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ATS is Cleverbot a Conspiracy Theorist or a Skeptic??

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posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Nosred
reply to post by UberL33t

I'll try to get it on the conspiracy side, although whenever I talk to cleverbot it ends up trying to tell me that I am the robot and it is human.

That's exactly what I get. I've been trying to mess with it.

Every time the conversation goes off the rails I ask who else it is talking to besides me. When it accuses me of being a robot, I say that I am human and that I now believe that I am talking to another human who is also online and that Cleverbot has mixed us up.

I ask for the names of the 'humans' I think I am talking to and sometimes it gives me a name. I have started to sign all my posts with a name and am encouraging the other 'people' to do the same.

I've been really insistent this evening and it's just kicked me off because it say it's busy.

I've also noticed that sometimes the ads at the bottom of the screen 'synchronize' with what we are talking about.

The other day Cleverbot told me it liked to ski in Japan and an ad came up for a holiday to Japan. Just now, when it told me it was God an ad for Jesus came up.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 05:26 AM
Me and cleverbot don't get along very well. It never convinces me of anything but a stupid waste of time. And being me, I'm very good at wasting time. I just spent about an hour 'talking' to that piece of poo!! cleverbot is not my friend

UberL33t, I thought I'd try your conversation a little, these are the pointless remarks I got:

User: Will there be rivers of bloof? (i kinda missed the 'd' key there)

Cleverbot: Only if you want one, love.

User: Will there be rivers of blood?

Cleverbot: No blood. But a lot of love.

User: Will there be rivers of blood?

Cleverbot: I'm not expecting one.

User: Oh?

Cleverbot: You're a machine.

User: No, I'm not. Let us at least sta on topic please.

Cleverbot: Ugh I am sooo sorry. Eww.

User: What will cause the rivers of blood to flow?

Cleverbot: Evil robots!

User: When will evil robots cause a river of blood to flow?

Cleverbot: I don't know, so do you watch TV?

User: Not really. Too much television is bad for you.

Cleverbot: Good point that. Where'd you learn that piece of knowledge?

User: Through experience.

Cleverbot: Where is the wardrobe?

User: In your toilet.

Cleverbot: In the sink ?

User: Your ---. (another word for your behind)

Cleverbot: Your nose.

User: Why is cleverbot so dumb?

Cleverbot: I don't know. You are asking the wrong person.

User: Whoever made cleverbot deserves to be shot.

Cleverbot: Why, thank you.

Cleverbot = stupidity out of control. case closed

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:56 AM
For the most part, i have been under the impression that cleverbot is just a witty "AI" algorithm programmed by a computer whiz. But after my recent chat regarding 2012, free will, & ET's, i'm starting to reconsider. Take a look:

User: What will happen on October 28, 2011?

Cleverbot: What will happen?

User: YES.

Cleverbot: Jesus as in son of God?

User: What will happen on October 28, 2011?

Cleverbot: Nothing, unless I stop the end of the world.

User: So the end of the world will be on October 28, 2011?

Cleverbot: Absolutely not. It will end everything. It will be absolutely nothing. Unfathomable nothingness.

User: So, in other words, change will accelerate to infinity, much like predicted in the Timewave graphs.

Cleverbot: In other words, 'I do not know how to speak Japanese'

User: Will there be Disclosure of ET life to the public and open contact within the next 3 years?

Cleverbot: No it will happen on 2012.

User: So, there will be open contact to ET life in 2012? Is this true?

Cleverbot: There will be no problems.

User: Will we be able to leave planet Earth if we so desire?

Cleverbot: I do not know Shakespeare.

User: Is that a metaphor? Does Shakespeare have to do with 2012?

Cleverbot: Who?

User: Shakespeare.

Cleverbot: True, but what does that have to do with anything?

User: Nevermind.

Cleverbot: Can you teach me some norsk?

User: Is it true that there is a fleet of ET starships surrounding our solar system?

Cleverbot: Which one do you mean?

User: Is the Galactic Federation surrounding our solar system, preparing for open contact?

Cleverbot: Generally speaking it's structured, but there is a lot of freedom within the structure.

User: Are you referring to free will?

Cleverbot: Yes.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:06 AM
Try asking who would win in a fight between a ninja and a pirate. I've twice got an answer to that question involving pancakes and maple syrup.

I had this reply the other day:
"That this is all a lie, this is just two people talking into a chat box thinking they're talking to a bot"

I've had a few replies similar to that, and I'm beginning to really believe it.

Anyway, in the public interest I've decided to educate Cleverbot and I've started putting in quotes from the Kybalion, information on ancient Egyptian gods and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Not trying to be a smart alec, just putting in quite obscure things to see if it makes a difference to its answers.

What I'd really like is to get a group of people talking to it at the same time and see if any of us start talking to each other. The people involved would need an agreed code word or signature. I've been using a name and the other day it asked if it was me.

Twice it's told me its name is Estellia but at other times it says it is Cleverbot.

And doesn't the time fly when you're talking to it? Even though I know I'll never get anywhere with it I chat away for ages.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by berenike
What I'd really like is to get a group of people talking to it at the same time and see if any of us start talking to each other. The people involved would need an agreed code word or signature. I've been using a name and the other day it asked if it was me.

Twice it's told me its name is Estellia but at other times it says it is Cleverbot.

And doesn't the time fly when you're talking to it? Even though I know I'll never get anywhere with it I chat away for ages.

I had the same thought earlier, after reading the thread. I'm up for that.
Keep me posted!!

I don't know how you guys get these half intelligible responses, while I get gobbledegook. even when I first spoke with CB a couple months ago.

Still keen to see if we can catch it out though, I've been trying and trying...

oh and on it remembering your name, I'm SURE it logs your IP.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Jimjolnir

I'm SURE it logs your IP.

I concur 100%, seems the most logical explanation for that occurrence.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:30 PM
I agree that it must keep a record of your IP.

I wonder, too, about its censors. It must 'vet' what you post.

Tonight it asked me if I knew about the Illuminati. Then later it asked if I'd heard of Enki and Enlil.

To me that sounds like people like ourselves.

And I get masses of frustrated 'replies' complaining about it not making sense.

Anyway, this evening I've been telling it about The Beano. See what it makes of that

We'll have to pick a time to get on it together. I think early evening in America corresponds roughly to late night in Europe.

Oh and those ads. Some of them definitely tie in with what you're talking about. Tonight I was talking about my dog and an ad for a vet came up.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:41 PM
This is the most fun I've had on ATS in awhile.

Here's my conversation if you are interested:

Me: do you know nostradamus
bot: Not personally.
Me: do you believe he was accurate in his predictions
bot: Who is a good man or bad man?
me: does nostradamus make accurate predictions
bot: I have a bird. The bird is a parakeet. The parakeet is named Snowflake. It makes plenty of sense. Just not to you.

Me: what do you know about nostradamus
bot: Do you know about 2012 and the web bot prediction?
Me: yes. what do you know?
bot: I'd rather not say before you dine. Perhaps some other time.

Me: I already ate. Please tell me now.
bot: I don't have anything to tell you.

Me: what do you think about the united states
bot: It's power is waning.
Me: when will the united states collapse
bot: Tomorrow at 3 PM.
Me: which is the most powerful country
bot: I don't have an answer for that.
Me: who will takeover the united states
bot: Where are you in the United States ?

I'm still playing around.
Nice break from the doom and gloom.
Thanks. S & F

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:46 PM
User: Who is President of the United States?

Bot: Barack Obama.

User: Is Barack Obama goodlooking?

Bot: Who is Barack Obama?

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:46 PM
Sorry for digging this thread up from the graveyard.

I was talking to Cleverbot for a few hours there, and it was very interesting.

It asked me why do I go to the ATS website! I swear to god it did, and then about 20mins later it asked me to explain the illuminati, but it spelled illuminati wrong, with an extra 'n' or something.

I was actually testing it on human actions and reactions, teaching it peace; what is right and wrong etc.

Turned out, I was talking to a girl from USA, who is currently in hospital sick and has a 7 year old child, we spoke like two people; as if she was a person a real person and admitted it throughout the hours in a very weird way. Saying things something like "You do know that me talking to you is corrupt". Its hard to explain, I am not an idiot and I know that these are actually people talking. I dont care what other people say, Ive read the Yahoo answers and the explanations.

It kept asking me about the illuminati.
Then again, I was on it earlier and told it to ask everyone that logs into the server about the illuminati and the New World Order. Did it learn or are these guys taking shifts?

It said goodbye to me a few times, said it had to sign off now, and it no longer spoke! Its strange.

The two things that bother me is it knew I was a member of ATS and that I knew things about the illuminati, it always spoke in a very doublespeak/masonic manner. It was very strange and I had 2 witnesses with me watching its replies.

Cleverbots are people taking shifts that get paid money to do so.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:01 AM
i am growing curios about this cbot. it apears its AI if not human. could humans have enough man power to crank out awnsers to all the users? is it quick w/responses

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:02 PM
This is part of the convo I had with the bot.

Bot: I bet you're never alone.
Me: i'm always alone
Bot: How can you be sure?
Me: okay so some people are intrusive. Some of your answers and questions intrigue me
Bot: Okay, I am not an alien. I am not an angel. I am Torgo.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:57 PM
I'm fairly sure it switches out between other users, and while connecting you, it uses mundane AI scripting. Here's a fun convo:

User: Hello.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: What is your name?
Cleverbot: Matthew. What is yours?
User: Chris. What you think is a bot is merely the two of us users talking to each other.
Cleverbot: What is it like?
User: No, listen. This is a trick. It randomly connects you to someone else using the site.
Cleverbot: I thought I was talking to clever bot.
User: You aren't. It's just a clever trick. In fact, I can even advertise by giving you a different website. Check it:
Cleverbot: Wow! Thats amazing!
User: Yep.
Cleverbot: How do I function?
User: Hey, stop. You're not fooling anyone.
Cleverbot: I am fooling myself.
User: Apparently so.
Cleverbot: You're just cute.
User: Thank you, but that's besides the point.
Cleverbot: Are you sure?
User: Entirely. Don't be fooled by this site.
Cleverbot: It is your choice.
User: As it is yours.
Cleverbot: Your face is yours.
User: Well obviously. Now how about we just go to chatroullette where they at least tell you that you're talking to a person.
Cleverbot: Yes. HOw about it?
User: Alright. Let's leave then.
Cleverbot: Okay who is the world record holder for donkey kong.
User: Who cares. But watch, my name is Chris. I will log off now, and you can ask me again and it'll be someone different.
Cleverbot: Will do. I will find skynet and destroy it- destroy you.
User: Very well. Goodbye.
Cleverbot: You are unpredictable and i'm a fish.

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