posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:37 AM
I was told in 1998 that memories of my purpose for inçarnating on Earth would come back to me when the time was right. That time is now.
I was warned of cataclysmic events on Earth and the only way to protect myself was to "Get right with God as I understood Him or perish."
At the time I was writing and had been offered two jobs as a screen writer in L.A. A story popped into my head about an evil cabal/illuminati group in
league with aliens attempting to destroy most of mankind.
The hero was an American Indian who had gone through an incredible spiritual transformation. His main "weapon" was helping people wake up to the
fact that each person is an immensely powerful spiritual being with limitless power to affect physical reality.
The battle lines evolved around the evil cabal's attempt to:
1. gather all the wealth in the world before average people realized they could manifest wealth
2. take control of the media to convince people that world war and plague was inevitable. By convincing a critical mass these things would happen, it
would indeed manifest.
I just read The Law of Attraction and everything has become clear to me.the story I thought was true. The Law of Attraction is true. I have been given
$43,000 in the last 2 months and did not realize I was using the Law of Attraction.My daughter was given a scholarship and a friend died and left me
Assuming TPTB understand each human being has this power, and they live in fear that wealth is a zero sum game and they will lose their power over us
if we find out, everything makes sense.
The $23B that Rumsfeld lost on 9/10 makes sense. The gold bars that the Clinton's stole and the wallstreet bailouts are last minute attempts to
gather wealth before we find out the secret.
The constant stories of war and the justification for war are attempts to convince our collective unconscious that war is normal and justified. The
video games featuring war influence our kids. The stories about government corruption make corruption acceptible.
ATS weilds the potential to alter the course of humanity and this is why we have been under attack. ATS members are educated enough to know Max
Plank's discovery about the experimentor's intention, the basics of quantum mechanis and the entanglement of atoms through consciousness.
ATS members are also open minded enough to grasp the implication that intentions manifest into physical reality. If we collectively intend the facts
behind 9/11 be revealed, it will be. The same goes for the end of the wars, disclosure, etc.
I am going to do an experiment this morning. On thursday, I was written up by my supervisor and warned I was about to be fired.
I had come to believe my intelligence was a threat to my boss. Today I will walk in knowing my boss will see me as an asset and an ally. He will
realize I am his best employee and utilize me to my full potential. He will greet me warmly when he arrives.
I will update this thread at noon.Believe you have the power to alter your reality. You are far from powerless as TPTB would like you to think. The
only reason they have the power is because we have given it to them. Take it back.