You pose an interesting question and you went to some effort with your posting and in that regard I would like to contribute some remarks that will I
believe add to your posting. Since it has to do with 911 and with aircraft, I feel my comments may broaden your understanding of what we remember or
what we saw being broadcast that fateful day.
OK, first off, there are eye witnesses and photos and video shot from ground level of aircraft hitting the Twin Towers. What the eye witnesses
reported they say they saw and what the video shot from the ground captured in a moment of time was what many have come to know shows us the
mysterious hump or fuel pod or that strange item below the aircraft that is seen in a video shot from the ground.
There is even a male witness that I recall that stated in some live media coverage that there were no windows or at least not normal windows like on a
jet liner. He said it was not any jet liner he had ever seen. Another lady in a media live release across from the Twin Towers and across the water
there is lady that comments adamantly and loud enough to be heard saying that it was not an American airliner. She repeats the statement and you can
hear her fear in her voice over what she just said out loud. The media cuts away as they normally do for some psychotic drug ad that will make you
feel happy and stupid while destroying your organs and making you more suicidal.
The video from ground level shows only a glimpse of the aircraft being immediately destroyed by the ensuing explosion and fire ball created by the jet
fuel. While there exists in my mind enough evidence to conclude that "Aircraft" did indeed hit the Twin Towers, but the jury is still out on
whether they were indeed actual commercial airliners for American Airlines and instead military cargo planes that had been painted and made to look
from a distance as if they were American Airliners.
When the media began covering the initial aircraft strike, is when most of the video coverage begins to come only from the major network feed. It is
supposedly live and I say supposedly because I don't believe that what we saw coming from live coverage of the second plane hitting the South Tower
was in fact live.
While there comes a point in the ground video shot by some NYC Tourist that could be compromised by adding in video coverage that was also not truly
captured live, but as long as the media and government claim that it came from some nobody, no one is going to suspect that not all of the broadcast
coverage of the aircraft in the second strike or the first strike is actually live.
It was instead a pre-recorded video tape of the South Tower strike that was being fed into the live feed portion to do something that was critical to
the 911 deception and that was too distract and place in the minds of everyone that saw the live and repeat coverage of the second strike and the
first strike into believing that what they were seeing broadcast live on the TV was live when in fact it was a pre-recorded video tape of the events
that happened that fateful day and played that fateful day at the exact time stamped into the video coverage shown.
In order for the government to be able to show a video tape of an event that is happening live is quite some "TRICK" and it is that trick that has
in my mind finally been solved to some degree of plausibility. While my theory is fantastical, it is the only explanation that fits with all the
inconsistencies coming from eye witnesses on the ground and from what people say they witnessed from watching the TV. This is important so please
remember this point. There is what people saw from the ground and what people saw from video coverage.
While recently viewing a recent video with Andrew D. Basiago, Atty. at Law, I was keeping abreast of my interest in time travel and high technology
that is still kept from the public by those that use it to do things that we are not suppose to know about.
Anyway, while watching this video on Mr. Basiago, I was into tape no. 9 of 16 when Mr. Basiago is heard stating that he and others in the government
were shown a video tape of 911 of the planes hitting the Towers and since he was seeing this with others decades before 911 it says to me that those
that used the secret time travel technology that Mr. Basiago discusses had a video and knew in advance that 911 was going to occur. Since they showed
a video decades before the event, this statement alone says that the real inside government knew 911 was going to occur and had a video of such an
The reason this is important is because the only way eye witnesses can see and report one thing and the supposed live coverage show something
different, can easily be ignored as just someone not remembering right, but in this case that is exactly why they played a video while the second
plane was striking the South Tower. What people remember on the ground of the second and even the fist plane differs from what the media was
broadcasting while calling it live from NYC at the Twin Towers.
There have been those that have tried to forensically check the video for editing and CGI but what strikes me is that is that while anomalies exist,
they are unexplainable and only confuse more than they reveal. It is those anomalies that I believe are time line differences. So small that most
wouldn't notice but close enough to pass as what was supposedly happening live and recorded for what happened on 911.
As I said, it is fantastical but to get there begin with watching the video that made me realize that if they had a video, why not use to ensure some
time-line certainties that have to occur actually occur because when you're changing the future you have to make big changes to cause change.
Thanks for the posting. As I said I believe "Aircraft" hit the Twin Towers, I just don't believe they were commercial air liners. To cover this
weak spot in what eye witnesses reported seeing, it is best to show people what you want them to remember and the only way you can do that is if they
have secret time travel technology that can be used to record future events. Playing them back to us and calling it live is a new type of crime
because it is real, just not from our time line and that is where it gets really confusing. Anyway thanks for the posting.
Here is that link for more background info: