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I nearly astral Projected

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by togetherwestand

Come to Minnesota -- there's a John Chang-type qigong master working with the Mayo Clinic - they just finished research verifying the qigong abilities -- watch these video tesimonials from

people healed of late term cancer, M.S., Parkinsons, a rare lung disease from a Mayo clinic patient, etc.

The dude doing this Chunyi Lin sat in full lotus in a cave in China for 49 days straight with no water, no food, and no sleep! through this place

I took classes from him and I went 8 days on half glass of water but was never hungry nor thirsty and I had telekinesis, telepathy, and precognition, and did some amazing healing.

Now I sit in full lotus a few hours a day....

It's fun, it works. I do healing of others.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:29 PM
You always want to do astral projection when you lie down.

Lotus Position would never work for Astral Projection.

You won't get the brain waves, when sitting in lotus position, you want to be fully relaxed and laying down for Astral Projection.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by OdovacarDvilhelm]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by OdovacarDvilhelm

That's just the etheric projection -- real astral projection is an advanced yogic skill after nirvikalpa samadhi is achieved -- you need to be able to sit in full lotus 2 hours nonstop every night nonstop for at least 3 months straight.

This book on Sri Dhyanyogi will give you the real deal on astral projection:

Remember you can't fake the full lotus!!

But you don't want to do it right off -- start with the "Microcosmic orbit" practice aka "small universe" -- just get the Level One sitting meditation c.d. and practice an hour a day -- once in morning, once in night:

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:57 PM
I'm new here and have been into Astral Projection for quite some time. I don't know about any official excercises, but I normally lay on my bed with my eyes shut, pay attention to the my breathing. After that, I try and pay attention to the colors I am seeing through my shut eyes. As this occurs, my eyes begin to like ... rock to the left and right at a quickened rate, and yeah ... I def feel something.

Am I doing it right? Does that normally occur? If somebody could drop some advice, it would be much appreciated.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Simply J

Essentially astral projection is best done in the morning. But the idea is you let your body fall asleep before your mind falls asleep -- and at night it's difficult. In the morning the hormones are better -- so if you wake up early say 5 a.m. and then fall back asleep then your dreams will be more lucid and with practice you activate your kundalini -- which means there's electromagnetic transduction of your emotional energy.

So this electrochemical energy is from the lower body and so astral projection is sometimes said to be from rolling out of your belly -- but when you wake up in the "sleep paralysis" state then you test whether you are dreaming or not -- waking up within your dream -- and once you are lucid then you test flying out of your body.

Usually people wake up right when they realize they're out of their body but in sleep paralysis this is projected as the presence of another entity. So you sense a weight on your bed and then you wonder what's causing that weight and then you see yourself on your bed and then you realize that you are causing the weight and then you realize that the "real" you is outside of your body.

At that moment you get sucked back into your body but with practice you can travel further. I, myself, have not astrally projected -- but there is a deeper level that is just the nondual awareness.

Check out this lady's book about Transcendent Dreaming:

So with this you BECOME that which you dream about and it's real -- so you have precognitive dreams and also you heal people in your dreams -- but it's not you doing it -- it's the pure consciousness doing it.

So the deeper message is that individual awareness is a myth -- and in our dream state our subconscious merges with pure consciousness and based on our subconscious desires we link up with other peoples' subconscious to heal them or get messages from them -- from the future, etc.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:24 PM
Thanks for the explanation. I'll def look into the link also.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by OdovacarDvilhelm

Thanks for the link.

I just tried this, I lied down in the dark, put it on.......and DAMN, it creeped me out too much lol. It gave me negative vibes. Which is not good when trying to AP, trust me haha.

I'm glad it helped you. But for some reason the sounds were not for me.


posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

Got it going now -- sounds like ghost wind -- pretty funny.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:35 AM

I had a go at it, but i think because i was having a wee drink on saturday night and the fact of me having a hangover on sunday the astral didnt work.

I did listen to some binaural theta beats on spotify which last 30 minuntes, but i think the fact that i felt rough my mind could not stay awake, leaving me to fall asleep

However i feel fine today, going to have another go.

By the way, i have seen the john chang video before but i get confused with chakras, like what colour they are and stuff, i need to find a drawing chart of them i think.

anyways great to see people my age trying this and also other people really interested ill keep you updated to.

Peace out A-town

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

I'm into that dark dreary stuff, it sounds like a frozen wasteland or something. I love it.

Anyway, the point is the frequency that is created in your head, you must wear headphones and just lie down. The thing is, the sound will keep you awake, but the frequency will begin to put you to sleep, you stay in these weird altered trance state, very good astral projecting.

Try getting yourself use sound to put yourself in an alpha state, then move on to theta etc.

I forgot to add, you can try HemiSync as well, but I find the old man that teaches the exercises in HemiSync to be a very disturbing voice, the guy who does the HemiSync courses sounds like he's on his way out.

[edit on 15-3-2010 by OdovacarDvilhelm]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by mtaftm

Yeah, this is something you want to do when sober.

Try doing it after a couple drinks, and you'll most likely be running to the washroom.

It really only works when sober, and for that reason it is a good way to kick bad habits.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:51 PM

You won't get the brain waves, when sitting in lotus position, you want to be fully relaxed and laying down for Astral Projection.

Not true, You can project sitting in a comfortable chair if you wanted to. The point is to be as comfortable as possible so that you can relax.

It also sounds like the OP has only tried a couple times. The way it worked for me is that I would fast a few hours before I tried it, a bit earlier than the usual bed time so I wouldn't fall asleep.

I did not try to project immediately, as in my previous experiences I was just stressing too much focusing on leaving the body, and not totally relaxing.
What I did was practice meditation and trance techniques nearly every day(never skipping more than 1 night in a row), until I felt "ready".

I basically meditated for about a month and a half before I felt ready.

When I felt like I was ready to project, I went to do my meditation and trance with the intention of projecting that night. What happened was I did not go fully down into trance, but instead went about halfway through before I tried to bring on the vibrations. It worked! Although I became too excited with my thoughts of how well this is working as I was floating around my room, and the next thing I noticed was my heart beating faster and then *THUD*. I felt like I literally fell a few feet from the air onto my bed again.

I projected a couple times after that but it was purely random. I probably would have continued if it was not for me getting the mono virus and putting me out of commission for a month. (Also avoid alcohol/drugs, even prescription drugs)

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:12 PM
Cheers for reply's

Yes im going to give it a shot tonight, i feel like a vampire on steroids... jokes, anyways im going to have a shot when i come off the net, then going to just focus on not projecting but to relax and let it flow.

And i can't seem to download that mp3 that you left on my first page :/

zebra sounds interesting, if it don't work tonight ill try and do that cheers for the information

Shame not many people are interested in this kind of thing, if anyone can do it why not go for it.

anyway peace out A-town

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by mtaftm

Two reasons, although they are both intertwined. This kind of thing is looked down on as some sort of mental illness, or thinking too much/spending too much time with yourself etc. For instance this kind of thing is done in jails by inmates, they spend so much time alone they go places. You have to balance this kind of stuff with a real social life.

Just like any other meditation exercise. There is a great stigma.

The second reason being the government does not want you do explore your mind, or think for yourself. If you are intelligent you must use it to benefit others, so they will make money, any other knowledge is frowned on.

Some listening material that will bring you into the right state, you must listen with headphones for at least 20 minutes, just relax and start to drift away. ->

Deep Meditation

The Void

528 Hz Alpha

Sounds of Jupiter

Theta Waves

[edit on 15-3-2010 by OdovacarDvilhelm]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by OdovacarDvilhelm

hey odovacarDvilhelm, im really into dark stuff. i mean really dark! i like the audio you linked, alot! can you tell me where to find more similiar audio?

you can pm if you'd like.

[edit on 15-3-2010 by togetherwestand]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by OdovacarDvilhelm

I was actually very excited to try the file you linked to in one of your early posts. However, it didn't do anything whatsoever for me. I went through the entire half-hour with not so much as one abnormal effects. At least without the recording I've been able to get to the vibrational state consistently. I'm sure it works for someone, but not for me. Thanks for sharing it!

To the OP:

I'm in the same boat that you are. I've made it to the state of intense vibrations several times now. The most recent time it felt like I was rocking back and forth violently and I can remember 'seeing' movement of some sort. It was very cool, but, of course, a little disappointing when I didn't make the disconnect. But, what can we do but keep trying, right?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by mtaftm

Is the vibration thing you mention pleasurable? I have been trying this recently and the only thing so far has been a kind of energy or pleasurable tingling starting in my legs and moving over my whole body. There is a slight feeling of it tugging upwards.

I had this once way before i was even aware of AP and it was so intense, it felt like my whole body had pins and needles but it was pleasurable....kind of like an orgasm over my whole body i suppose (for want of a better comparison) but lasting. I also felt like I was levitating a little, just floating.

Is this really the beginning of AP or just some other kind of experience?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Epsilon5

There are many files that I've tried, that don't work for me either.

Such as on that Isotone website, they have many files with rain falling down over top of the frequency, it's supposed to be relaxing and I can't stand that at all.

Find something you like, but in general I think Binaural beats are a very good aid. You may want to try Hemi-Sync.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Didnt work last night again, the theta waves on spotify are just sending me asleep, and the sounds your providing me with ain't downloading the page is just staying black.

Yes i always get to the vibration stage and it sticks at it, for a while nothing happens just vibrations that go strong then weak and so on, i really want to listen to these new files, i will try and download them again.

No the vibrations are not pleasurable to me anyway, i just feel more energetic and my heart pounding its a good feeling but no way pleasurable.

Maybe i'm doing something wrong i don't know :/


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:40 PM
Hey, Good work! It takes a lot of hard word....

I have not experimented with astral projection/OBE's in years but I was able to get past the vibration stage only once.... It was hard for me...

It took me a bout six months to be able to get to the vibration stage.... Except for a few times before all this experimentation where I some how got the vibrations on accident...

After several more months I just some how knew I was ready.... I then brought myself back to that oh so familiar vibration stage, and then I told myself, I was going to just go straight out towards the wall... And I did...

It was weird... It was dark and everything because it was night and the lights were out but I could still see perfectly in this stage.. All around me...

I "floated" there for a few seconds and before I knew it I snapped back into my body.... That was the furthest I ever got with it...

I have thought about starting to experiment with it again, but have never really had the time to do it seriously....

Just keep working at it... It takes lots of time, patience and practice.... But you will get it.

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