posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 10:33 AM
One other thought while I'm on this track (hope it isn't way out in left field) - if we are talking astronomy here there is a constelation which
represents knowledge and enlightement - that is Aquarius. And we have recently entered the "Age of Aquarius" astronomically and astrologically
speaking. Check out the info blow retrieved from:
"In western astrology, the eleventh sign of the zodiac is Aquarius, the water bearer . He pours the water of
knowledge to quench the thirst of
humanity. Ruled by Uranus, it is the most progressed of the air signs whose properties cover advanced communications,
technology and innovation
in all fields of endeavor. The former age of Pisces, with its concerns for world religion, left us with a greater spiritual awareness and deeper
appreciation of the Holy Mother[Nature, Earth, Goddess/God, etc.]. So in carrying that over to this age, both men and women develop a more feminine
side, becoming more intuitive, creative and nurturing . The Aquarian Age has been presaged as a time of freedom, peace and
enlightenment, a
fusion of God and humanity. During this time, Pluto, the planet of transformation has been cycling through Sagittarius creating vast changes in areas
of spiritual values, established governments and educational and cultural institutions. Pluto is conjoined by Neptune, the planet of murkiness
(undefined perimeters), blurring the conventional roles that women play in our society.
Note: The "Age of Aquarius" is also refered to the "New Age" or "AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT".