't those who believe in the out there theories not have the same leeway that you want without YOU telling them that they are a hinderance to YOUR movement?

The only merit any of YOUR arguements carry is what you give them. Nobody else gives them any. So why should yours not be seen as disinfo? You have no idea what happened that day (if you don't believe the OS) so why should YOU dictate what is disinfo and not?

The truth movement accepts only what they want to believe and that is the government directly or indirectly caused 9/11. Anything else is seen as disinfo no matter who says it.

I can point you to several people who will not look at anything that pertains to 9/11 that doesn't suggest the government was involved. I work with a guy who says the WTC was demolished because you can see the building cracking in the middle and he won't hear anything to the contrary.

I just can't wrap my brain around how smug YOU guys are to some of your own people. Oh well, to each their own. Both sides of your group are wrong anyways and YOU are just spreading disinfo, so what do I care.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

Originally posted by Berserker01
Lets see if I got this right.

Theories that you deem to out there....
That about covers it?

I have met the people involved in spreading blatant disinformation while turning a buck. I have had them admit to me that they know they are spreading lies. I have had them try to hire me through a headhunter service to spread these lies.

Right, people who make money telling lies told you that they are telling them to make a dollar and you believed them.

See that goes back to my saying that you guys will believe anything so as long as it fits into your little world.

By the way I fix space ships for a living. I make about 100,000 space dollars a year.

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