posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:51 PM
You won't get the brain waves, when sitting in lotus position, you want to be fully relaxed and laying down for Astral Projection.
Not true, You can project sitting in a comfortable chair if you wanted to. The point is to be as comfortable as possible so that you can relax.
It also sounds like the OP has only tried a couple times. The way it worked for me is that I would fast a few hours before I tried it, a bit earlier
than the usual bed time so I wouldn't fall asleep.
I did not try to project immediately, as in my previous experiences I was just stressing too much focusing on leaving the body, and not totally
What I did was practice meditation and trance techniques nearly every day(never skipping more than 1 night in a row), until I felt "ready".
I basically meditated for about a month and a half before I felt ready.
When I felt like I was ready to project, I went to do my meditation and trance with the intention of projecting that night. What happened was I did
not go fully down into trance, but instead went about halfway through before I tried to bring on the vibrations. It worked! Although I became too
excited with my thoughts of how well this is working as I was floating around my room, and the next thing I noticed was my heart beating faster and
then *THUD*. I felt like I literally fell a few feet from the air onto my bed again.
I projected a couple times after that but it was purely random. I probably would have continued if it was not for me getting the mono virus and
putting me out of commission for a month. (Also avoid alcohol/drugs, even prescription drugs)