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Israeli troops charged over use of boy as human shield

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by andy1972
I dont hear anyone condeming Hamas when they use the basement of a hospital as a base, knowing that the Israelis cant bomb it. Isnt that using kids as a shield??

Exactly! Human shields nonetheless.

Aside from that however, I am also tired of hearing so many people trying to find fault with Israel. How do we even know this story is fully legit? Not saying Israeli people are all innocent peaches and cream! Israel and U.S. are allies. Why are a lot of Americans (especially many younguns) always trying to find something wrong with Israel all the time, and not looking deeper into a given situation?

Yes, these soldiers should be dealt with according to the Global Laws in this situation. But this does not brand all Israeli bad people as a whole! I mean hell! We only hear of things here and abroad. We are not there to know what may/may not have really went down.

Just my unbiased opinion is all. Carry on.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:25 PM
Originally posted by itchy_tartan_blanket
So you agree that if Israel wasn't put there in the first place, the Palestinians had more of a chance of being a lot more civilised

No?? who said they wernt civilised??

and that the middle east may have been more stable without a Jewish state??

Yes, thats probably true...There only there because Europe didnt want them here.

Thus meaning Hamas would never have had to set up a base in the basement of a hospital to fight against a superior force that took their land in the first place, which was what you spoke out against at the start of this thread...

NOBODY, repeat NOBODY is telling Hamas to hide in hospitals and send suicide bombers against Isreal.
Even thouh Israel is a superior force Hamas CHOOSES to hide in basments. CHOOSES to use 14 year old kids as suicide bombers.
Theres nothing in the terrorist handbook thay says you have to do it.

The IRA fought a rather sucessful campaign against Britan without suicide bombers. ETA in Spain has never one it.
Its only the arabs that send little kids to blow themselves up.

Why would a superior force feel it necessary to use a 13 year-old? Weren't they happy enough using white phosphorous on civillians?

I dont know....ask anyone who served in Fallujah, theyd know better than me about using willie pete on civilian targets.

In short...although the Israel/palestinian problem was caused by Eurpoe DUMPING the jews on foreign soil, that doesnt give the IDF the right to use kids as shields, nor hamas the right to send little kids to blow themselves to bits.

But, i can certainlly imagine the fear going through the head of a 19 year old doing military service who may not agree with the occupation, Hes sick of seeing friends dead at the hand s of booby traps..he doesnt want to take the chance or be the next...maybe he did it to scare the parents or anyone watching so next time they´d think twice before leaving anything.

Either way, im sure theres a few Vietnam vets reading the article feeling nostaglia.

Its not acceptable, but it happens. Its wrong,but it happens. We live in a very imperfect world. Its a shame it doesnt come with a reset button.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by andy1972]

[edit on 14-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:32 PM
After WW2 the British should have given the Jews NORTH DAKOTA. Then we would not be dealing with all this. The Israelis would be separated from everyone who does not want to play nice with them.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by groingrinder now theyd be putting up settlements in South Dakota..

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 05:19 PM
Well this is a small victory for the Palestinian people, however, it doesn't change the fact that Israel is pushing ahead with the new settlements. 1 step forward, ten steps backward.


posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by andy1972

I know nobody is telling Hamas to hide in hospital basements but what chance do they have against superior firepower? It is very tact. They took a great risk by setting up in there given Israels human rights record...but using children as human shields?

The OP put up a story about soldiers using a 13 year old boy and was met with your reply on Hamas' hospital setup. I share many of your views but to disregard the subject in favour of saying "what the other kid did"....

One thing though with regards to the IRA and ETA...different countries, different circumstances, different common thing is that they all fought/fight for their land. This thing is ingrained into them. Generations and generations of being brought up around conflict and seeing tyranny at its best is enough to make any child grow up "slightly miffed" and make them want to fight against those who killed family and friends. Those bred and raised around conflict will know only conflict.

Try looking at this from a sociological/psychological viewpoint rather than your own personal opinion and you will see why they hid in a hospital...use the same idea for the Israelis. I wonder if you would have taken the opposite stance to someone posting about Hamas' using the hospital? Just curious.

Bare in mind I am not trying to attack you personally like 95% of all discussions on ATS, where instead of bartering out opinions and coming to real possible solutions/enlightenment, it becomes tit-for-tat playground crap trying to outdo the other person for egotistical reasons. Try watching the MP's in is the same...

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