posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:40 PM
So, in the morning, I typically have some time between waking up and going to work ...and of course, there is NOTHING on during this time to
But, I did find something that is actually kind of entertaining...
It's on the Discovery Kids Channel or DK...(of all places)...
It's called "Mystery Hunters", and I've only seen a few episodes, but they've covered UFO's, Ghost stories, Crypto creatures, and more
mainstream Conspiracy Theories...
They even end the show on a pretty skeptical note, and where an issue is pretty well debunked, they admit it. (for the most part, though they failed
on the Campeche Oil field UFO case....but oh well)...
Sure, it's kind of kiddie, and has a "Beakman's World" vibe to it...but it's actually better than watching infomercials or tedious morning
(Most of my friends have toddlers, so got used to kids morning tv when we've babysat for them, etc.)
[edit on 19-3-2010 by Gazrok]