posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 07:47 PM
Here is a good rule of thumb that will carry you until the day you die.
Go higher than the guy you talked to. (Let's say the principle is Mr. A) If Mr. A can not help you, then ask Mr. A (not in a nasty way) who is above
him. Then tell Mr. A you will speak to Mr.B (the person above Mr. A). Sometimes that is a nice kick in the ass because no one likes to have someone
tell their boss that they can't handle a problem.
If that still fails to properly motivate Mr. A, then go talk to Mr. B, but be sure to say right in the begining that you have a problem, and you have
spoken to Mr. A, and that he could not help you. If Mr. B can not help you, then do the same thing again until you reach someone with enough nuts or
authority to help.
If nothing else works, have your parents start with Mr. A, and do the same thing you just did.
If that doesn't work (and I am serious here) call the local (small time) newspaper and tell them your story (have people to back it up). Have them
write a story or write a VERY good but scalding Letter to the Editor.
Then stealthily plant a few copies on the desk of your teacher and some other key officials around the school.
You know which wheel gets the grease right? Problem solved.