posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:16 AM
Will a pat-down detect a cigar tube of PETN in someones rectum?
How safe would you feel if the scanner was idle while everyone was just getting pat-downs instead?
If the point of the scanners is absolute certainty of someone being "clean" of dangerous objects, I say to hell with your "religious beliefs" and
that nobody can exempt. Oh you can refuse, but not if you want to fly. You can't wave the constitution to demand to endanger everyone else
I'm not putting down religious beliefs, but it's pretty simple, assholes keep trying to blow things up, so we have to be certain you are not one of
those assholes.
Installing the expensive machines with the option to bypass them is like setting your firewall to allow all *.com to connect to your computer...will
you really be surprised if you get hacked/virus from someone you allowed to bypass your security?
Plus, if its common knowledge that you can refuse a scan and just get a pat-down, guess what the guy with the tube of PETN is gonna do? Get a
pat-down, board the plane, BOOM you all die, but its okay because he wasn't ethnic or religious profiled which is obviously more important than
keeping everyone safe...Tell that to the victims families