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Google faces storm over naked child on Street View

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posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by MushroomWig
I wonder how many users were thinking "Where can I see the picture" just for a laugh.

The ones that the article was referencing when it said, "sparked fears that paedophiles will have a new way to search for photos or targets online."

Anyone thinking "Where can I see the pictures?" "Just for the laughs" shoud be locked away, they are dangerous.

Forget the war on terror, its about time for the war on pedos....

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by MushroomWig
I wonder how many users were thinking "Where can I see the picture" just for a laugh.

The ones that the article was referencing when it said, "sparked fears that paedophiles will have a new way to search for photos or targets online."

Anyone thinking "Where can I see the pictures?" "Just for the laughs" shoud be locked away, they are dangerous.

Forget the war on terror, its about time for the war on pedos....

[edit on 13-3-2010 by AYNECHENT]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:06 AM
1. I'm sure Google will have this edited out almost immediately.

2. Yes, what is the big deal, and there is no guarantee of privacy on a public street, so Google did nothing wrong.

3. Google Maps and Street View on my Droid is AMAZING!! I put in my brothers contact info into my Gmail account online. Immediately he is added into my phone, and into my phones calendar, and GPS, and mapping, and Facebook, etc. Now when he calls, his facebook picture pops up, I can touch "show map" and "show street view" and I get a picture of the front of his house, with his truck in the drive! No matter where in the world I am, my Droid maps out a route to his house, and shows me pictures along the way! WOW!

OK on the second read-through I realize this sounds like a testimonial for Google. It is a little scary that just about every inch of public road, and every address, and every persons name is not intimately connected! Very cool and convenient, but also scary!

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:31 AM

My problem is that you can use Google Earth Street View to do just that little more "spying" on people, if that's your thing.

I think it's one step too far.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by dampnickers
The simple fact is that Google is invading our privacy.

It takes the biscuit that they can get away with any of this.

Google should be required to remove all people from the street view. No ifs, no buts; all people!

The best bit, is that if this was the Gov't that had done this, there would be far more people jumping up and down screaming blue murder.... where are these people now???

Perhaps you should cover the front of your house with cardboard so anyone walking past cant see it? Dont forget to cover your face too so that noone walking past with a video camera, digital camera, news crew or EYES should gaze upon you.

Either that or move to Mars.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
My problem is that you can use Google Earth Street View to do just that little more "spying" on people, if that's your thing.

Well you can do that by sitting in a car with blacked out windows too.

I really dont see the issue as long as Google maintains good support to remove these things when they are discovered.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by merka

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
My problem is that you can use Google Earth Street View to do just that little more "spying" on people, if that's your thing.

Well you can do that by sitting in a car with blacked out windows too.
I really dont see the issue as long as Google maintains good support to remove these things when they are discovered.

G'day merka

Well that's quite true, but it's certainly not as easy to do that, as it is to sit on your laptop & indulge one's "nosiness".


I don't sit at home worrying about "Street View", but all in all I think it's just a little bit of a step too far.

But anyway.....

I'll probably keep jumping on it like everybody else & I'll keep being part of the problem

Maybe...maybe not

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:22 AM
I fail to see why anyone would be upset about Google street view. What can be seen is the same thing anyone might see who walks or drives by.

I don't see why Google is going to the trouble to blur out anything. So you are walking down the street and google comes by, the photograph is of a single instant in time. So for example it shows your license plate number.. so what? Anyone can see your license plate number any time you are out in your car.

Wait and get upset when the satellite view is so clear it clearly shows you skinny dipping with your wife in your backyard pool.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by AYNECHENT

Oh no, someone with an interest in finding a naked child might stumble on one such image on google street!

...or they could just watch a bath tissue commercial.

Or, you know, walk down the street.

if you don't want people to see your spawn running around with his bits hanging out, teach the lapsed abortion how to cover its freaking crotch.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:44 AM
This story is stupid.

You know how many images there are on google street view? Even the most desperate of pedophiles could not possibly look through every image.. And for what, the possibility of a fuzzy picture of a naked child? They can just order a pediatric medical journal instead.

This who pedophilia thing is guerrilla marketing. Somebody is looking for an excuse to really put the fire to Google's feet.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:26 AM
I don't like the idea of street view at all. Whatever happened to pricacy in general? Why should we be able to see everything everywhere?
I wouldn't like to be filmed and exposed like that on the internet. I I want people to find me online, I'm quite capable of arranging that myself, without the help of big brother Google.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Gwynniver]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:44 AM
It's amazing that people on this website complain when a member of the public gets told not to photograph or videograph in public areas, citing personal freedoms. Yet when Google takes pictures on public property, it's all of a sudden an invasion of privacy. What's the difference between Google taking photos, and the public? Is one an invasion of privacy, yet the other is not? You can only have it one way. Furthermore, how is it a lack of privacy? Steet view is designed to help drivers, for example, navigate. The pictures very seldom change, furthermore they have no timestamp. How would seeing your car numberplate on public property on constitute a breach of privacy? To the viewer it would be some random car with no relevance at all. So what?

[edit on 14/3/2010 by C0bzz]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 05:02 AM
oh god, daily mail, what a surprise.

I wish this pompous newspaper would DIE.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by C0bzz

I completely agree, the irony on this site is amazing sometimes

To add to what others have said though... anything on Google Earth was viewable by ANYONE in the immediate area. If there is an image of you on Google street view you do not like for any particular reason, then you should not have put yourself in that position because other people could see it to.

The difference is, when I see you... I see a person I don't and never will know. The people who saw you in real life; they're the ones it could possibly mean anything to.

And spying? The chances of getting caught on it are rather tiny, it'd be a very lousy place to spy from. Much easier to sit down the street and watch the house in person.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:07 AM
One, this story comes from the Daily mail, a British Rag.

They tend to sensationalize all of their stories, it is a trashy tabloid.

Two, it isnt googles fault trashy parents allow their child to urinate in the streets. I personally think the photo should stay up (with his dingy blurred only). But google caved and pulled it according to the story.

Three, who cares if google puts a picture of you, your car, or what have you anyway?

I love Street View.

When I first moved to this city I used it to literally take a virtual tour of my new city and it helped me learn my way around, as I am a scaredy cat driver.

This is really just a prime example of the Daily Mail's type of trash journalism.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:15 AM
I'm not altogether sure how or if this might work, I remember being told in a training meeting (when I used to work retail), that because we had CCTV in our shop that any member of the public recorded on it was allowed to request a copy of that footage.

From the link, I'm unsure of whether this just applies to Government/Council land, I'm pretty confident that this won't be applied to any of the Google formats, but it just might.

Does anyone have any idea of the legal standing of this, it would be hilarious to go to Google and request all of your footage, being able to stipulate that you're confident you've been recorded by them, somewhere on Earth - hell, I'd be generous and narrow it down to the UK.

Imagine the paperwork.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:36 AM
How come people are outraged when Google takes naked photos of our children, but when the government does it with airport body scanners, it’s just fine?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Well, the source is the Daily Mail, if you're not from the UK - they're one of our more right-wing tabloids. Any sensationalist headlines go down well with them.

They've been quite web-heavy on their headlines of late, apparently the internet is the the coming of the Antichrist.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Little more than spying?

EH? The pictures are updated maybe yearly in some places.
A few of the newer gyms don't even show up in area, one still shows up as a floral center, actually.
The new Brazialian Jiu Jitsu place in the main part of downtown Pensacolla still shows as the old Civil War musuem under the maps.
My house here in town still shows the vehicles belonging to th people who lived her previously, nearly five years back.
Yes, you use it to help find an address, but you are also served in that reard by a map.

Also, when I was growing up the local Goodwill had a anner up that showed many babies facing away from the camera, due to their large amount of stuff for newborns and toddlers.
It's been removed, obviously.
Seems every decade we add a new bit of paranoia.
Government, Commies, Satanists, Rapists, Pedophiles...
SOmeday we'll all live inside our houses, to fearful of the world at large.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by RuneSpider]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:39 AM
Idiotic. Wimbledon Common is a public place - if you don't want people to see your kid naked then put some clothes on him.

And Wimbledon Common? Think of the poor Wombles....they don't want to be seeing naked kids running around while they're working!

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