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Google faces storm over naked child on Street View

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:40 AM
LOL, so much paranoia, over being seen? Google streetview should be the least of your concerns if you're trying to hide what you're up to. There are LIVE webcams all over the place these days that you should really worry about, from department of transportation traffic cams (available for public viewing), to business webcams (your favorite watering hole may have a public webcam on the net .. really, I've seen many LIVE bar and restaurant webcams on the net .. and it makes you wonder how many of you know about those while you're all out cheating on your spouse, ha).

Wherever you stop to spend money there is a LIVE camera on you. People walk around with their cell phones on 24x7, so you are trackable 24x7 (and really, just how many of those cellular provider employees can you personally trust to protect your whereabouts?). And what about your neighbors webcam, the one watching their yard and driveway, with your home pictured in the background? I have a public webcam on my cats 24x7, aimed at their cat perch that sits in front of a large window, through which you can see two neighborhood homes, thus anyone viewing my cats would be able to see when my neighbors came and went, ha .. would they be upset to know that I wonder?

Gee, so much paranoia. One day I can imagine someone demanding everyone else close their eyes while they are out in public, so not to be seen while out in public too? Funny. So many people up to so many things they are apparently ashamed to be photographically caught doing. Too funny. I'm going to buy some more webcams next week, maybe put one on the roof and let anyone and everyone to take a pan and tilt and ZOOM look around my neighborhood. Keep your curtains closed.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Divinorumus]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. Read his comment then read my reply and if you still have a hard time comprehending PM me and I will break it down....

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:35 AM
Just to see how recently the photograph of my neighborhood was taken, I found my house and my old RX-7 was sitting out front.

Funny thing is, I got rid of that car 3 years ago.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Little more than spying?

G'day RuneSpider

I didn't say.....

Little more than spying

I said.....

My problem is that you can use Google Earth Street View to do just that little more "spying" on people, if that's your thing.

Your misquote exaggerated what I was saying.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by illusive man
i would have mooned the google car if i knew when it passed my house
give them something good to look at

Damnit! Why didn't I think of that when one passed me the other day?

Ah well, I'll have to hang out in the next town over and hope they haven't done there yet.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:37 AM
Wow. If this had happened in the United States, Google would have been charged with the manufacture and distribution of child pornography, while the parents would have been charged with child abuse, child endangerment, and other lewd conduct. They then would have retrieved the IP addresses of all those who viewed that particular street view and obtained warrants to bust into people's homes in order to arrest them for downloading child pornography.

Who knows though, the firestorm may still be coming as some District Attorney, somewhere, might be salivating at the chance of being "tough on crime" and making a name for themselves.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
How come people are outraged when Google takes naked photos of our children, but when the government does it with airport body scanners, it’s just fine?
Most perverts prefer to whack off to real pictures, not xrays.

But I am sure there are kiddie xray fetishes, so I can see the outrage.

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