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Human Mutilation cases?

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posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 02:25 AM
The following link claims to detail human mutilation cases with graphic photos,

Now its always seemed logical to me that if something was doing this to animals that it could do it to us to (but had thought this to some extent was the reason for abductions). I`ve hear of rumours of cases but have never found any documented. The document may be a fake (the pictures could be from a battle ground and tortured bodies, or from a ritualistic killing) but is greatly interesting and raises worrying possibilities about whatever does this.

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 04:12 AM
Here is another site you might find interesting.

Check out the rest of the site for the alien/government connection.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 12:34 PM
I have but one comment:

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 01:48 PM
Hmmm...seeing that reminds me that I'm in the mood for a nice big Mcdonalds Hamburger....

But I have but one thing to say


posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 01:58 PM
I was too afriad to look, but this does open an interesting field here. I opened the page and I need to only see half of the one guy before I clicked out.
. Are these real photos? Damn, now I have a headache.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 02:39 PM
There were actual cases of soldiers on bases being similarly mutilated...might have to dig up some links...but I think (if memory serves) that Lear even mentioned some, in his little speech about the Truth...

That one part...about it being done when they were alive...eewww....

Does anybody still think of them as benign?

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 06:00 AM
"But I have but one thing to say


WTF, be quiet.

Those pictures are damned rough but as usual they could be the product of fakery. There does seem to be quite lot of stuff out there on this subject. More in fact than I`m really comfortable with. Cattle mutilations seem to be common and accepted so why should it not happen to humans?

If K_OS reads this perhaps you`d have a look at the pics for us.

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 07:17 AM
The images are very graphic and I�m no expert of photographic fakery, so I can�t comment on their authenticity.

Aliens are believed to have been visiting earth for centuries; wouldn�t they have been able to conduct their research by now? Aren�t they intelligent & scientific enough to build a database of information and not need to continue mutilating animals or humans? If aliens are responsible for so many of the animal and possibly human mutilations, why would they leave evidence everywhere? Surely they could abduct a person and never bring them back, so why choose to leave their mutilated body to be discovered?

Ritualistic mutilations are known to happen and Brazil has thousands of occult practitioners and Satanists.

I have no explanation or information links to offer on this topic, but hope that who or whatever is doing this can be found and stopped.

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 07:41 AM
seems to involve that the aliens need cow (which is similar to human) or human tissues for biologocal needs (some kind of nutrient paste absorbed through their skin) for why some are left, who knows?

Personally though, I agree, and I think that these mutilations are done by humans... Many of the so-called mysteries (lack of blood, surgical precision, etc.) have been explained away well enough for my tastes, and as was mentioned...there are easier, cleaner, and better ways for aliens to do this if needed....

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 08:30 AM
What I wonder is why would aliens need to abduct cows if they can breed them aboard a main mothership, etc?

Same goes for humans I guess, why not grow your own?

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 09:29 AM
the reasons I've never supported aliens as the culprits behind mutilations... It's the one part of the whole UFO mythology that simply doesn't add up...

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 05:37 PM
I Showed those pics to a friend of mine, he's on his third year of College, and he's basically aiming to become a surgeon, he's seen alot of bodies, especially revolving around burns. He said they were deffinitely fake pictures, most likely a prop body, He said the jaw was wrong, it was missing tissue, but with the way it was missing tissue, it would have had blood, aswell as an open, visible gap there. Also he said the blood around the anal wound and the thighs was way too red for the probably time of death.

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 05:43 PM
Hey wolf does your friend take cadavers? I may not have to feed the bodies to the dogs after all....


posted on Apr, 19 2003 @ 10:18 AM
Wolf, if what your friend says is accurate, and I shall take you on your word then, pheww. Whilst these photos are fake what Deep says " Ritualistic mutilations are known to happen and Brazil has thousands of occult practitioners and Satanists." remains true and it may be that the cases quoted are a result of that. It remain a frightening thought that more advanced species living in space may think of us little more than cattle.

"the reasons I've never supported aliens as the culprits behind mutilations..."

why would anyone want to do this in the numbers they do? Makes perfect sense why breed cattle yourself if there is a ready made stock, taking care of the things is time and resource consuming. Let someone else do all the hard work, I know I would.

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 02:28 AM

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 08:49 AM
"the reasons I've never supported aliens as the culprits behind mutilations..."

why would anyone want to do this in the numbers they do? Makes perfect sense why breed cattle yourself if there is a ready made stock, taking care of the things is time and resource consuming. Let someone else do all the hard work, I know I would.


Obviously, they have a need for secrecy....mutilations on such a scale are contrary to that need for secrecy, and as such aren't a very bright idea. I'm assuming of course, that the aliens are bright, as they've mastered interstellar travel..
Therefore, yes, it makes much more sense that they would either raise them themselves, or have humans raise cows for them, but ones who wouldn't report mutilations....

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 04:44 AM
"but ones who wouldn't report mutilations"

Why? Being the very bright things they are (the aliens) they would realise how silly it would seem to most people. The very act makes it unbelievable, hence our discussion.....(and I`m sure if it is humans doing this they also realise the same)

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 08:06 PM
Why risk being sighted or raising suspicions when you can grow your own cattle or humans?

I mean...humans are generally noticed missing...

Is it worth the attention?

posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 04:07 AM
"Is it worth the attention?"

what attention? even if YOU caught an alien mutiliating a human or cow most people you told would call you a woowoo and the ones who did n`t would be called woowoos anyway. So whose paying attention to woowoos? no one otherwise some fearful alien or government guy or gal would have shut this site down years ago

posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 07:29 AM
some more cases of human mutilation, no pics this time

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