Hey guys...I joined the US Army in 1995 and since that year I looked LONG and hard for the recruitment video that I watched in the recruiting office
back in PA. In my mind the song and video actually helped me decide back then that the Military was the right choice for me.
Well today (3/12/10) I remembered the lyrics to that song as I have for the last 15 years, and typed it in google. Well to my suprise on youtube the
video I remember was there. I gotta tell you, it made me tear up. It made me think back to a life I loved. Made me think back to how things used to
be a mere 15 years ago.
To anyone who joined the military, especially the Army, before 1997, you may remember this video too. From my understanding, in 1997 is when they
stopped using it. Anyway...here it is...great vid, great song, great times! ENJOY!
The world was definitely a different place then...
Of course now, with the very real possibility of going off to a desert hellhole, recruitment has to emphasize the more tangible benefits, to attract
modern soldiers...
When I joined a decade before you did, the US Army was still using its "Be All That You Can Be" jingo. I also remember the US Navy had "It's More
Than Just a Job..." as theirs for a while.
The army also had an ad that stated "We do more before 9AM than more people do all day" was used for a while.
My favorite ads have been from the Marines: The knight fighting the dragon and many others.