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Texas Curriculum Controversy Has Far-Reaching Implications

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Texas Curriculum Controversy Has Far-Reaching Implications

Same song, second verse –

In a conference room at the Texas State Board of Education, 15 people are deciding what the next generation of school children will learn about America’s history. The figures they choose to highlight, and the way information is presented will color the way children educated in the nation’s public schools view events of the past.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 16-3-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 02:37 PM
I have absolutely nothing wrong with Texas, but I see the fact that they get to decide what is taught in our education system, about history as potentially detrimental to the rest of America. That is not specifically negative about the state of Texas, it is however that any one state picks what our nation learns makes for questionable activities of the Education System itself.

I did not make the story, it happened to be an e-mail subscription I got from a online newsletter, but I find the fact that the newsletter itself targeted Texas as suspect as well, which makes me wonder if someone in Washington D.C. wants Texas in the spotlight.

Again, zero issues with Texas, however, when one state begins picking a curriculum, we need to pay very close attention.

Especially when the controversy over Texas Governor Rick Perry wanting to secede from America, it puts our nation in a critical situation, and the ever present and loomingTrans-Texas Corridor bring this Southern state into the spotlight even more so.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 16-3-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 02:40 PM
I kind of see the idea of a few radical left and right wingers having it out as kind of non-productive. I mean, should our kids be taught the left wing dogma or the right?? or maybe, just maybe, they should be taught from a more moderate view.....

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
I kind of see the idea of a few radical left and right wingers having it out as kind of non-productive. I mean, should our kids be taught the left wing dogma or the right?? or maybe, just maybe, they should be taught from a more moderate view.....

There should be zero "right-wing" or "left-wing" when teaching children.

America, is all about liberty and justice for all, not about being divided.

Being divided is what the politician's of Washington D.C. do, not what our Education System should do, at least that's the way I believe, because according to the Pledge of Allegiance, we're supposed to be indivisible.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States is an oath of loyalty to the flag and to republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Francis Bellamy in 1892.

The Pledge has been modified four times since then, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954.

The Pledge is predominantly sworn by children in public schools in response to state laws requiring the Pledge to be offered.

Congressional sessions open with the swearing of the Pledge, as do government meetings at local levels, meetings held by the Royal Rangers, Boy Scouts of America, the Freemasons and their concordant bodies, other organizations, and some sporting events.

The current version of the Pledge of Allegiance reads:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

According to the United States Flag Code, the Pledge "should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart.

When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.

Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute."

It is not about picking Democrat nor Republican, but about being united, as a nation.

Our Education System should be a united effort as well.

Not a divided one, and while I respect Texas, one state picking, a divided nation makes.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:12 PM
Well said, star and flag to you

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:16 PM
Perhaps it would be better to teach children the difference between "fact" and "opinion"... followed by some tough lessons about what elusive things "facts" actually are.

But of course the people framing the debate either cannot or will not distinguish between fact and opinion themselves, and there's a distressing tendency to call on the Great Invisible Bearded Dude as some sort of authority.

It's pitiful and superstitious, but that's America for ya.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Or maybe parents should educate their own children to the facts of life that matter to them, and allow the school to be what it is, a system of social networking for future jobs and college.

Honestly any parent that is allowing a public education system to be the final authority on knowledge will raise children as ignorant as themselves.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by damwel
Well said, star and flag to you

Thank you very much.

Originally posted by rich23
Perhaps it would be better to teach children the difference between "fact" and "opinion"... followed by some tough lessons about what elusive things "facts" actually are.

But of course the people framing the debate either cannot or will not distinguish between fact and opinion themselves, and there's a distressing tendency to call on the Great Invisible Bearded Dude as some sort of authority.

It's pitiful and superstitious, but that's America for ya.

I could not agree with you more, however, Public School is not about teaching truth.

Texas or otherwise, it is about teaching dogma via rote, and selective information.

And as well the facts "selected" are always in favor of the country printing the books.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
Or maybe parents should educate their own children to the facts of life that matter to them, and allow the school to be what it is, a system of social networking for future jobs and college.

Honestly any parent that is allowing a public education system to be the final authority on knowledge will raise children as ignorant as themselves.

Being a child of both Public School and home school I do believe that.

Parents should never let anyone else teach their children, 100%, fatal mistake if you ask me, because that person, or organization always has an agenda.

Even if it is a Public School, an agenda has been set, to guide a way of thinking.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
Hiya SKL, the English National Curriculum is constantly being stirred by political issues. Every year new changes are implemented and schools are forced to comply with new Govt guidelines. League tables have distorted the ideal of a 'rounded education.' A lot of kids are being left behind and leave school without the literacy and numeracy to do well in the world. In the past 10-15 years, England has plummeted in the literacy tables...we're now hovering around 17th in Europe.

Your OP isn't about the UK or any other country than the US...and the State of Texas. The reason I raise the problems of the UK is as an example of what political interference can do to education.

I have an interest in education and have followed some of the twists in the Texas education policies. As you point out, politics is driving the curriculum. Allied to the politics is religion. Neither should have more than a cursory influence on the setting of a National Curriculum.

Politicians should have little more involvement in the Curriculum than allocating budgets.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
Or maybe parents should educate their own children to the facts of life that matter to them, and allow the school to be what it is, a system of social networking for future jobs and college.

Honestly any parent that is allowing a public education system to be the final authority on knowledge will raise children as ignorant as themselves.

There's some internal conflict in this argument. 'Ignorant' parents would inevitably be unable to educate their children.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
Hiya SKL, the English National Curriculum is constantly being stirred by political issues. Every year new changes are implemented and schools are forced to comply with new Govt guidelines. League tables have distorted the ideal of a 'rounded education.' A lot of kids are being left behind and leave school without the literacy and numeracy to do well in the world. In the past 10-15 years, England has plummeted in the literacy tables...we're now hovering around 17th in Europe.

Yes, I understand that as well, we had the rather ignorant policy under George W. Bush, the No Child Left Behind Act, which was abysmal for our Education System.

It diluted the education process, completely, and our country will never recover if it is not stopped being dumbed down, if it is not for idiots in Washington D.C.

Sorry, all this did was give those children, who have a lower education, a way to pass a school grade, when they do not deserve to do so, lowering our already troubling educational record, by lowering the average IQ of the country.

No Child Left Behind Act : Military Recruiting Information

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Your OP isn't about the UK or any other country than the US...and the State of Texas. The reason I raise the problems of the UK is as an example of what political interference can do to education.

Hey, great to meet a United Kingdom ATS'er, bring your education discussion to the board, and this thread, and any and all as far as I am concerned.

I had a feeling you were British because of your avatar, and my studies of WWII.

I had never asked before, quite simply because it was not necessary, but my education proved me right through our now interaction, on an education thread, no less.

Talk about irony, huh?

I'm half English and half German, my family tree can be traced back to England in 1066.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
I have an interest in education and have followed some of the twists in the Texas education policies. As you point out, politics is driving the curriculum. Allied to the politics is religion. Neither should have more than a cursory influence on the setting of a National Curriculum.

Politics, unfortunately, will drive the education policies, whether we want them to or not, because the education systems of all countries will keep that divisiveness as a wedge, to keep different countries ignorant of potential allies.

I speak of allies, as in humans, not Governmental nonsense, because we are all humans.

First and foremost, and secondly, our country of origin comes into play.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Politicians should have little more involvement in the Curriculum than allocating budgets.

I agree with you 100% there that budgetary means should be the limit.

However, unless we all as citizens, began getting into offices, politically, those currently in office will cripple our elective countries into the poor house.

Education is just as much as about as responsible as inbred politics.

If we do not smash those politician's hold over the dumbing down of education, we are doomed to repeat history, whether we want to, or not.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:29 PM
Honestly, I'm more worried about the agenda (right/left wing) of the media than I am of the agenda behind the writing of textbooks. Most kids I know that are still in high school don't even read their books (heck, I don't even read my books in college unless I have to), so the thing sits there all day, unused. The media, however, now that has an impact (even if it is just with the kids' parents).

In the end though, there shouldn't even be the problem of an agenda behind writing history. But when has history ever really been neutral though?

The Board of Education is debating what to include in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the standards that must be taught in their public school classrooms.

Politics Unlocked

*bleep bleep bleepin* If I never have to hear about TAKS/TEKS again, it will be too soon. I hated that stuff while in school and I still hate it now. Most of the teachers hated it too. I honestly can't even believe that they are still doing it. I spent most of my 13 years (K-12) in public school being prepped for that damn thing. So much so, that I was only taught how to pass that damn test, not how to actually learn. I couldn't tell you anything about Biology or Chemistry, but I can sure tell you the "correct" ways on how to take that stupid test and how to fill out the scantron. None of it has helped me.

Sorry about that rant.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by riddle6

Well, even more then so should the point be that education is important.

If all we learn in school is how to take a test, are we truly learning an education?

That would be an unequivocal, no, we are not learning, Texas or otherwise.

Public School education, does not teach us how to learn, but how to answer via rote.

And it teaches that selected information, can be taught to children, like a puppy knows to pee outside, or a cat knows to rub your legs, to get food, not to actually think.

Sorry, I was taught to think, by loving parents, and I survived my education, not because of Public School, but in spite of it, because public school is a problem.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

The public school system is really a travesty (at least in Texas, and I don't think that I am too far off in thinking that it is similar throughout the US).

That's really cool that your parents actually taught you to think. Mine did too, but only to a certain degree (they were both, and still are, constantly busy, so they didn't have as much time). Lucky for me, I did have a few teachers throughout the years that actually did teach, and how to learn. I don't think the same can be said for most kids, though.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:10 PM
Someone already beat ya too it!

Sorry not trying to destroy this thread, just FYI.

As to the topic- I think the public education system is ridiculous. At least the small rural one that I attended. I went to a major university right out of high school and honestly a small rural public education just didn't cut it. The problem wasn't that the material was "liberal or conservative."

This country needs to a major overhaul on the public system and frankly praying to God won't help!

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Would like you to look at these links and tell me what you think in relation to your OP. Thanks.

Full Board

TEKS Social Study

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
Someone already beat ya too it!

Sorry not trying to destroy this thread, just FYI.

As to the topic- I think the public education system is ridiculous. At least the small rural one that I attended. I went to a major university right out of high school and honestly a small rural public education just didn't cut it. The problem wasn't that the material was "liberal or conservative."

This country needs to a major overhaul on the public system and frankly praying to God won't help!

Well, if it gets trashed, so be it, I put the name of the article in and came up with zilch.

As for public education, it is abysmal, and it should be moderate, straight down the middle.

Parents should be allowed to teach their children if they want to lean "right-wing", or to the "left-wing", not that I agree with either "wing mentality".

America cannot soar, if we're busy flapping one "wing" against another "wing".

Makes us a turkey, right?

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Would like you to look at these links and tell me what you think in relation to your OP. Thanks.

Full Board

TEKS Social Study

Well, while I found the original article flabbergasting, I find your included links infuriating.

I believe this is troubling that our youth are being taught to basically become ignorant fools, because of fiscal reasoning, and in a way with all of the border trouble this in no way surprises me in the least, but troubles me nonetheless.

How the Hell are our children supposed to learn when core values are dumped out of education?

The answer is quite simple, they cannot, and back to the original article.

Quote from : Texas Curriculum Controversy Has Far-Reaching Implications

The Board of Education is debating what to include in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the standards that must be taught in their public school classrooms.

Armed with recommendations from TEKS review committees and expert reviewers, the Board began hashing out what to include in the standards, which has stirred controversy around the country due to the hysterical nature of some media reports.

Fox news and The Houston Chronicle both reported that Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Independence Day and Veteran’s Day are being deleted from the textbooks, when in fact they are still currently part of the curriculum standards—although they have not been officially adopted and changes can still be made.

That last bolded sentence itself lends towards seditious activity by a School Board, if they actually follow through with it, and do not change their mind, but them even considering it is in itself, tantamount to treasonous action.

Deleting George Washington, our 1st President, and Abraham Lincoln, an assassinated President?

And eliminating two holidays that are an important part of history?

Are these people daft, stupid, or ignorant?

Believe me, I do not want Thought Police, but I sure as Hell want history to be included, especially in regards to the founding of our nation and one of American's most disturbing wars, the Civil War, to be included.

I could understand leaning the story, more so than actually erasing it out of history.

This is in no way a comment towards anyone here on ATS about Texan's, but these School Board officials need to pull their collective heads out of the keister's.

This sounds like a plan to eliminate history, so in a few short decades, if Texas does secede, the children will not know about the American Revolution nor the first Civil War, preparing them to see the Union as hostile aggressors.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 07:18 PM
Seymore.... Music please!!!!!!!

Well how appropriate a topic. So I am going to probably have this erased for major trolling (sorry SKL
) or T&C. @ mods I am going to to only try at toning it down.

Last night I was so tired I crashed but after a conversation. I stated in another post my friend who is thinking about a viral campaign for governor.


This country is in the condition it is in because the constituency has allowed it to reach this point. Thats right its you. Have you done what is necessary to change the problems? The answer is NO. otherwise this thread would not have been posted.

The buck stops here!

At the posters in other countries. Same applies for what is being said here. You are free in your head at the very least: so quit whining and do something. Vote, write in, call, get your friends together organize a campaign.

Seymore roll music

Read the words during the video

A real american will get upset at first, but then something miraculous happens. Our great national history and tendencies come into play. The old fashion hard headed horse sense kicks you and you do something.

2) friend's ideas

Please note the odds are better in casinos then this actually happening.

Speed reading
Memory improvement

add in mandatory ROTC starting at middle school

the uniforms solve school dress code issues...

The parents cant afford it. My friend said their are many ways.

If it came down to it, go to goodwill or Dav stores.

Will teach the basics of disciple and how to get ahead.

@SKL good point

The are pusuing an agenda. It does seem that they are removing the past aka 1984.

Those who control the past control the future. Those who control the present control the past.

He said he agreed whole heartedly that it is the parents responsibility. While he acknowledged this he also said Texas should be ashamed of themselves for this garbage. He believes in value for what the taxpayers are paying for their education.

You have sports players who cant READ. They get passed on due to their ability to play.

My friend if he is elected governor intends to find those former HS students and present ones and do the following.

a) arrest every teacher they had regardless of age.

The accept state funds and defrauded the government and the student and the parents.

b) arrest every administrator and principal and football coach for the same crimes and then some. He included the all the school board members.

c) order the release of funds so the ones who "got left behind' are brought up to the new Texas standard. He said he was raising the bar for all students.

1)four languages (not counting english)
2)ROTC statewide
3)all college level associates in a mathematics degree.
(yes you would have to be at the quantum physics level for the HS diploma)
4)propaganda 101 (nuff said)
5) computer basics- construction and programming

Here was his defense.

"We are competing worldwide now. The federal government and the state governments are letting you down, I cant fix the feds but I can fix the state.

The competition goes to school six days out of seven. Some year round. Their degrees are more advanced for basic graduation. Asimov was right when he said that a sign of decline was not to begin education programs in response to failings.

Well think about that. Your kid will be competing against markets that the children are point blank better trained then your kids. Thats the secret of why your country is losing. You allowed laziness and complacency to overrule horse sense."

He had a good point. He is a former Marine and believes the secret to success for this nation comes down to this: Proper pre-planning will prevent piss poor performance.

So to make sure I have not drifted to far off.

Country going down crapper because citizens have let this happen.

Its a sign of a control measures that such garbage is being considered. The education of sheeple would have been a great title to this thread as well.

Training is the secret to success....

Well till the mods t&c for my comments toast.

BTW, I destroyed my soap box out of anger earlier. I am looking for a new one

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by ripcontrol

Well, I will say this for your friend, he has balls, but let's see if he knows how to use them.

When it comes to education, we need to watch those who speak of school uniforms, and military education, because while I respect the Ancient Romans, for their not giving any man their citizenship, without first serving in the military, America is not ready for that, yet, nor will it will be anytime soon, unfortunately.

School is not a place for military, but I do see the positive factors of offering R.O.T.C., but not in making it mandatory, because free will has to come into play, or else it is tyranny, not an education that is being offered, and when tyranny is the only choice, revolution is the only answer, and tyrants do not like revolution.

While I see your friends methods as a means to an end, the criminality of action behind the Administrators is equal to the malfeasance of those above them.

In other words, either all are culpable, or all are innocent, tread carefully my friend.

As for me, Texas is not my fault, when I reside in Florida, and I'm battling the ignorance, but I am only one man, and one man can make a difference, slowly.

Political Blame Game Ideology : It's Your Fault

[edit on 18-3-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

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