Hello ATS.
Well, how do I start. First of all, thanks for this wonderful site. I've been checking it out every day for about 10 months, but first now I have
created my ATS account.
As you can see in the headline I'm from Denmark (scandinavia if anyone dont know) so english is my second language, so its not perfect
How and why did I get to ATS?
- Well, ever since I can remember, I've been interested in the paranormal things. It started in the school, when I was about 12 years old(?). Me and
my best friend began to borrow books about UFO's, Loch ness, bigfoot, ghost and so on. We was reading all the time. But after we had read all the
books they had, there wasent more to read. But then after many many years, I stumbled upon ATS and then I was in love at first sight
Have I encountered something paranormal in my life?
- I sure have. I've encountered things that I would call UFO's and Ghost's. The first sight I had, was two silver cigar shaped "crafts". The one
was flying really slow, and the other was flying really fast (they were right above each others). And ever since I have seen strange things, and heard
strange things. I would love to describe everything I've encountered, but then the thread would be too long
Many times I've had something on my mind wich I just needed to tell to someone who had the same view on things as I have. My friends dosent really
care about the paranormal, so I keep it to myself, unfortunately. But thank god, there was finally someone who has the same thoughts about all this,
and thats you (ATS) .
I'm very open minded, but if I encounter something paranormal, I always try to find some things that it could be. And if I cant, then I'll describe
it as paranormal. I dont belive anything I hear. I always try to find a simple explanation.
Thats the end for now. Just wanted to say hi, and I hope I will get a good time here. (I sure think I will!). I dont hope it was too long, but
hopefully you know a little about me now