posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:49 AM
That video is a very good one. Standing in a lineup at Shoppers Drugmart where the more mature people where discussing how their customers where not
being treated well (ie. ample staff in sight, one till open with a long lineup). The man ran a business and found this to be poor business practice,
and then we all discussed NWO. Everyone in the lineup knew about it, the state of affairs and this unprecedented push for fascism in this world.
That may not be a typical day, AND...young families, often single mothers, college students, I don't think they CAN pay attention, there world and
future would come crumbly down. They're in denial.
Its up to us. There is a percentage of the population very much aware, and a percentage as in that lineup also aware, but probably not writing on
forums. There is enough to make a difference.
We tend to look at things wrong. We don't understand that the average person is being poisoned and overworked, and probably is average IQ as well.
Those IQ points count. 100 IQ doesnt look at politics or world events the same as 125 or 130 IQ, onwards. I've been watching this for years.
Instead of treating it like we're ALL THAT for being aware of the world, we should see this as a privilegde, a special gift, to have been protected
from turns in the road that would have taken the light from us, and from inadvertantly taking the blue pill.
The reason we see is because we chose this moment in time to come to earth in this lifetime and make a difference.
Personally the argument about who you vote for is irrelevant. The system is rigged. It doesnt matter who you vote for in the least. Americans did
their best in a rigged two party system. They voted for CHANGE. This is a plus. They have not gotten it, its gotten worse. The president's actions
does not reflect the citizen's will. Nor do their there other elected representatives. The very custom of lying to get elected (in a matter that is
of primary importance to the well being of everyone in the country and, given the US domination of the globe, the word!) IS FRAUD. lying in a
corporate board meeting can get a prison sentence. Their misuse of public funds is EXHORTION. Their misuse of poitical power is TREASON. This is
the system everyone is currently stuck with.
Unless, we wake people up locally.
And people are not going to be attending rallies and meetings in the town square, YET. They will shake their head and try to avoid the information.
But the best way is visual. People are visual.
Tshirts, make a statement. Often you will discuss them with the odd person. Always keep a few dvds and printoffs handy in your car or pack or purse,
but don't force them. Give them to the ones likely to watch, those who show an interest with tshirts, and jackets, or any flags or banners you put
up, and expect them to pick up the banner.
Meet with LIKE minds, people of similar thought, so its pleasant. And then shine your lights. Become a noticeable group, such as a survival/ufo
mediation/disclosure/nwo awareness group in the community, and if you get enough members, say 20, throw local video nights and advertise on free
boards and a few flyers, but make a local site and put them up, and link them to the other forums. If you can't write all that content, find the
good threads and videos, link, quote a couple paragraphs, and then discuss.
Send people to the forums, to the alternative news sites. This is the model I'm considering as soon as I move, though if I do start it here, will
make some chapters between the coast and the interior.
Could get a free blog radio, for the ones who always wanted to try interviewing out. For you community, and if its popular, setting it up on linux
software and getting paid for ads wouldnt hurt, could be funneled back into the group into some good infared equipment for skywatching.
If no one listens and it never seems to grow, at least we wont be asked to account for ourselves one day, how we didnt notice that we stood out in the
crowd for being awake, and didnt question this without ego, and do something about it! At least we will have tried.