posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:15 PM
What is the point in being good? What is
that point in being good? Looking for all walks of life to respond on this topic. Does being good do
something for you? What exactly? How does being good pay off in the short run? I mean, when you think about it, you don't have to be good so as long
as you don't make real life enemies.
To me, being cool is not being good or evil. I consider myself cool. When you're cool you say and do things that are maybe deemed bad, but not deemed
evil. Like MJs "Who's bad?", I'm sort of that kind of bad. The cool bad.
And I feel pretty freakin' good being cool minded. I have no enemies
except the regular such as the devil and the federal government in this big freakin' war we're all in in one way or another.
I look at good and evil as both evil. You could be so good that you don't comprehend that you are restricting freedom of, say, speech. So, good and
evil are one in the same with me. I'd rather hang around people that are cool than good or evil. I never let good people fool me.
Other examples:
If a good person found $1000 dollars they'd turn it in. If a cool person found $1000 dollars they'd keep it, and figure they were God damn lucky.
You always hear a good person say turn yourself in if a warrant is out for you. But they dont care to know the unique situation and circumstances
surrounding you. I mean, each person's situation is unique. Take me for instance... I shouldn't go to jail since I am one of those people who can't
do number one when it is time to go alieviate myself when being in the presence of other people. A good person don't give a damn about that. Though I
feel I have right to self-defense to not put myself in torture like that. In other words, if I had a warrant out for me, I will absolutely not turn
myself in. A time ago, when I went into the county, they didn't care about my lil problem even though I told the lady at some desk that asks us
questions, and it was torture than a motherfreaker. I vow my self-defense over any thing or any one. It's like my life in exchange for your's.
Anyway, you see how if someone is just doing their job they are called a good person? But then you see in my case how come I call the good people
evil. Ha!
[edit on 14-3-2010 by Tormentations]