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Why do humans believe in an afterlife?

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Tifozi

I must say, I disagree with you at a fundamental level. Why should anyone fear non-existence? You won't know that you don't exist, so it won't matter. What I think many of us actually fear with death are two things...

1) Pain. None of us here have actually experienced death (somebody may have had a near death experience or been proclaimed dead but was revived, but that's a different topic) and so we are scared that the method of death will hurt tremendously or that death itself is painful. This leads to my next point...

2) The Unknown. Those who feel ignorant about the afterlife and what it may or may not be like are scared of what it might be. Even those of faith are often unsure and are scared of what their conditions might be after death. They've never experienced death or had anyone tell them about it, so it is scary.

I believe in a Heaven and Hell (Of course, if you take a biblical look at the afterlife it is actually very different then what most Christians believe, though perfect doctrine is not required for salvation).

If it turns out i was wrong, I won't have any regrets, because I won't be able to. What's to lose? The experiences in life I could have had? Again, I won't be able to regret having missed them. Oh well...

The other thing is that by believing in an afterlife, there is a stronger argument for our purpose in life. If we simply die and cease to exist, what is the purpose? To experience life and then not be able to recall any of it? Why not just end it since, as the Buddhist would say, "Life is Pain."

BTW, I am most definitely NOT endorsing suicide. Just pointing out how important it is to have a purpose.

Edit - Also, Black Holes are not nothing (assuming they are real, as they have not been completely proven) but are extremely condensed matter. We may not be able to understand a void where not even molecules are there, but I sure don't.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by Mykahel]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

I gotta go with psychology again. It's hard to believe in nothing as Signals said. It is near impossible for our brains to conceptualize nothing and non-existence


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:28 AM
Afterlife is not a Belief, its a fact. We are in one now.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:40 AM
I apologise if some1 posted this before, i tried to read most replies as thoroughly as possible before posting. I'd like to add that the article itself as well as most replies suggest that afterlife and religions (existence of god) support each other.

Well, even though religions say afterlife exist, the opposite isnt true. Afterlife is no evidence at all that a religion is right (god exists). Just like life is no evidence of god, so is afterlife, if it exists.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:42 AM
One doesn't need to believe in "GAWD" to believe in an afterlife.

I believe in "Ghosts". Why? I've seen them and lived with one for years. I have evidence of it that unfortunately only I experienced. Has never been verified by an outside source. It sucks.

Heard many EVP's by seemingly honest people, which I don't believe would "make it up". So many that even ONE authentic EVP confirms something 'after death'...or in the least a transference of energy, impression on this dimension from another source, or alternate states, time lines, residuals, etc.

As stated, energy transfers, does not die. So far this is a widely accepted science that can be reproduced consistently.

SO do we 'die'? It all depends what the definition of death is.

Now do we go to Streets of Gold and get handed harps to play on clouds with "Heyzeus" evidence of that.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by yadda333
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Good thread.

The topic is endlessly debatable. Perhaps we believe in an afterlife because we only know existence.

Every single one of us, right now, exist. We are familiar with it, we are experiencing it, and we don't know anything but existence. So, how could we believe in something so foreign as nonexistence?

I don't know though. This just happened to have crossed my mind while reading this thread. That's about all I got right now!

Again, good thread.

this thought constantly crosses my mind whenever I evaluate my beliefs. some religious groups compare death to sleep, but if there is nothing to 'wake' to then I cant see it as sleep; its as hard as the concept of infinity to wrap my head around simply ceasing to exist.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Why do humans believe there isn't an afterlife?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:02 PM
If nothing happens when you die, how would you know the difference?

If it is every living things fate to just fade into blackness (worst case scenario), is there really anything we can do? Why not just make THIS life count and do your best and master THIS life?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by crusaderiam

Someone was trying to tell me about how we die and that's that. i asked him then why is it that you strive to do this or do that.. he answers because. then i ask him well if your point in being here is nothing then why do anything at all. then he walked away with no answer..

I am curious to this also, if you believe there is no afterlife, then why is it that you make a point to live and do things here. wouldn't that defy the logic of doing something without expecting anything in return, or wasted energy or something?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:29 PM
Excellent questions. The afterlife is a great mystery that many different belief systems have tried to explain (and monopolize). But here's my two cents on the matter...

Take away all mention of the afterlife from all holy studies and ethical teachings. Just take them away. Why?

Because both aspects of the afterlife are nothing more than a reward/punishment system. Heaven: eternal utopia for those who meet certain criteria, or reincarnation into a better life, or eternal light. Hell: eternal damnation for those who didn't meet certain criteria, or reincarnation into a worse life, or eternal darkness.

So... when I am told that I have to not sin or else I go to hell, then I am coerced by the fear of punishment to not sin. Or when I am told that I have to behave honorably and charitably to ensure that I go to heaven, I am coerced by the promise of reward to act honorably and charitably.

Neither way is a genuine way to behave. Like an animal, I behave to avoid the lash or to get the treat. I act in self interest, therefore, I act selfishly.

Remove all afterlife teachings and we are left with the reality of now, and the reality of our true intentions. We should behave good because it is the right thing to do, not because we'll go to heaven. We should be charitable because we know that it makes THE WORLD WE LIVE IN NOW a better place, not because we want to be reincarnated as a Lama. Conversely, we should not kill/steal/covet/etc because we know that it makes THE WORLD WE LIVE IN NOW a worse place. We should not behave that way because it is a poison in our families and societies. It should nothing to do with "hell".

Remove the promise of eternal punishment or reward and we will see people act more honestly. They might not act better, but at least they act more genuine.

That's my two cents.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:32 PM
The reason people believe in an afterlife is because there's no evidence of non-existence.

Nature doesn't kill anything and nothing dies. Everything is just transformed from one state to another state.

Your body, energy, consciousness and information can't be destroyed. A black hole can't even destroy information.

We have evidence of near death experiences, O.B.E.'s, psychics, ghosts, e.v.p.'s, reincarnation and psi.

Those who say death = non existence have to show that non existence exists.

All the evidence shows that nothing dies. Nature doesn't kill anything and everything is transformed from one state to another state.

Science supports an afterlife and reincarnation unless you have evidence that non existence exists and that nature kills things.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by Matrix Rising]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:36 PM
From a scientific point of view, if energy does not dissipate then it is transfered. In my opinion its just a matter of placement. What I am stating is that if someone were to die in the woods then possibly their energy would transfer to a tree or the grass, maybe both. Same principle with hospitals, one may die and their energy is transfered to a new born, or does this transfer take place during conception??? As far the human body being a mass vehicle for "energy", soul what have you, after it's span who's to say the energy is not transfered into a living object. Many things have energy that do not support what we believe to be life, heat for example. These are my of the top of the dome thoughts and opinions, but I agree with most of the posts that state people believe in something due to fear or lose. Maybe there is no after life, their is just life, as in a continuous cycle of energy... Bla Bla bla. Good Post! Just my opinions.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:38 PM
Oh, you guys should also check out some of the teachings of Alan Watts.

In one of his many recorded teaching sessions (I think it was entitled "Images of God", I HIGHLY recommend listening to it. And no its not religious, it has to do with our internal images of the great life-force that we call "God"), he explained how we know everything by it's opposite. We know movement because we know stillness. We know light because it is in contrast to darkness. We know beauty in its relation to ugly. Etc..

He then said that we know we're alive because at one time we weren't. Meaning, at one time, we (as we know ourselves) did not exist in what we call "the present". Before we lived, we were dead. And when we stop living, we will be dead again.

He then went on to talk about the various afterlifes that have been preached.

I highly recommend listening to it.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:41 PM
For those skeptical of a life after this one:

The life after death concept has been researched quite well for the last several years.

One of the first books was"
Life After Life, written by Raymond Moody, MD.

One that shortly followed was:
Closer to the Light written by Dr. Melvin Morse, MD, documenting many near death experiences experienced by children.

These are really good accessible and scientific studies of near death experiences. The experiencers all have common characteristics that point to something beyond our own life. These experiences are unique to the individuals religious and spiritual beliefs. Hallucinations etc are ruled out.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:41 PM
Humans believe in the afterlife because they want something to look forward to. Insects, rodents, animals, etc don't have an afterlife according to us because we're too egotistical.

We think we're special, but we're not.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:43 PM
I just recently posted here as to how inevitably the famous American serial killer, John Wayne Gacy was finally caught.

A detective was working with a family of a missing person report, a high school student. The family had hired a psychic when nothing had come about as a result of the police investigation in the matter.

Long story short, the psychics in their contact with the deceased student, found his remains and a rope in which his body was bound brought about evidence that pointed to the arrest and conviction of the the killer, John Gacy.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

because anything is possible, and there is way too much to know about this universe, and if you think you know what really happens after we die,, your a lier, because no one does.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:04 PM
Then the questions remains, if the Universe in it's infinite expression of itself, knew that there was nothing after we die...then why would such a consciousness exist?

Does it expand out only to experiment with it's expression, and contracts back in again?

I dunno, if we KNEW that there was nothing after death, would our morals and ethics decay more, and our greed or ego become more focused on immediate gratification?

If we KNEW that there was life after death, would we be more clear in our reasons for being here?

It would be nice if someone came back with a relic from the 'other side' if it existed.

But nobody has yet that I'm aware of.

You have to die to find out if death is the end. Maybe death is when you unlock all the mysteries you always wondered about.

Maybe this thing we think of as 'alive' is just an observation, then poof, you're dirt in the ground.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Wow, Jax, good post man. I am a strong believer in reincarnation. Why? Because I have memories of several past lives, the last one before this being in the War Of Northern Aggression, from which I have flashbacks, and suffer PSTD. I actually went to Gettysburg one time, and got out of the little transport car at Little Round Top, overlooking the Devil's Den. I broke down, and had to be helped back into to cart. I cannot watch the film, or even discuss it among friends without crying.

I have other memories too, perhaps that is why I am so adamant against the Holy Church and all the stand for, for they teach the one life theory. We are Spirit, not just human beings, and we need to understand that. We, and when I say we I mean all of us, are about to face up to something really big, something totally new, and something Earth Shattering in magnificence and grandeur like never seen for a great many years.

All ancient cultures believed in reincarnation, even early Christianity did.

Reincarnation in early Christianity

“In the first five hundred years of Christianity, reincarnation was
most certainly on the main stage. It was a prominent and well respected merchant in the bazaar of Christian theology.

A significant number of early church pillars such as St. Augustine, Clement of Alexandria, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Justin Martyr, and St. Jerome believed in the doctrine of reincarnation. In his Confessions, St. Augustine ponders the common sense viability of reincarnation:
Did my infancy succeed another age of mine that dies before it? Was it that which I spent within my mother's womb? . . . And what before that life again, O God of my joy, was I anywhere or in any body?
Confessions of St. Augustine, Edward Pusey, translator, Book I.There is one early church father who is the central figure in this complex story of intrigue and deception. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Origen (C.E. 185-254) was the most prominent, most distinguished and most influential of the early church fathers. We would do well to consider the enormity of this statement. The Encyclopedia Britannica also declares that he was the most prolific writer and theologian of early Christianity with works
numbering around 6,000.

Reincarnation and the Early Christians

Interested in Early Jewish and Christian Beliefs about Reincarnation?

In both Judaism (with the exception of the Sadducees, who didn't believe in any kind of afterlife) and early Christianity, reincarnation was understood and accepted. Carol Hubbard's Reincarnation Truth website exists to help traditional Christians get the facts about reincarnation beliefs in the Western supernatural religions -- but all seekers of truth are welcome to visit there.




posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Odessy

because anything is possible, and there is way too much to know about this universe, and if you think you know what really happens after we die,, your a lier, because no one does.

FnSn Mr. Roberts definetly you have a knack for this kind of thing!

Belief in an afterlife? I could say once a person finally realises this is
the only thing that can be. There is a long list of other things that must
fall into place right behind.

No matter what we all solve the great mystery in

So I'm a sucker for Grandstanding. What's a big deal?

[edit on 12-3-2010 by randyvs]

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