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Bringing the Timeline Threads Together

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posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 11:48 AM
thank you for putting all the links in one places.
I did not know there was so many.

I had one that freak’t me out.
me and a friend watch a video.
and I remembered seeing it with him months ago.
but he had just got it?
and I told him watt was going to happen.
just a vampire film!

OMG! just look't the map further up.
Greenland was not that big and far down?
I had a look at other maps to.
oh no! they got me to.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by buddha]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:04 PM
has this sum thing to do with suggestibility?
I have been following the story.
and I have look’t at the map for this.
is my mind playing tricks on me?
tell some one some thing is real and they doubt them selves..

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 01:57 PM
February 23, 1987 was the "birthdate" of a supernova termed SN87A.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 11:22 AM
There are a couple more.

Jumping Dimensions, the infinite possibility of the soul

Quantum Jumping

These are good reads and apologies if they've been posted already by someone.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by ldyserenity]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
There are a couple more.

Jumping Dimensions, the infinite possibility of the soul

Quantum Jumping

not to spoil the fun here but if these things would work don't you think anyone could/would do it? if these were secrets of "the elite" they would come out at some point and everybody would make their own "reality"...

meditation and all that are nice but believing BS like timeline shifts and timewave zero or 2012 and stuff like that is only going to waste your time and life waiting for them to happen...

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by DarkSecret

Originally posted by ldyserenity
There are a couple more.

Jumping Dimensions, the infinite possibility of the soul

Quantum Jumping

not to spoil the fun here but if these things would work don't you think anyone could/would do it? if these were secrets of "the elite" they would come out at some point and everybody would make their own "reality"...

meditation and all that are nice but believing BS like timeline shifts and timewave zero or 2012 and stuff like that is only going to waste your time and life waiting for them to happen...

Ummmmmmm I think you are wasting everybody's time here, this was just a couple more posts that ties into the original post, I never said any of that what you put there???? All I did was add some links she forgot that are relevent.

edit to add: See there, I just altered my reality to make you not exist so

[edit on 21-3-2010 by ldyserenity]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by DarkSecret

not to spoil the fun here but if these things would work don't you think anyone could/would do it? if these were secrets of "the elite" they would come out at some point and everybody would make their own "reality"...

What makes you so sure they haven't already?

meditation and all that are nice but believing BS like timeline shifts and timewave zero or 2012 and stuff like that is only going to waste your time and life waiting for them to happen...

I do believe it is up to the individual to waste their time in any way they choose to do so, and not for you to tell them they can't.

PS. ldyserenity Thank you for the added links.

[edit on 21/3/2010 by PennyQ]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by PennyQ

Originally posted by DarkSecret

not to spoil the fun here but if these things would work don't you think anyone could/would do it? if these were secrets of "the elite" they would come out at some point and everybody would make their own "reality"...

What makes you so sure they haven't already?

if this were already happening the whole world/reality would be a total chaos. and i don't mean wars and power/money grabs. let's say more like one of Greg Egan's novels... reality itself would be unstable and you wouldn't know where you next step would lead you.

is it possible to alter reality on a quantum (sub-atomic) level? yea sure, it's the observer effect! is it possible for a human to "jump timelines" or other things like that, all with just your mind? not likely, unless your mind is connected to an endless power supply that can jump some of the barriers between realities/universes which are enforced by the laws of physics. good luck with that!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by DarkSecret
if this were already happening the whole world/reality would be a total chaos. and i don't mean wars and power/money grabs. let's say more like one of Greg Egan's novels... reality itself would be unstable and you wouldn't know where you next step would lead you.

is it possible to alter reality on a quantum (sub-atomic) level? yea sure, it's the observer effect! is it possible for a human to "jump timelines" or other things like that, all with just your mind? not likely, unless your mind is connected to an endless power supply that can jump some of the barriers between realities/universes which are enforced by the laws of physics. good luck with that!

I really don't think you have grasped the concept here.

If anyone, the elite or just an ordinary person, has changed timelines or jumped dimensions then only they would know about it, only they would see a difference between where they came from and this reality here.

It's a theory that, like many others, can't be proven. (I want to say "like god" but thats another can of worms entirely)

You don't think this reality isn't already total chaos?

If jumping dimensions alters the memories of most (to the current line) , then they wouldn't know it has happened to them, would they?

I don't see how you would need an endless power supply, we have absolutely so idea what the human mind is capable of, and just because there is no hard evidence does not mean it is not possible.

The (so called) laws of physics are being challenged all the time.

Throughout written history there are accounts of people doing and witnessing unimaginable things by the powers of the mind alone, and they can't all be explained away with science and logic.



[edit on 22/3/2010 by PennyQ]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by PennyQ
If anyone, the elite or just an ordinary person, has changed timelines or jumped dimensions then only they would know about it, only they would see a difference between where they came from and this reality here.

It's a theory that, like many others, can't be proven. (I want to say "like god" but thats another can of worms entirely)

The (so called) laws of physics are being challenged all the time.

Throughout written history there are accounts of people doing and witnessing unimaginable things by the powers of the mind alone, and they can't all be explained away with science and logic.

well that's where my problem is with this "theory"... most scientific theories can be reproduced consistently in controlled conditions. uranium decays, helium is inert, electricity always flows the same way making your internet machine work consistently...

i want to believe and wouldn't it be nice... but every single person who clams to have done such jumps can't prove a thing and can't teach someone else to do it. so there's the excuse that if anyone would do it then there's no memory of it. just like god can't be proven because s/he doesn't want to.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:37 AM
Think about the words you use. Think about what you are saying and what you are thinking.

You believe, give your love and energy in a way that is truth for you. Allways remember,

This is your experience, and your experience is being shared. This is where your will find joy and love, following your heart. Trust yourself even when it means walking down the trenches at times, and love the moment for what it gives you. See everything for what it has given you and appriciate that in others for showing you. Focus on now, this is your experience. Understand that the people who show up to doubt, are parts of yourself that have doubt. Let it go and give yourself what you need. Hope, faith, love, you are growing. See your intentions in everything and love the doubt for what it has sown for you. See and feel how beautiful you are. I thank my doubt for enabling me to come to this post and express this level of kinship right now. If there was no doubt then I would have no reason to be here now and thank you so much for the value and opinions, you are truly great.

Deprogramming Ask & You Shall Receive

Choosing that others can not, is thus choosing that you can not. Fighting others is fighting that part of yourself that you have not accepted. Other parts of yourself trying to help you awaken. It will come to you in the ways as to how you ask. Connect to your one truth. Through things that bring you joy in life. It brings me joy to speak my truth, love, and light. It brings me joy to see others hold hands, cuddle and kiss. I give everything through my joy and love. My hope and faith, and my dreams. I am more complete knowing that I can share with you until I know my full amount of love and appriciation is understood through life.

See others as yourself, not what they are, but how you see them speaking to your journey, think to yourself, what does this mean to me.

You have just created your own reality by thinking yourself. Everything you do effects who you are, and builds you in all your glory. Love.


posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:24 AM

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 08:43 PM
Maybe we could try starting a new thread about another anomoly people are noticing with these timeline mergers/anomolies. The changing movie lines/scenes, etc thread? Or shall we post it here? I know several people have been noticing these anomolies lately, also in tv re-runs as well. This is another way to track some of these and see if any match up maybe?

This would include added/deleted scenes, new lines/changed lines, extra episodes and missing episodes. What do you think?

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Adding a new related thread link ..again

Jumped Universes? Skipped Time?


posted on May, 14 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by PennyQ

Good job. Bump is overdue.

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