reply to post by mblahnikluver
Make a big pot of brown rice. Cook up your favorite kind of bean.
Keep these on hand all the time.
When you shop buy things that have only one ingredient. Include nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit. Organic are best but radiated are better than
Now create dishes that incorporate the beans, the rice or both these ingredients and the rest of your 1 ingredient items. Add grilled chicken or fish
and have a little rice and beans as a side. Add some lean steak, chopped veggies and make a stir fry, add them to soups, sprinkle on top of a
You don't have to live on this but if you get some into you everyday you will see your attitude, health and complexion improve.
Get a good whole grain bread you enjoy. Use it for toast, sandwiches and snacks (as in a slice with peanut butter and sliced apples -I put sliced
bananas, raisins and sunflower seeds.
The breakfast cereal with the fewest ingredients is shredded wheat and of course oatmeal...find one you like that has as few ingredients as possible
and have it with sliced fruit just to make it interesting.
Don't get the cereals that have nuts and fruits. Get the simplest one and add your own chopped fruit and nuts.
Eat your larger meals early in the day and evenings rather than a big meal have a bowl of cereal.
When ever you feel hungry eat a bowl of cereal and then allow yourself the junk...after the cereal fills you up you won't eat as much of the cookies,
candy, chips, processed crap but you won't be depriving yourself either.
Eat the real fruit, don't drink the juice. Pay attention to beverages. All of them have a long list of ingredients and lots of sugar. Drink water as
your primary beverage, supplement brewed tea and soy milk or even lowfat regular milk (organic tastes better) isn't nearly as bad as most other
If you are eating whole grain toast, cereal, beans and rice on a daily basis - it almost doesn't matter what else you eat, you will maintain good
health and you will not need a garden. After a little while you don't crave junk as much on this sort of a plan either.
Let yourself eat the junk but as a reward for eating your brown rice and whole wheat products.
Brown rice by the way is the only food nobody is allergic to. It is yin and yang balanced perfectly and the best thing you can have. Sushi is
excellent but there are things that can go wrong with a fish...Asians eat ginger and wasabi to kill bacteria that might survive in the fish and then
there is mercury so though an excellent food, and better than meat, it should be an extra, like a variety of veggies, chicken, and nuts will be
"extra" while you are primarily "living on your basics" brown rice, bread and cereal.
Some people say eat 2 good meals for every 1 "bad" meal. (Junk or processed food)
Shovel in the healthy food at every opportunity and then a little processed ingredients and chemicals, once in a while or even everyday... won't hurt
you. (unless it is soda -that stuff is poison and there is no cure. It is only a matter of time before it aggravates another condition you might have
laying otherwise dormant...but for the aggravation of soda... and kills you)