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One Week Away from Major Terrorist Event

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posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Really? i guess thats why 2,000 Al Qaeda members have been either killed or captured since the war started. Tell me how many did your good friend Clinton get? You think your other friend kerry will do any better than Clinton?

I guess Al Qaeda prefer to be hunted and killed rather than living with noone after them and still making terrorist attacks...

I never claimed Clinton was a friend. I agree, 2,00 Al Queda dying is a very good thing. And it's worth the 20,000 or so Iraqi and Afghanistan civilians that accidently died, not to mention the nearly 1000 U.S. servicemen who have died. I vailiantly support any man who assists in the killing of our young men and women in order to keep this country safe. Especially if anyone who opposes him is defaced for a lack of patriotism! It worked great for the Nazis, why can't we do it too? I mean, hell, when the first pictures came out of Aushwicz in '39, Hitler and Himmler vehemently denied the pictures were real. And even when they did admit to some of them being accurate, it was explained: you see, these people being gassed and baked were Jewish Nationalists. They had it in for the State. They were terrorists, and wanted to destroy the Greatest Nation, and it's purpose, The Third Reich, and it's purpose, the purification of the Fatherland. How dare they! Heimlich even said "God wanted this man to rule Germany." We all know, God doesn't just put anyone in power. And he certainly wouldn't put someone corrupt in charge of the Greatest Nation!

Anyone remember just before the invasion, Bush took a trip to Egypt. The Prime Minister said, publicly (I'll see if I can find the story), that we should not invade Iraq. "You have one Osama Bin Laden," he told Bush, "But if you do this, you will create a million more."

He's just a dumb Arab, though, with no knowledge of how them damn Iraqis think. I say we nuke the whole bunch, and pave that desert over. Screw 'em. They don't even drink Mountain Dew, for God's sake.

It was those prisoner's fault, anyways. They were born in Iraq. That means they are terroists, you know. The whole damn country. Worshipping some Alan guy, or something. What a bunch of idiots.

And don't get me started on France and Germany. They're just pissed cause the oil contracts they had with Iraq are gone now, and Halliburton refused to renew them. They're already paying over 5 bucks a gallon for gas, they can pay a few bucks more.

God Bless America.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 11:46 PM
Anyone else done some research on the significance of June 8, 2004?

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 11:55 PM
this should help

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by ashley
You know, I really dont know. What i do know though is that after a terorist attack on the previous administrations watch they built a country (this one) as a response.

After a terrorist attack on this administrations watch they ruined a few. Including this one.

Do you think the 100 and something billion dollars spent so far with no end in sight is worth the 2000 terrorists killed when there has been no real proof that these guys were even involved.
I mean why not invade Mexico, I heard there were al Queda there. Its closer.

Al queda are in over 80 countries around the world. At 100 and ? billion per 2000 I think the last administration handled things better.

Oh, so you prefered that Clinton lied that there was a third terrorist in OKC bombing with Al Qaeda connections......

And Clinton did not build the country, he left it exposed to the communists as he sold our secrets while they kept building their military. Clinton cut the military budget and left us weaker. I remember what it was like in the military when he was president.... We had ships undermanned and in response he decided to decommission 5 ships and 85 aircraft in 2000, and left the armed forces in bad shape for years to come. it takes years to reconstruct what Clinton did.

Al Qaeda being sponsored by that's funny, it must be something Kerry told you...

There are about 18,000 more Al Qaeda or so and sleeper cells which we do not know much about, but no billions like you say.

Oh yeah, actually Monica handled it for him. He didn't handle squat, and the economy started in a downward spiral thanks to him.

The Clinton you seem to love so much mentioned the constitution as radical, and that we have a radical Bill of Rights. He also mentioned that he wanted to ban all guns, and that only police, military, and other government officials should have them... That's what neo-commies, I mean democrats want.

BTW, Al Qaeda have claimed for 9/11 and other terrorist acts including the 3/11 Madrid bombings. Its funny also that neo-commies like you forget that in Spain, after it changed its political party, they surrounded Arab terrorist who when they saw they were going to be captured chanted in arabic and blew themselves up...

I guess you don't want to believe Al Qaeda's claim that they commit those attacks....

[Edited on 3-6-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by RockerDom

I never claimed Clinton was a friend. I agree, 2,00 Al Queda dying is a very good thing. And it's worth the 20,000 or so Iraqi and Afghanistan civilians that accidently died, not to mention the nearly 1000 U.S. servicemen who have died.

It worked great for the Nazis, why can't we do it too? I mean, hell, when the first pictures came out of Aushwicz in '39, Hitler and Himmler vehemently denied the pictures were real. And even when they did admit to some of them being accurate, it was explained: you see, these people being gassed and baked were Jewish Nationalists. They had it in for the State.

It was those prisoner's fault, anyways. They were born in Iraq. That means they are terroists, you know. The whole damn country. Worshipping some Alan guy, or something. What a bunch of idiots.

And don't get me started on France and Germany. They're just pissed cause the oil contracts they had with Iraq are gone now, and Halliburton refused to renew them. They're already paying over 5 bucks a gallon for gas, they can pay a few bucks more.

God Bless America.

There are around 10,000 Iraqis dead, not 20,000. And with Clinton, who put sanctions in Iraq "500,000 children" under the age of 5 died. Thats Clinton's and the UN response to terrorism. Of course neo-commies have not heard about the attrocities their beloved president committed....or they find it simpler to just ignore it.

"The figures were off a bit in 1996. It was not until 1999 that the United Nations, in a detailed report, estimated that 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of 5 had died as a result of the U.S./U.N. sanctions. And they continue dying -- reportedly as many as 4,000 per month."

Excerpted from.

And you are talking about Nazis? want to know what facism and being a Nazi is?

" "When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans... And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities."

-President Bill Clinton, MTV's "Enough is Enough," April 19, 1994

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans."

-President Bill Clinton, March 1, 1993, during a press conference in Piscataway , NJ. USA TODAY, March 11, 1993

"The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people"

-President Bill Clinton, MTV interview, 1993

"You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair say."

-President Bill Clinton, May 28, 1993 speech in the city hall courtyard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania "

Excerpted from.

About France and a search on google about "France and Germany abet genocide, or France and the Rwanda genocide...."

I have posted links about this before.

About the prisoners, what those soldiers did was wrong, but I have posted
the reaction of an Iraqi who said those supposed photos of naked prisoners are nothing in comparison to what the Baathist party and Saddam, and his loyalists did.

Raping a pregnant woman over an over to get her husband to give information when there was none to give, then ripping open the belly of the woman killing both the baby and the woman then slitting the throat of the husband, then going to the next prisoner and star over....

It is a shame of a fact that attrocities happen in war. But there have been a connection between Al Qaeda, and Saddam's Iraq. Search the forums and you will find them...

[Edited on 2-6-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 12:39 AM
Boy, I sure wish i knew what you were talking about. There may have been a third terrorist maybe not. I know the building was blown up and not from fertilizer.

Your talking about ships, there is a shortage of bullets now. Oh wait, lead takes a long time to melt. Maybe it's still clintons fault.

If you remember Al Queda has been reported to be coming into this country since 9-11 through the mexican border, we know this. They are paying ,just like the mexis.

So 18,000 more Al Queda, currently? 200 billion per 2000 = 9 times 200 billion thats 1800 billion. Oh thats good, and thats just for the current estimate.

No one is going to take away guns little friend, not even you. I would like to see someone try. That would be funny.% million N.R.A. members, probably tens of millions of gun owners not with the N.R.A. come on. your paranoid.

I dont know who committed 9-11, the government wont investigate. Most likely the mossad, thats what it looks like. Spain, dont know either. It seems that when a country is on the fence they get attacked. Most likely the u.s. trying to make them think there is a real problem, It did'nt work in spain. It did work in Saudi
arabia though.

Mostly, I hear the U.S. saying Al Queda, Al Queda. I dont hear Al Queda saying it.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
There are around 10,000 Iraqis dead, not 20,000.

I said both IRaq and Afghanistan, not just, Iraq.

And with Clinton, who put sanctions in Iraq "500,000 children" under the age of 5 died. Thats Clinton's and the UN response to terrorism. Of course neo-commies have not heard about the attrocities their beloved president committed....or they find it simpler to just ignore it.

Once again, who said I like Clinton? He is far from my "beloved President", I assure you.

And you are talking about Nazis? want to know what facism and being a Nazi is?

" "When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans... And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities."

-President Bill Clinton, MTV's "Enough is Enough," April 19, 1994

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans."

-President Bill Clinton, March 1, 1993, during a press conference in Piscataway , NJ. USA TODAY, March 11, 1993

"The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people"

-President Bill Clinton, MTV interview, 1993

"You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair say."

-President Bill Clinton, May 28, 1993 speech in the city hall courtyard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania "

Excerpted from.

Once again, I never said I liked Clinton. Thank you for pointing out the reasons why I don't, saved me from doing a lot of work

About France and a search on google about "France and Germany abet genocide, or France and the Rwanda genocide...."

I have posted links about this before.

About the prisoners, what those soldiers did was wrong, but I have posted
the reaction of an Iraqi who said those supposed photos of naked prisoners are nothing in comparison to what the Baathist party and Saddam, and his loyalists did.

Raping a pregnant woman over an over to get her husband to give information when there was none to give, then ripping open the belly of the woman killing both the baby and the woman then slitting the throat of the husband, then going to the next prisoner and star over....

Oh thank God! I was so worried that our prisoners had done something wrong, but since it wasn't as bad as Saddam, then it's ok. Whew, had me worried.

It is a shame of a fact that attrocities happen in war. But there have been a connection between Al Qaeda, and Saddam's Iraq. Search the forums and you will find them...

I am not a neo-commie. I am not a Liberal. I am an anarchist. All of you close-minded people have created for us a world of double-standards where Justice is gone, unless it is Our Justice against the Bad Guys!

�Why of course the people don�t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back in one piece? Naturally, the common people don�t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.� -Hermann Goring, Commander of the Nazi Germany Air Force, or Luftwaffe. April 18, 1946. Nuremburg Diary by Gustave Gilbert

We messed up. We forgot the lessons of history, and we are doomed to repeat it, in fact, are repeating it. We includes you and me. Every drop of blood spilled, whther it is a guilty man, or an innocent child is on our hands. I supported the cause for this war, to take Weapons of Mass Destruction from a madman. Instead, we found he was a man who was billions of dollars in debt. We found a man whose own party members hated him, and blamed him for the sanctions that Clinton put on them. We went looking for an evil tyrranical dictator that used United States Brand chemical weapons on his own people, and only found an old man hiding in a hole.

Don't be blind to facts because they don't support your reasons, and don't put labels on my forehead. I'd try to duck out of the way, and it would go on all crooked.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 12:59 AM
Doesn;t the similarity between the comments that Clinton made and the actions that Bush took make you realize that there is something behind both parties?
Maybe it just doesn't matter whose in office....

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:04 AM
Here is the star overhead and its meaning taken from greek and hebrew dictionary. I found it interesting.

The Star over the G8 Summit in Sea Island, Georgia on June 8th is

NGC1746 directly overhead at moment of Venus transition.
duration 851 minutes.

Hebrew Dictionary 1746 from 1745. duwmah [doo-maw']; from an unused root meaning to be dumb (compare 1820); silence; figuratively, death: -silence.

Greek Dictionary 851.
aphaireo [af-ahee-reh'-o]; from 575 and 138; to remove (literally
or figuratively): -cut (smite) off, take away.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
....BTW, Al Qaeda have claimed for 9/11 and other terrorist acts including the 3/11 Madrid bombings. Its funny also that neo-commies like you forget that in Spain, after it changed its political party, they surrounded Arab terrorist who when they saw they were going to be captured chanted in arabic and blew themselves up...

I guess you don't want to believe Al Qaeda's claim that they commit those attacks....

Not again! Get real with all of your Al Qaeda crap as it's really becoming quite entertaining and doesn't do much for the way in which the citizens of the world view those with your opinions (read 'brainwashed by the Ministry of Truth). You honestly believe the s&%$ that you hear from your loving government about Al Qaeda's claim of responsibility for 9/11, 3/11 and that the Arab dudes blew themselves up??? Do you actually believe that a fictitious invisible enemy, created out of convenience, labeled as 'Al Qaeda' actually exists? Why do you think they tell you and every other american these fairy tales? I'll tell you why - to maintain a level of paranoia and fear within its own borders to facilitate the further implementation of the police state that they so ambitiously hope to achieve. With the number of americans buying their story, it shouldn't take long.

As soon as something happens anywhere in the world the US spooks immediately say it was..................Al Qaeda. AAAHHHHHH, run for the hills, save us oh mighty and great big brother USA government. Oh no, they wouldn' lie to us, they want to protect us and keep us safe from those crazy desert people! Jesus loves us and this is the USA! F$&% that!

Do some f#*&^#* research other than that which you find on CNN or any web page with a .gov in the URL. You and Rockerdom are an embarassment to those on ATS that truly understand what is happening in the world.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:26 AM
There are Al Qaeda cells all over the world, it doesn't mean each of those countries is a terrorist sponsor. Al Qaeda has training camps in Iraq and you are forgetting that every able bodied terrorist that can is supposed to go to Iraq and fight against the coalition and the US.

About the "quotes of Clinton" that's what I posted, "quotes of Clinton wanting to ban guns and take more rights from Americans"

About the third suspect in OKC bombing...

"U.S. authorities in Iraq say they have new evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime gave money and housing to Abdul Rahman Yasin, a suspect in the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, according to U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials."

Excerpted from.

" Fact #1: "Ramzi Yousef" entered the U.S. in September 1992 on an Iraqi passport, with stamps showing a journey beginning in Baghdad. This fact is attested by the inspector who admitted Yousef into the U.S. Yet Mr. Clarke contends that Yousef entered the U.S. without a passport.

� Fact #2: The sole remaining fugitive from the 1993 bombing, Abdul Rahman Yasin, is an Iraqi. After the attack, Yasin fled to Iraq. The Iraqi regime rewarded Yasin with a house and monthly stipend. Yet Mr. Clarke claims, incredibly, that the Iraqis jailed Yasin.

� Fact #3: Seven men were indicted in the 1993 attack. Two of the seven, Yousef and Yasin, have Iraqi connections. Yet Mr. Clarke inflates the number of participants to 12, so as to create the impression that the presence of one or two men with Iraqi connections was no big deal. "

Excerpted from.

The government in Spain knows it was Al Qaeda...didn't you read what I said about the Arab terrorists who blew themselves up?

"MADRID, Spain - An Islamic group that claims responsibility for the Madrid bombings says it will turn Spain �into an inferno� unless the country halts its support for the United States and withdraws its troops from Iraq and Afghanistan."
Excerpted from.

"This weekend Spain learned what truckling to terrorists will get you: a big bomb on a busy rail line. That's precisely what a Spanish railway worker discovered in a bag under the track at Mocejon, a station close to the town of Toledo -- 26 pounds of dynamite readied to serve its fatal purpose.

But how could that be? After all, the jihadis had promised to play nice. Prior to the election of the Socialist party, a statement released by a group purporting to be al Qaeda said the Islamist brain trust would be content to leave the infidel-infested kingdom of Al Andalus -- that is, er, Spain -- in peace.

NOT A MONTH AFTER 3-11, Spain seemed taken unawares by the latest burst of terrorism. Even the outgoing Aznar government, always serious about the gravity of the terrorist threat, seemed startled by the steadfastness of the terrorists' commitment. You could hear it in the words of Spanish Interior Minister Angel Acebes. On Saturday, after tracking a gang of would-be bombers to their hideout, where they proceeded to blow themselves up, Acebes sounded almost surprised as he announced, "They were ready to commit new attacks." "

Excerpted from.

Al Qaeda and other terrorists (remember that not too long ago there was a union of two other terrorist groups with Al Qaeda. I think the link is somewhere in the forums) still trying to attack spain?, oh btw I posted a list of the successes Al Qaeda have proclaimed after 9/11 and they announced in a Islamic Global media.

Search the forums.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:32 AM
The a search for Islamic extremists attacks around the world. Spain has said that Islamic terrorists were behind the 3/11 attacks, and they have tried other attacks even after the terrorists said they would stop........

You don't want to listen to the US government?......

Spain is socialist and a lot more anti-american now, so they have nothing to gain by lying. Spain now also backs other socialist regimes like Venezuela, Cuba (once more...) and others. At least they haven't lied about Islamic terrorists.....

Doesn't Al Qaeda means the net? There were also at least otehr two terrorist organizations that got together with Al Qaeda.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:43 AM
BTW....we did get attacked, just like Spain got attacked, just like other places are being attacked by different radical Islamic groups...

Are you saying the US is perpetrating these attacks? ........ wow, and no government has realized this, except some crazy people yelling "it is Bush, it's him...."

Don't you think Spain, Russia, China or a dozen other countries would have taken advantage and found out that it was all done by the US??.....

You want to be an anarchist, have no country and nothing to fight for or defend so that you can be at peace and do whatever the heck you want. Go ahead, leave if you want to a mountain retreat, you are in a free country, but don't expect the people that want to be part of the country to go running with you.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:44 AM
I think the real question to ask would be the real intentions of Al Queda and what their connection might be to democratic countries and to the establishment of an NWO?

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 02:19 AM
No...the links from terrorism seems pretty much to be Russia, and at least the Chinese believe it or not. It is also true they have some problems with some other terrorists, but there are many cells of terrorists, many groups fight for different things.

I have also posted several links of Russian and Chinese defectors who are now living in the US and were high ranking officials in the military.

Here is one of them.

"This is one of the many examples of the anti-American alliance between Red China and so-called democratic Russia and one more proof that the alliance is an established fact, not the figment of paranoid suspicion that many pretend. These two good neighbors already have advanced military and political liaison including secret cooperation in such sensitive areas as intelligence, integration of weapons systems and military command. Glonass will play a major role in the Russia-China united front against the U.S., N.A.T.O., and any other potential opponents.

Moscow and Beijing are also trying to influence America�s allies. Its well-known that France supports efforts by Russia and Communist China to lift the sanctions on Iraq. Even most of the U.S.'s N.A.T.O. allies favor keeping the U.S. defenseless under the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

As recently reported by The Washington Times, the Chinese deputy foreign minister while in Germany hurled threats at the N.A.T.O. allies. He warned that any country rejecting China�s right to seize Taiwan by force would suffer the consequences. He then repeated the Russian charge that a U.S. missile defense would start a new arms race. "
Colonel Stanislav Lunev is a former Russian spy. He is currently a consultant for the FBI and the CIA and writes a column for The highest-ranking military officer ever to defect from Russia to the United States, Lunev defected when Yeltsin came to power in 1992.

BTW, before you say that the Russian defectors could be lying..... I was born in a communist country, and several members of my family had to be in the military in Cuba. There are good people in communist countries, many of them were in the military and realizing the evil of their elites decided to leave and warn the west about the real plans of the communist regimes.

[Edited on 2-6-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by ashley
So 18,000 more Al Queda, currently? 200 billion per 2000 = 9 times 200 billion thats 1800 billion. Oh thats good, and thats just for the current estimate.

1800 billion over 4 years isnt really much when you consider the US earns 2 trillion per year and most of the battles against terrorists arent in iraq and fighting al queda hasnt cost very much compared to iraq, atleast we've been fighting them, your prescious clinton just lobbed a few missles on targets that in most cases were empty, factories, etc then stopped after a week and wasted billions from such wasted mini-sorta-wars and accomplished nothing.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:20 AM
I heard from some astrologer, and read on the net that some time this year the "set up" upstairs will be the same as it was in 2001, like a repeat meaning that there will be more dangers of an attack.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:59 AM

You and Rockerdom are an embarassment to those on ATS that truly understand what is happening in the world.

You know what? I completely agreed with your entire post, right up until this point

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 06:57 AM
Most people in this country knows what's going on in the world, and most people listen to predictions and such, but that's why we have leaders in this country, corrupted or not to take care of our safety, we are just people and that is why we have leaders.

We can complain and analyze and we can come out with diferent scenarions about an attack in US. but the truth is we will sit around and wait.

Then when it happends we just blame it on our elected leaders.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 08:06 AM
June 8th will mark the greatest terrorist event on American soil yet.

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