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I believe one day a video of the Pentagon Attack will be viewed by the public.

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:01 AM
What would really be great to see whenever we see or view the yet to be released video of the attack on the Pentagon, would be a narrative talk over by the person who was remote controlling the plane or missile to its Pentagon strike point. The government witness that will admit to personally guiding the missile into the specific area targeted at the Pentagon. A true insider participant in the 911 operation that was carried out that fateful day.

A tell all of how he specifically guided the missile and an in depth interview about what he was doing that day, why, where, was it a planned training mission and for how long? Who was in command and who was giving orders that day? That would be a great way to see this Pentagon video if it ever gets shown. I would pay good money to see that airing of such a video and interview. It would be so big that I could finally use the word humongous to describe it.

Just a thought. Thanks the posting.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

Seriously? I mean of course that would be great, but why on earth would anybody release something like that?

I think it would be great if get an international, indepant comittee of engineers, pilots, geologists and other scientists who get some time and money and start over once again with access to all the evidence and videos that are still available.

I will accept their verdict however it may turn out. I know that I can be wrong on this, but the information presented so far leaves a lot unanswered.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by dereks

So am I right in thinking that you believe that none of the security cameras that monitor the Pentagon recorded an image of a 757 passanger aircraft?

And that none of the cameras on any other buildings or roads in the area around the Pentagon recorded the Aircraft either?

Or is it your opinion that the aircraft may be on film, but the government don't want to show the film for some undisclosed security reason?

I don't have any evidence one way or the other, and the authorities are not disclosing any evidence that shows the aircraft.

I have only seen the 1 officially released recording from a security camera. That however, I think you will agree, does not show a 757 aircraft.

As a reasonable person, I would expect the authorities to show all the footage from every camera that is available, so that people do not have to speculate about what did or did not happen that day. we will all be able to see the evidence for ourselves.

The fact that they do not, explains why so many people around the world are questioning the official story.

I know that if I walk down any street in Manchester (UK) close to where I live, I will be recorded HUNDREDS of times.

There are no buildings as important as the Pentagon in Manchester. So a reasonable person would expect greater surveillance around the Pentagon.


[edit on 12-3-2010 by MickC]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:53 PM
As much as i would like to see another video released I can't see it happening anytime soon.
I also feel that if there wasn't such an interest in finding the truth...everybody believed the OS..than another video would have been released.
Showing a new video would have to be very good if it were faked,there are some smart people out there who would spot a discrepancy very quickly.

we might never know the whole truth what happened on taht day

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