posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:34 AM
Reply to
post by Subjective Truth
Those things are of course not alright. If the laws regarding those things went away overnight would you go on some raping dog kicking spree?
If those laws were made punishable by immediate death would those who would rape or murder stop?
The answers are absolute. No law or lack of law will change them.
Maybe I'm just a fantastically decent person surround by a community of fantastically decent people but I can tell you with absolute certainty that
the comets removal of local policing and government would not change a thing for us. In the short term perhaps it would incite some "lawless tourism"
but the moment that results in harm to life or property the gate will be shut.
For lawlessness to work the people need to be willing to protect what they deem to be right. It's that unwillingness to protect themselves and their
own that make for "strong ruling the weak" situations. Theres an o going discussion about the need to stand on your feet in the event of a
catastrophic event over at survivalblog. Assumptions of pillaging, looting, raping in the even of a loss of government come to a wall when met with
community. Especially rural community where the people are used to doing what they have to do to get things done.
Of course the cities are only full of rats, addicts and useful idiots so I'm sure they would succumb to animal kicking rape fests with plenty of
stereo looting.
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