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evolution beats creationism 10 to 3 and thats generous

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posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 01:11 AM
Another trolling propaganda post. Evolution is not "Fact" but NWO manipulation and control and "science" doesn't agree only career oriented, self serving individuals and those well brainwashed by the "system".

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by agentofchaos

Evolution is not random, it is determined by genetic variation of ancestors. Evolution makes no attempts to explain the meaning of life or the Universe, for that you should turn to philosophy or religion.

Evolution is final, its been scientifically proven however just because it is true does not mean we suddenly become aholes destroying the Earth in fact it more likely means we accept ourselves as part of nature. The belief that humans are BETTER THAN or above other lifeforms (that God gave us 'dominion') comes from religion, NOT from evolution, evolution states that we are all connected, all related. We are not separate from the animals we are animals ourselves.

Why is it necessary to have a supernatural plan? Is free will really so daunting a prospect? Is determining your own destiny really a bad thing? Imagine a world where God kept popping into your affairs asking your for favors and distracting you from your hearts desire to pursue other things. Is that what you want? A God who forces you into servitude or belief under penalty of eternal damnation?

While the existence of a higher power or deity is not outside the realm of extreme possibility it is irrelevant because even if such a being did exist Evolution would still be true as it has been proven to be so. So if God does exist evolution is no threat to him and he quite possibly drove evolution forward however such a claim is not scientific and therefore should not be taught in science classes.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by ReelView

The only conspiracy here is your inability to know what "theory" means in a scientific context. Hint: it doesn't mean "guess". Evolution is backed up by mountains of evidence. Creationism has none. I'm sorry if it rains on your religious parade, but them's the breaks, son.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:18 AM
The most amazing thing about all of this is how many people are going to keep quiet their Christian backgrounds in 40 years.

If embarrassing your children is all that you want to do as a believer in creationism or intelligent design then go for it.

As someone who actually looks at the universe and sees what it is for what it is you might want to keep your faith - but perhaps readjust your outlook upon how it all came to be.

There will be jokes relating to those who believe evolution is a piece of hokum in the future - similar to the blonde jokes of the 90's.

I won't feel burned by them - but there will be plenty of adults in the future who will be 2nd class citizens because of the sins of the father.


posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by agentofchaos
reply to post by SaturnFX

I agree, my life is my own and I make it what it is. However, when you tell people that it's all random and things don't happen for a reason it tends to leave life quite bland. I was also speaking in the sense like ok great evolution is final, what now? and where do we take this bit of knowledge and how is it going to help us out in life? Lol, you misinterpreted what I was saying although quite funny. What I was more trying to get is that evolution promotes the fittest survive and everything is here for our taking. Instead, I was saying more towards what you're saying. What we put in is what we get, no one is going to save us, my problem with evolution is it plays like everything is here for us and our taking and that we don't have to have a balanced approach towards any of it. We could use less religious radicals and more thinkers like you.

Actually religion is the one that teaches everything on earth was placed on god for our taking and abuse.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by ReelView
Another trolling propaganda post. Evolution is not "Fact" but NWO manipulation and control and "science" doesn't agree only career oriented, self serving individuals and those well brainwashed by the "system".

You must be a scientists I presume? Where is your earth shattering evidence for any of this?

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by ReelView
Another trolling propaganda post. Evolution is not "Fact" but NWO manipulation and control and "science" doesn't agree only career oriented, self serving individuals and those well brainwashed by the "system".

there is no NWO who told you that perry stone? benny hinn?
you must be very paroniod Dr. ashanu prescribes you 2hours of cosmos with carl sagan and one month on
then afterwerds some anti brainwashing therapy. the christians got you good this is a very bad case indeed

[edit on 13-3-2010 by ashanu90]

[edit on 13-3-2010 by ashanu90]

[edit on 13-3-2010 by ashanu90]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

I'm not sure if you're understanding what I'm saying. In no way did I say a god should come down and be a part of our lives like that; in fact, I stated quite the opposite. Right, so again I ask evolution is 'fact', what now? What is the point, are you saying it should have unconditional acceptance and people shouldn't have different ideas on how we came about? Can I ask, so do you beleive we have a spirit or no? If you do beleive that we have a spirit, you don't think that plays a part in our evolution? I'm not talking about a soul that goes to heaven or hell, but a spirit put here for the sake of gaining experience. Let me ask you one more thing, what are we evolving towards? What's our next step?

Just so you know I'm not arguing for intelligent design against evoltuion; I'm more trying to get you to see that just accepting evolution as the says all ends all leaves no room for debate or growth, because we already have the 'anwseres'...


posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by agentofchaos

You can believe whatever you want in lieu of evolution. Just realise by doing so you are being irrational, as mountains of strong evidence exists that states you are wrong.

Evolution isn't the final word on anything - it's merely a mechanism by which one species becomes another. If that's a threat to someone's beliefs, I'd suggest the problem lies with the beliefs, not evolution.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by davesidious
reply to post by agentofchaos

Evolution isn't the final word on anything - it's merely a mechanism by which one species becomes another. If that's a threat to someone's beliefs, I'd suggest the problem lies with the beliefs, not evolution.

well said i wish carl sagan was still alive he explained evolution so well

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:13 PM
I want to know why "I as a Christian" am not allowed to believe in evolution?

evolution is just about evolving, we do it daily, small amounts of evolution occur daily, every time someone reproduces there off spring has evolves further,

I have no problem in believing man evolved, just as I havo no problem with thinking a higher entity put it all here.

science is evolving constantly and new things are shown to be able to be reproduced to try and prove a theory as true.

science cannot prove the beginning of the universe, just as religion cannot prove that GOD exists.
so each side has its own faith, scientific faith of the beginning to prove they are right versus religious faith to say they are right.

science and religion can work together, for without the restraints of religion, science has no moral compasss.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
I want to know why "I as a Christian" am not allowed to believe in evolution?

I have no problem in believing man evolved, just as I havo no problem with thinking a higher entity put it all here.

i see your point but read my opening statement about genesis the inconsistancies just don't add up i just don't see how god could create man but at the same time have proof that life came from single celled organisms and what not it just does not makes sense plus the order that things were created in genesis is almost completely oposite of what science tells us

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by ashanu90

Genisis is just man trying to understand his origins, even though it is said to have taken 6 days, we use the earthly concept of a day, which in the universal scale is nothing more than a millisecond of time.

If GOD was to tell man that it took 6 days, one GOD day could equate to 1 billion years therefore it took 6 billion years to get to where we are today

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:35 PM

Not only do archaeological finds disprove Darwinism, but there is no proof of macro-evolution (species to species mutation) whatsoever. Of course species adapt to their environments and their characteristics can change over time, but there is no evidence in the fossil record or anywhere else to prove that one species transforms into another.

The complete title of Darwin's book is, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life." Darwin was a renowned racist looking for a scientific excuse for slavery and genocide of "undesirable" and "inferior" races. Evolution has been used to justify every major genocide and wicked philosophy--i.e. Naziism, stalinism, communism--in history by killing off the weak.

Evolution makes a hero out of death and completely negates all morality and humane compassion. When you tell people that they are evolved animals that are floating on a lawless and indifferent planet in outer space they begin to act as just that--lawless animals with no morality or accountability for themselves.

DNA is proof of a designer. The number of chromosomes from everything from a tomato, to a dog, to a human vary so drastically; there is no evidence of an upward evolutionary progression. To quote another: if you saw a painting or a statue in the forest and there was no one to be seen for 100s of miles, would you assume that it happened all by itself or that it had a creator? DNA is so mind-bogglingly complex that it proves a creator. Don't you think people's self-esteem and moral conviction would be higher if they were taught that they were designed in the image of God rather than freaks of nature that evolved from a rock billions of years ago?

This is how the illuminati want us to view ourselves.

Dr. Kent Hovind, who was framed for tax evasion and is now in prison, has over 17 hours of video in which he disproves every "proof" or argument for evolution. He has successfully debated top scientists and offered a $250,000 reward for proof of evolution. His debates and articles can be found at and

Evolution is the most effective means of destroying peoples faith in God and in the basis for absolute morality. As Hovind says "if there is no God, then how do you determine right from wrong?" And who determines it? Our satanic politicians who molest children? Evolution is one of the "strong delusions" now face. People "professing themselves wise have become fools.""Who turned the truth into a lie and worshiped the creature more than the creator?"

Evolution is satanic at worst and foolish at best. It is used by guilt-ridden and immoral people to justify their sinful lifestyles and sexual perversions. Period. Evolution gives people a rational excuse to live like godless, materialistic and selfish animals.

I'm quoting an opinion of someone who probably said it better than I could!

Just read a fantastic article about all the scientific cover-up that has been done to keep this phony theory

If you think it's not possible,think again! Didn't anyone learn anything from the Global Warming scandal?

Satan is a liar and has been using deception from the beginning,convincing man that to NOT believe in Him equals being "enlightened".

You won't believe the Bible,so go ahead and believe what your earthly masters tell you. You are insignificant and a random accident.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:35 PM
What is it, a baseball game now?
I laugh at both the evoloutionists and creationists..... Evoloution doesn't prove nor disprove anything. Yet, both sides of this argument act as if it does.... Keep fighting over the beach ball kiddies. Keep fighting over the beach ball. It's amuzing.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by ashanu90
the pyramids were built by egyptian contractors who were paid very well

Really? Wow, there are just all kinds of theories about "how the pyramids were DEFINITELY built," yet, despite all of our present day technology, we can't do it. Certainly not with the precision that it was done..... Hmmmmm....That tells me that no one really knows how in the hell they were built.

It's amazing how much we THINK we kno. Yet, when you break everything down, what we know amounts to nada. NADA!!!

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by ashanu90

If GOD was to tell man that it took 6 days, one GOD day could equate to 1 billion years therefore it took 6 billion years to get to where we are today

i don't think so
“... some may say even the idea of this planet passing from a ‘formless and waste’ condition to its present form with continents, forests, plants, animals, and men, all in just six 24-hour days--this still is incredible! But where does the Genesis account say that the 6 days were 24-hours each? Though some religious groups teach this, the Genesis account does not say it. You yourself use the expression ‘day’ in a broad sense of your ‘grandfather’s day.’ Likewise the Bible often used the word ‘day’ in a broad sense-Genesis 2:4. Keep in mind that the works spoken of in the first chapter of Genesis are those of God, not of man... Are God’s ‘days’ of work controlled by the rotation of this globe? Obviously not. Of God, the Bible says: ’One day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day’(2 Peter 3:8). And that even to God a ‘day’ can have more than one meaning is seen when comparing this text with Psalm 90:4 which says: ‘A thousand years are in your eyes but. . .as a watch during the night.’ So it is plain that the word ‘day’ can be used to refer to a 24-hour day, a person’s lifetime, 1,000 years or even longer” (Is the Bible Really the Word of God, p.18-19).

You free thinkers reading this are surely nodding your head knowing the fault in this circular reasoning. You Christians reading this are probably still clinging to the mantra like a pedophile to a 6 year old boy. Well, no matter how hard you try to hold on Jesus pimps, I’m going to blow a hole through your lie and spread it’s short comings to everyone I meet. We all know I find it my self appointed duty to expose the Christian/Jewish scriptures. Which is precisely what I’ll do right now:

FACT: the world is at least 4.6 billion years old. The bible claims to be approximately 6,500. Christians try to argue this by saying the usage of the word “day” in genesis is actually a term for thousands of years in time. This rationalization, they believe can help evolution be accepted into the bible. In other words Christians are trying to say that the word “day” is not meant to be as a 24 hour period. This idea is COMPLETELY FALSE AND NOT PLAUSIBLE. All it takes is a little research into the meaning of the Hebrew word for day and the usage of it in consistency. Of course, it should be common knowledge that the first five books of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew. The Hebrew word for day used in the genesis is account is “yom”, which is a definite 24-hour period. Christians attempt to say that because there was no sun until the fourth day, that the word yom is null and void. This cant be, for the lord claimed there was light, a morning and an evening PRIOR to the sun being created, hence the sun was not even needed. (Also note another contradiction here, that Christians/Jews refuse to notice. They’ll claim the word yom is void because there is no sun, yet that would mean that there couldn’t have been light or a way to decipher between morning and evening. Obviously this is a MAJOR scientific blunder on Jehovah’s behalf.) Now this fact alone pretty much blows the # out of the bible, but let’s pretend to accept the word yom is really meant for eons of time, how then can we reconcile the following?:

1) If a day is an era, why are an evening and a morning even mentioned? Actual days must be intended, otherwise, men who lived hundreds of years, e.g., Seth and Noah, would really have lived millions of years. If a day is an era, then a year must be tremendously long, perhaps encompassing hundreds of millions of years;

2) If a day is an era, then much of the Old Testament becomes chaotic. For example, in each of the following verses the same Hebrew word “yom” is employed: “And the flood was forty days upon the earth” (Genesis 7: 1 7), “And he [Moses] was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights” (Exodus 34:28), and “Thus I fell down before the Lord forty days and forty nights...” (Deuteronomy 9:25). If “yom” means era instead of a 24-hour period, Moses was “there with the Lord” for a VERY long time.

3) If a day means more than 24-hour period, then how are we to interpret the following verses, as well as scores of others. “Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath. . . . in it thou shalt not work... For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth… and rested the seventh day” (Exodus 20:9-11).

4) Genesis 1:16 (“And God made two great lights: The greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night”) states the sun rules the day and the moon rules the night. This obviously is referring to time as we know it, time with days that are 24 hours long with daylight ruling half of each.

5) Adam was made on the sixth day (Genesis 1:26-31) which was supposedly thousand of years long. This was followed by the 7th day which was also thousands of years long. Following the 7th day, Adam fell into sin and was expelled from the Garden. This would mean Adam lived thousands of years, which is false, since he died at age 930 (Genesis 5:5).

6) Genesis 1:5 surely spoke of literal day and literal night, and the inference from the statement, “And the evening and the morning were the first day,” is that it was a literal day of evening and morning, 24-hours. There is no Biblical evidence that the days of this chapter were longer periods.

my source is

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:56 PM
i don't mean to call anyone any names that were posted in the above quote. there not my words theya are a quote

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by On the Edge

Evolution has been used to justify every major genocide and wicked philosophy--i.e. Naziism, stalinism, communism--in history by killing off the weak.

the same logic can be used to say that a certain religion is the right on to justify the crusades,inquisitions,witch trials, and the torture of the knights templar i mean seriously that was messed up did you know the church tied weights to the members of the templars male region and just dropped them?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by ashanu90
FACT: the world is at least 4.6 billion years old. The bible claims to be approximately 6,500.

You know what makes that statement not a fact? The bible doesn't say that. That 6500 year figure came up because the Hasmonean Jews were the ones who wrote the OT.... Given that it was written from their perspective, they promulgated the whole "the earth is only 6500 years old" crappolla. Know your facts before you declare it a FACT.....

I have to say that I have never seen a debate that was any more ridiculous than the one between evolutionists and creationists. I cringe and laugh at the same time when I see a thread on it.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

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