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Toxins In Plastic (phthalates) Linked to Homosexuality and ADHD

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by doctor j and inmate c5779

(This guy`s probly gonna say that gays arent hurting anyone like people who like beastiality and pedophiles so thats not a fair comparison. Well pay attention, I didnt say child molestors or animal abusers... for example, someones PREFERENCE could be pedophilia or beastiality. And I know this is gross, but it happens and ignoring it won`t solve anything or help us understand the processes involved. And it`s easy to say, "I don`t WANT to understand THAT!" But again, that won`t help protect our children or animals. That being said, there are pedophiles who do not molest. They only fantasize. They watch those videos with young looking actresses/actors. They have sex with adults and use their imaginations. The same could be said for beastiophiles. So, this is how I was reffering to pedophilia/beastiality... as a preference or lifestyle choice. And in case anyone is wondering, yes it does make me feel kinda dirty just typing those woprds that many times. but sometimes you have to force yourself to open your mind for the sake of research. and to prove a point, I suppose.)

Your post reminds me of a scene in Severance, a British horror/comedy. Richard, the team leader, has an awkward dream about Maggie, a very attractive team member. He spends about five minutes second-guessing himself after making a comment about her weight.

On topic, I don't think a homophobe would use a source that has this in it:

Homosexuals continue to be discriminated against on every level in our society. The fundamental Christians condemn it as a "sin" and quote ancient Biblical passages which also called leprosy and epilepsy the work of the devil. This needs to change. More physicians and scientists must speak out and reveal the proof.
Or have we not come that far yet?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by doctor j and inmate c5779

Lmao?... and that came from where ?? beatiality???, pedophiles????

whats goin on in your head dude to link a rant like that to me calling someone you probably dont even know an idiot?!?!!

to answer the Actual point of your post, which only really needed 2 lines and not the insane rant that ensued is simple ... i was not trying to make him see my point of view, i was stating my view.

and im man enough to say i maybe was a bit to the point on the idiot thing, but i was pretty shocked at what seemed like a very silly attempt at a veild homophobic post.

also... how come you have 2 names?? lol, who am i speaking to?

[edit on 16-3-2010 by boaby_phet]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:28 PM


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Interesting ?!

Did you know beer could cause breasts on men ?
Really true !

Oh and you could get cured if your gay. Just pray real hard.
Maybe you will even be awarded with a little boy. :shk:

Why did you even posted this article anyway???

[edit on 16-3-2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:04 PM
This thread is really about one epigenotoxin. For a broader scope thread including xenoestrogens and histone deacetylase inhibitors, you should use the catch-all epigenotoxin, or epigenetic genotoxin, or epigenetic carcinogen. They are called this, because rather than affecting the amino acids in the DNA, they affect the methyl/acetyl group structures that control the expression of your DNA. When the normally robustly sexually differentiated part of the brain called the bed of stria terminalis is doped with another epigenotoxin, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, sex differences between the brain disappear. Check it out.

There are also epigenotoxic effects on IQ in pregnant women that are passed to subsequent generations.

Mass sterilization campaign Exposed! This Includes You! Epigenotoxins! Legal Loophole!

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by elusive1
can you say that in english please...

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:07 PM

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:14 PM
In the world of Vibrational Medicines there is a concept of "Plastics related Miasms". Supposedly some illnesses are or will come from the association. It looks as if a link may exist between plastics and the homosexual malady. Certainly, it can not be fully accountable. But it is known that Soy also adds in the proliferation of this condition. Misguided response to the breeding impulse is not, by any means new. We all have maladies of one kind or another. What is healthy, is that the response be along the links of Alchoholic Annonymous ie one of recognition of the malady in conjuncture with humility and contrition and not acting as if it's a gold medal to be flaunted.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 10:39 PM
There is another thing that needs to be considered. The pill which is estrogen may be involved. Let's say a woman is using the pill for birth control. Let's say she forgets one night and gets pregnant. She may not find out she pregnant for months. In the mean time she will still be taking the estrogen, and if it's a male child, it is being dosed with estrogen every day.

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