posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 03:52 PM
Here in Canada the people believe they are living in a free and democratic society because they are able to vote for their representatives to
represent them, in the houses of parliament. We are all born free and have inalienable rights as natural persons that is true, until we sign documents
to work for a corporation or apply for government issued identification.
When your first and last name is capitalized “John Doe” it falls under the legal definition of Capitus Diminutio Minima this occurs when a man’s
family relations alone were changed with a minimal loss of rights. When your last name is capitalized “John DOE” it falls under the legal
definition Capitus Diminutio Media where you lose your rights of citizenship but not rights to liberty and you can be fined or penalized but not
imprisoned. When your first and last name are capitalized “JOHN DOE” it falls under the legal definition Capitus Diminutio Maxima where all rights
of family and citizenship are surrendered and you can be fined, penalized and imprisoned for any duration at the whim of the state.
There are two types of law, Civil law and Maritime Admiralty law. When you look at any of your government ID, drivers license, S.I.N., Health card,
etc. You will see all capitals. This means you wave your rights as a natural person and are agreeing to represent the artificial person that the
corporation (Canada) has created.
When a subpoena or summons comes to you it will be in CAPITAL letters because then you can be dealt with by banks and corporations. Capital letters
represent a corporation so if you do not agree that you are representing this corporation you do not have to attend any court. Courts are a British
commercial venture and unless you wilfully agree to attend and represent the artificial person you do not have to participate.
Canada was formed as a corporation in 1867 and has it’s corporate number registered in Washington D.C. This means that it’s system is corporatism
or more accurately “fascism”.
We can see the police state that has been implemented all around us. Some of us remember the TV show “Hogan’s Heroes” where the “fascists”
used to have checkpoints on the roads and demand to “see your papers” This same program was implemented here in 1978 with the Reduced Impaired
Driving in Etobicoke as a test for the system that is now everywhere, at the state’s whim.
When 1000’s of heavily armed goons invaded sovereign territory of the Haudenosaunee in April of 2006 at Caledonia it should have been a wake up
call, as it foreshadows what is coming for the rest of Canada.
We the “real” people have to wake up before they apply the death camps again, this time not just for the “Indians” but for all of us.
thahoketoteh of kanekota