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"Truthers" and "Trusters" This may change everything!

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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I finally had a chance to view the video you posted, and it absolutely supports my claim? How can you say that this video does not totally validate my claim?

The demolition happened equilaterally, the building began to fall, but it met some resistance on the right side and it "torqued" and began to lean as if to topple over. the demolition was botched, and the building teetered and rocked and then stabilized. It did not "pancake" collapse, and it did show obvious signs of trying to topple off to one side, just like the towers would have, except for the fact that all the supporting floors were pulverized internally, and the whole thing was able to freefall.

?Thank you for posting proof of my torque and topple and anti-pancake theory?

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

The main point is this:

The 15 story chunk that began to fall when the supports were blown under it NEVER contacted the ground. Your supposition is that the bottom of the chunk hit the ground, and it did not.

The entire chunk simply turned to dust, just like the rest below it. In MIDAIR, the section did NOT crash down on the reamini8ng shows without a doubt that the whole section dustified. The reasons for this are a matter of debate; Some believe that there were enough conventional explosives to turn virtually ALL of the concrete to a fine powder, as well as people, etc.

Others believe that DEW was exotic weapon that has effects that are identical to those observed: toasted cars, cars flipped around, spontaneuos fires and holes where no holes should be...and a few people actually believe the official story, despite the fact that it cannot hold up under even minor scrutiny.

The rate of drop is correctly measured by noting the moment that the antennae on the tower began to drop...that is proof that the central core columns were cut, all of them, at exactly the same moment...other wise there would be a tilt to one side or another...not right into the path of greatest resistance!!

This demolition was one of astounding that required massive study and application by a small and dedicated group. It was so sophisticated that the majority of the people would swallow their claims, no matter how feeble..because it allows enough wiggle room for someone who does not WANT to believe the truth to duck reality .

Only someone with an open and objective mind can see the whole picture...those whose world would be shaken to the core will never believe the truth, even if empirical evidence were given...which it has.

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