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Bringing the Timeline Threads Together

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 05:52 PM
I was perusing an interesting book today that made mention of the "multiple worlds" explanation of the double-slit experiment. Not sure I'm entirely convinced but I certainly find it more plausible than virtual particles or altering reality by observation. In the book the author said the worlds are always trying to merge with one another, which is why the particles come back together after exhausting all the possibilities, so rather than radically different worlds they're all eerily similar.

According to Deutsch, the single photon interference pattern observed in the double slit experiment can be explained by interference of photons in multiple universes.

I also found this statement from wikipedia interesting:

.. a poll of 72 leading physicists conducted by the American researcher David Raub in 1995 and published in the French periodical Sciences et Avenir in January 1998 recorded that nearly 60% thought that the many-worlds interpretation was "true"

Looks like you crazy people are in the majority.

Personally I think it's one world in which "time" loops for every possible outcome and it's only because we have temporal amnesia that we perceive there to be an arrow of time that points forward. Waves are just a kind of visual déjà-vu of those time and space looping particles.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Crito]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:00 PM
Wow thats simply amazing, Ive had these kinds of experiences in the past although I thought them odd at the time, I didn't record them.

What is truly amazing is the fact most people are experiencing something that leads to a perception change that is happening. It seems to not effect memory, in that people remember past and see now as different.

Food for thought.

Going back and looking at pictures of different countries around the world, I'm seeing things I never saw before. Its like almost an added air of color or life has breathed into everything itself.

Now before I remember it did not look like that at all, I remember seeing thick brown clouds and red and brown sea's. Now im seeing emerald ocean's with hue's of blue and greens I never thought possible.

Whats even more odd, is that I feel warmer and healthier, I feel more life growing. And i'm seeing pink thorns growing out of old "dead" vines.

Where I live there's a street where there is wind like a vortex going in circles, through the street you feel a gentle breeze, and you can see the grass going up and down in patterns. You feel peace.

Its like im walking away from the sun when im walking from home, and walking toward the sun when im walking to home. I also see others who seem to know what im seeing and sometimes they stop and look at me in a daze. It feels like im really far away from people sometimes, but I can see them. Its like looking through a window and seeing people feel joy and love for that moment. Its allways nice to see others cuddle. Ive I hadn't payed attention on how I was feeling, I might have missed it.

Whatever is going on it's not over yet.

Welcome to the world.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Trueman
It's amazing come back home, turn pc on and find this thread, but probably not an accident. Here is a copy of the U2U I sent just days ago to another ATS member regarding this topic. Read it please :

from: Trueman
sent: 16-3-2010 at 00:43
Hello Revolution,

I'm not sure if it was you or someone else who claim Australia was in a different position in the map, well...I found that kind of funny to be honest, untill now.
Today, I found in my job a cuban guy, who was an architect in his country. He claims the shape of Cuba on the maps seems to look smaller now.
I started to believe this timeline shifts could be true, but almost impossible to verify. Big tragical events (man made), could be just attempts to modify the reality, from a group of people with personal interests.
Anyway, we should keep an eye to see if more persons claim the world looks different now.

Wait a minute.....I just read my own post and the date of the U2U doesn't match with my memory. I thought I sent that on March 14 or 15, not 16. The time there doesn't match neither, since I went to sleep about 8 pm.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Trueman]

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Trueman]

could be just mental illness, paranoia, not having a sharp memory, alzheimer's symptoms, fantasy, or imagination.

or people trying to look like enlightened masters or spiritual emissaries so they can get some attention & drain other people's energy.

Btw, I totally like your sig. Its funny.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:17 PM


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:26 PM
What I don't understand is, how are people on this thread so sure that the timeline has changed. I don't want to sound like an ATS basher, but I don't understand how people are so confident that the timeline has changed, without putting much credence into the possibility that you are wrong. Is there any proof showing that this has happened? Any calculations to even show that it is possible for the timeline to shift? Are there any prominent theories to explain this possibility? (not trying to sound sarcastic, I'm curious as to any theories or possible evidence there could be)

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by killyou

could be just mental illness, paranoia, not having a sharp memory, alzheimer's symptoms, fantasy, or imagination.

or people trying to look like enlightened masters or spiritual emissaries so they can get some attention & drain other people's energy.

Btw, I totally like your sig. Its funny.

Or some people might think they're crazy because they themselves are stupid and know nothing of how maps are made. Or rather, they're stupid because they think they already know everything there is to know about maps and haven't bothered to do any research on the topic. In any case, smart people aren't so quick to judge.

Map projections with a conformal distortion property represent angles and local shapes correctly, but as the region becomes larger, they show considerable area distortions. An example is the Mercator projection. Although Greenland is only one-eighth the size of South America, Greenland appears to be larger (figure below).

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:39 PM
Wow! Thanks! That's a nice list.

Now I can find related stuff on this subject easily

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by unbelievable

Oh just enjoy it for peaks sake, stop trying to cut and slice every peice of the cake and just eat it. lol Have a good day.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by killyou

Honestly, I don't know what are you doing in ATS, besides trying to offend other members....You don't make any contribution. (I just saw your profile, you never made a thread, It's empty).

But I only can feel sorry for you, must be hard to see there are lots of things you can't understand, so you have no other option than attack.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Trueman]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by unbelievable
What I don't understand is, how are people on this thread so sure that the timeline has changed. I don't want to sound like an ATS basher, but I don't understand how people are so confident that the timeline has changed, without putting much credence into the possibility that you are wrong. Is there any proof showing that this has happened? Any calculations to even show that it is possible for the timeline to shift? Are there any prominent theories to explain this possibility? (not trying to sound sarcastic, I'm curious as to any theories or possible evidence there could be)

Correct unbelievable there isn't any proof or calculations.

Now I know that pisses some people off because it's abstract. This thread is about possibilities and perceptions. No one is making claims that time travel and time line manipulation is possible, we are all just collectively trying to pool our thoughts to see where it goes. I know too trippy for some but not all. and btw I'm not sure anything has happened.

So hypothetically speaking, if someone was or is manipulating the time line in our present, how could anyone prove it?

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:46 PM
There are a lot of things going on now that have not happened before and some that have but not in 25,000 years.

1. Earth is entering the galactic ecliptic, the point at which the earth is in direct line with the super masive black hole at the center of the Milky way. It takes 25,000 years to go from ecliptic to ecliptic. Gravity effects space time so we are correctly feeling a difference.

2. The sun is reaching its most powerfull Solar Maximum in the same 25,000 year peiod. Although the sun has an 11 year cycle from solar minimum to solar maximum. The solar maximum that coencides with the earth being in the center of the golactic ecliptic is the most powerful solar maximum.

3. The US has just started HD TV broadcast, it has been shown by German doctors that people who live in areas that have HD tv broadcasts are effected by the high frequency waves. Confusion, sickness, head aches, tiredness, are all documented effects of HD broadcast.

4. TPTB have been using CERN, and HAARP and other facilities. Yes they where built earlir but they are being used now.

These all can have the effect of making people feel what may or may not be there. A confused person may not be remembering things properly.

But I do agree.......

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by AmenStop

Its wierd because I feel like a kid again. Someone told me once "its like being in elementary school for the first time"

I think TPTB's technology is having less and less effect on people, the sun is blasting through energy like cake. They will have nothing eles to do but join whatever is going on, and I think many of them are coming too.

Those things distracted people but they can never really change who you are.

Its only natural. We are in this together.

PS. Something huge is going on with ireland and england now. It is somehow connected to all this. Look at this.

I feel like im looking into the past days of glory old, only right now.

Study that page for certain clues.

God Bless

Somehow I think HD is clearing our senses. Bringing new life to what was thought to be lost. Now I can see like it was meant to be seen.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

OK DC I give up what's so special about BugBog?

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Trueman
reply to post by killyou

Honestly, I don't know what are you doing in ATS, besides trying to offend other members....You don't make any contribution. (I just saw your profile, you never made a thread, It's empty).

But I only can feel sorry for you, must be hard to see there are lots of things you can't understand, so you have no other option than attack.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Trueman]

or maybe I just like to mislead & provide disinformation because I have personal interests & gains I want to achieve.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by killyou]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:44 PM
Thanks for those links, I had missed a lot of them, they're just so many to keep up with but I will be perusing them for sure as this is one of my fave topics...I also am curious, does anybody remember Corey Haim dying a while back??? Or is that just me? To me it was not too long ago, meerly several months?

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:45 PM
I do believe this is one of the best threads yet. Besides the one about that conspiracy. Anyway, Thank you so much for putting this all together. My theory is that Spirits, Orbs, and those things are from another universe. But it all exists. So, what will happen is we will start to see things around moving in from these other dimensions. However, we will not know it because it has always been there. And so, we will think these Orbs were always there. Well, they were but we just were unable to see them. Understand.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:49 PM
to add to this thread:

well, I never experienced this before: I was going thought a website I visit everytime and I read a news and I saw a picture that, for some reason, I was sure I have read months ago

even I remember reading the news and my opinion about it, and it was not death or anything, it was some random person that no one really knows about that was fired and its picture there and I am sure I read that months ago

and u cant fire some person 2 times lol ... but who knows, maybe I have some brain #, so, who knows, I am just posting this experience, since, this belongs to this thread

but I think it could be some brain problem .. thats the thing, if someone does have something that confuses your memory, this may happen

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:51 PM
To be honest, I don't feel like this is the same Earth as it was 5-10 years ago even. Something feels different about today's world, in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:01 PM
I too an interested in this subject. I will have to come back and read through some of the threads that I see I've missed. Thank you for putting these all together like this.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Crito

uhm does anyone else notice the australia/new zealand area? something kinda looks out of place, especially since the southern hemisphere (south america) is supposed to be correct? bad maps again?

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