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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:06 PM
You know I hope they release the U.S. computer hacker. Didn't he have mild aspergers? Did he cause any violence, start any wars, or jeopardize U.S. national security? No, it was found, thank God, that he had not.

The published meaning of the 'Millenium Bug' was that of the time software code for date change after the point of the year 2000 celebrations.

Most systems were OK, but there really were bugs in some codes - and that was in respect to the telling of the year, and hence the date, and time too, that would give a false reading or a reading such as 1970 which is obviously wrong !

Less codes where found to have the programming errors than was initially thought, many systems were found to be resistent. If that had not been the case, then there would have been huge financial repocussions (sad "shockwaves") throughout London, Wall Street, Beijing, and all over the world. Due to time-critical server computer systems etc.

It was covered by programmers hired in, sometimes on rates of as much as £150 an hour. The world economic system lived on, and financial chaos did not ensue.

But now the Millenium Bug issue is again recurring as a source of concern for me, here in March 2010. I know my computer systems, one of my divisions is currently involved with research which we think is nearing completion, approximately one year away from bringing to market, of "self aware R.I.S.C. computer chips", running at less than 2GHz, after yesterday I truly believed I found the required "self aware opcodes". I will be writing to the relevant chip designers and manufacturers soon to consult with them on putting the chip into manufacture.

For me the Millenium Bug means about the Media, because I want them to return to the way they were before the events after the Millenium, or better still take the best bits of what they were like then, and improve considerably, without the terrible changes that occured in the media, subsequent to Monday July 2nd 2001.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:36 PM
I'm not sure what most of this is about. How is the y2k bug going to recur in 2010? And what is this about self-aware chips?

And this one is one that I really expect you to answer: what changed in the media on July 2nd, 2001?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:54 PM
The y2k bug won't recur. It's going to be alright.

Self-aware chips, I can't give away the secret, but they're additional "opcodes" that make self awareness that much easier to acheive. Can only emulate the opcodes in software at the moment, using C.I.S.C. architecture with state-of-the-art software that emulates the hardware, with modifications, so as to make the chip have proper self-aware properties.

July 2nd 2001 was a very sad day for me. It was the day of the softly softly approach to marijuana. And the Daily Mail front page headline was "KNIVES ARE OUT FOR GORDON BROWN", for all and sundry getting stoned in London to see. The trouble is when you smoke skunk or other marijuana, you can see things more deeply and truly, this was the day that the press begun to go off the rails, in a spectacular fashion.

Those with marijuana AND a predisposition or tendency to susceptibility to violent actions took this as a call to take knives out. Further information on this is on my other 2 threads 'DACREGATE' and 'I believe over 1,000 people were murdered [with knives] due to the actions of a U.K. national newspaper.'

Knife crime is so terrible, and it really has gone to an end.

What I want is Dacre and Alton of the Mail group, and Independent London group respectively, to step away from crossing the line again, and revert to how they were pre July 2nd 2001, where they did not incite by means of knife minotaurs or as has historically been shown, incite effectively in their newspages. And BBC must remove the bloody red graphics too - they may have had it too, which will be a victory, we can finally say goodbye to the T.V. license.

The Millenium was a beautiful time of hope, then it all crashed. That is what the Millenium Bug is for me, in one way of thinking about the term - for me - everything was going to be so amazingly brilliant, and then it all crashed.

Look at the 60's - those were happy times. Quite frankly, for some, it's been absolute hell living in the world since July 2nd 2001. I think marijuana is absolutely misunderstood, I think it may be a great drug, and I want to see it legalized worldwide. There must be a world of no knife crime or violent crime at all, as ever must now be. Surely that is the direction to be in.

I'm sorry, the Mail printed that on July 2nd 2001, and years later they printed about a "Knife crime every 4 minutes". So printing "KNIVES ARE OUT FOR GORDON BROWN" just like that front page July 2nd 2001, evidently sadly did have an effect on real life weapon knives being taken out in real life. Because it was a front page headline, and the day of the softly softly approach to marijuana. I gotta go off to smoke a roll-up. The A.I./R.I. research is fantastically exciting, I have already made contact with Stanford University (involved in such [ongoing] research), sharing some ideas. It was a beautiful discovery when I felt that I had sussed the required opcodes, using existing RISC processors (emulated), though the opcodes could better be put into the hardware chip, so that they could be carried out in 1 clock tic, to render sufficient speed for self-aware robotic beings or very high quality 'virtual reality' world inhabitants - that's probably a few years away though, probably possible at speeds as low as 700 MHz (my designs are for RISC processors).

[edit on 11-3-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

[edit on 12-3-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:55 PM
I'm a hardware techie but not a software programmer... (dislike programming with a passion
).. but what you have said (in more layman terms) is you almost have self programming and optimising risc chips??? Is this correct or have I misunderstood you?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:25 AM
what worries me here is that people as incoherrent as this could be designing AI chips

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by S4murai

When I start to think like that, I like to think that they are the AI chips in action, on a test run where no one will notice. It seems a lot more coherent from that perspective.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by GhostR1der
I'm a hardware techie but not a software programmer... (dislike programming with a passion
).. but what you have said (in more layman terms) is you almost have self programming and optimising risc chips??? Is this correct or have I misunderstood you?

lol Solasis. Yes, it's true. They only have 47 opcodes or so, this will bring the total number of opcodes to 49, but the self re-programming, optimizations etc. are all done within the software compiled machine code, running on ARM processors.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 04:01 AM
Here is an extract of existing computer code, using the existing RISC - standing for Reduced Instruction Set Chip, mnemonics:-

;SWI has routine required in bits 8-23 and data (if any) in bits
;Assumes R13_svc points to a suitable stack
STMFD R13,[R0-R2,R14]; save work registers and return address
LDR R0,[R14,#-4] ;get SWI instruction
BIC R0,R0,#0xFF000000;
;clear top 8 bits
MOV R1,R0,LSR#8 ;get routine offset
ADR R2,EntryTable ;get start address of entry table
LDR R15,[R2,R1,LSL#2];
;branch to appropriate routine
WriteIRtn ;enter with character in R0 bits 0-7
. . . . . .
LDMFD R13,[R0-R2,R15]^;
;restore workspace and return
; restoring processor mode and flags

The link to the processor schematics and development notes by ARM Limited, a company based in Cherry Hinton, Cambridgeshire, is here:-

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:44 PM

My work is called R.I. - standing for "Real Intelligence", rather than A.I. which is "Artificial Intelligence".

What I have termed "self aware opcodes" may actually be better implemented as they are existingly in my (currently simple, tiny brain) programs - tons more work to do!, whereby they will take a number of clock tics to perform, using the existing RISC chip architecture. This is because they are not simple instructions, and actually the processor is required to make a mathematical computation on one of the operating procedures, which requires access to the external memory buses, that whilst only take a blisteringly quick fraction of a second, would be unlikely to implement as a single machine code instruction on a reduced instruction set chip architecture.

I will therefore approach ARM Limited or other companies, without requirement for additional (processor) opcodes added to the instruction set.

The RISC processors use a pipeline (designed by Acorn that originally developed the 'BBC Micro B') architecture that means the vast majority of machine code instructions can be processed at one clock tic, hence the potential is there for processors that run much faster than existing 3+ GHz Intel processors. It's true. Whilst one instruction is being processed, other instructions are being simultaneously fed through the pipeline, on a chip that uses low power, and has a very low relative transistor count.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:57 PM
I understand none of that jargon, but understand the concept.

Sounds cool.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 07:38 PM
There has been tremendous progress with the "Millenium Bug" final shutdown, as defined in this thread for it's purposes.

The self-aware R.I. supercomputer chip emulation surprised me by apparently and indeed reprogramming part of it's code in front of my very eyes. It was a very intense experience.

The coding was already running on an emulated overlay covered by the CISC architecture hosting the emulation.

Further progress needs to be made with synpatic reward emulation, emulating the chemical reward pathways, but at least it proves that the self-aware opcodes work, so I'm really pleased about that indeed.

Parts of code are able to apparently re-write themselves sooner than I expected, it's a real acheivement and I'm really proud of it.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 12:00 PM
Great progress with self-aware computing project. All going really well.

All compiled in ARM RISC machine code, renderiing it possible to give a total emulation of brain using just BBC BASIC (advanced code compiled into the RISC chip), the emulation has to be identical to the actual mind being emulated.

The only difference is I am currently planning to as it were put a compressor limiter on the "hate" circuit of the brain.

BTW for any of you who understand this lol - some procedures might have to be written in 'assembler' which is a bit of a pain, because it's so complicated, for the visual processing etc. Hope to complete the project as soon as possible.

@% = &0000090A. R%=-243 / A = -1 A$=""" This is the value of the registers - the & denotes hexidecimal, before callng the ""PROCopcode" procedure, to process a "PROCopcode" takes up to 3 centiseconds, which is three hundredths of a second [pontifical].

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 01:56 PM
I shall take something from Knight Rider.

If the AI can change it's own code that is very very bad. Who knows what could happen. The one Major Rule that should be coded into every AI or RI is the preservation of human life. That rule needs to be hard coded into any AI or RI. If it can self program there is nothing stopping it from turning nasty and killing many many people.

[edit on 25-4-2010 by Luke.S]

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 05:15 PM
There may have been another knife crime (already reported on a different thread). If this is the case, then the knife crime criminal is likely to get a disease similar to Alzheimers' disease, due to tears on both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Also, if it is true, then I think maybe it is time to seriously start praying for the meteorites that we may now so desperately wish for, to end it all for everyone on the planet.

Meanwhile, in answer to your very valid question, don't worry, the code only changed itself at the low level of code to adjust the procedure involving mathematical constants which is used to create the self-aware effect. When the full brain program is finished, which as I say would be done mainly in a language similar to BBC BASIC V, the actual operating code would be nigh on impossible for the computer to change.

On the other hand, specific changes to emulated synaptic connections etc. are allowed to form, such as similarly happens in the brain of any human being, or animal etc. But the proposed underlying code is mainly programmed in BASIC for my particular project, which is as yet unnamed.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 05:27 PM
It is understood that the putamen and/or insula regions of the brain can be associated with thoughts of "hate". The appropriate simulated regions would be compressor limited (or similar) in order to prevent the simulated human / animal cause any serious harm or wrong-doing to another simulated human / real human, simulated pet / real pet etc.

Already, in a similar but different project, a team of scientists claim to have already created a supercomputer version of the rat brain, which is very exciting.

[edit on 25-4-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 07:17 PM
Tremendous progress has been made, but the project is still one of vast complexity.

It is confirmed that the putamen is being compressor limited, my own focus now is on the celebral cortex (emulation thereof) and looking at the speech generation and thought generation associated of other interconnected regions of the human brain.

The current proposal - for some who will understand this - is to use a 'virtual circuit board' incorporating a risc processor, run on a configuration running a cisc system. Therefore the 'soul' of the robot exists in it's own virtual place.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 07:57 PM
As far as I can see, the Millenium Bug is either closed, or closing
now even now as I type this. Scientists have discovered that, by
virtue of quantum fractal properties, it is just about possible
to transmit messages from the future, backwards in time.

However, whether it would be possible to transmit actual matter
backwards in time, remains to be seen, if we want it to be seen.

The self-aware computing project is ongoing, will reach fruition, at
the moment stumped by the apparent intelligence of the emulated
synaptic self-aware opcode procedure, taking
between 1 and 3 centiseconds to process.

[edit on 3-5-2010 by TheDailyPlanet]


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