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Firestorm: Dr. McDonald's Fight for UFO Science

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:38 PM
Great presentation by Anne Druffel who goes into quite remarkable detail about the work of Dr James. E. Mcdonald (Professor with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics) and his efforts to realise serious, scientific study of the UFO phenomenon.

Dr Mcdonald was probably one of the most important figures ever in the history of Ufology and was instrumental in bringing about U.S. Congressional hearings on the subject. The title 'Firestorm' takes its name from a leaked memo from the Condon committee (which suggested their methods were far from objective) and there's also some great background on the history of NICAP and his work with Dr J Allen Hynek.

Ann Druffell - The Firestorm: Dr. McDonald's Fight for UFO Science.

Ann Druffel expands on her new book, Firestorm, which tells the important story of Dr. James McDonald. Her book and presentation powerfully demonstrate what researchers have gone through to bring a truth to the public which the public's elected and appointed officials did not want acknowledged. Of all the researchers who intersected with the process and prospects of governmental public disclosure, none was more intellectually suited and had collected more scientifically valid data than Dr. James E. McDonald, a prominent scientist and professor with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and the University of Arizona at Tucson. He had unprecedented high-level contacts, and during his scientific career introduced numerous groundbreaking projects in meteorology and climatology under ONR contracts and with top scientific organizations. Between 1958-1971 he worked closely with science-oriented UFO groups nationwide and in several foreign countries. He gave hundreds of talks on UFOs before top scientific organizations, influencing numerous scientists to take the UFO question seriously and in 1968 was instrumental in bringing about one of only two public Congressional hearing, thus far, on the UFO subject.

edit on 3-12-2012 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:03 PM
Of all the books I've read on the subject (and I've read most of them) Druffel's is by far the most compelling. If there's a single person in this field that convinced me there was something to all this UFO talk it was Dr. McDonald's meticulous investigatory reports as published in AIAA, Icarus, and numerous other peer-reviewed journals. Once a person reads over his notes it becomes harder and harder to hand-wave away all these cases as simply misidentifications.

I hadn't seen the video before, so a big
. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!


posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by karl 12

thanks Karl 12 , great video

Dr McDonald was probably one of the most important figures ever in the history of Ufology and was instrumental in bringing about U.S. Congressional hearings on the subject.

you aren't wrong about that, not only is he a very important part of ufology but he was a absolutely brilliant mind and a top notch researcher who could see there was something really going on based on the reported evidence. i don't think he had any sightings himself, (i'm not aware of any) but he could decipher the reported data into proof of UFO's !

from what i have read , his collection of ufo reports are second to none and i think the goverment was truly worried about him exposing their dark secrets. the CIA supposedly had a agent posing as McDonald and was going around telling people not to report ufo's , to keep it quiet and was spreading dis-info about the subject ! (cointelpro)

his story is no doubt an inspiration but also a very sad one because he wanted to do the right thing for the public and bring the truth out but ultimately the goverment put a stop to him by cutting funding on the various projects he was involved in. i believe the PTB were worried he would be the one to make the scientific community finally come to their senses and accept the ufo subject as something to be reckoned. they of course couldn't let that happen because behind the scenes the military industrial complex was researching and studying ufo's for military applications.

McDonnell Douglas studied UFOs in the 1960s


submitted to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics at July 29, 1968, Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Rayburn Bldg., Washington, D.C.,
by James E. McDonald.

One of the principal results of my own recent intensive study of the UFO enigma is this: I have become convinced that the scientific community, not only in this country but throughout the world, has been casually ignoring as nonsense a matter of extraordinary scientific importance. The attention of your Committee can, and I hope will, aid greatly in correcting this situation. As you will note in the following, my own present opinion, based on two years of careful study, is that UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in something that might very tentatively be termed "surveillance."


McDonald placed great emphasis and value on them. It was his opinion that the data in them, if properly retrieved, could constitute a type of "physical evidence" verifying UFO phenomena.

Dr. A. Richard Kassander, former Director of the IAP, made initial contact with the University of Arizona Library, suggesting that the UFO files be archived there as part of the James E. McDonald Personal Collection. Curator Roger Myers of that Section agreed that McDonald's UFO files could be housed in the Library on the campus grounds, instead of in the less-accessible satellite facility in South Tucson.

The McDonald UFO archives will be carefully monitored by the Personal Collections Section staff. A special "Reading room" is provided for persons wishing to study them. Each item will be carefully checked in and out by the Curator's staff.

i would love to go there and look threw those files and notes,
supposedly they will eventually be available online.

interview with Ann Druffel

[edit on 12-3-2010 by easynow]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Thanks for the replies -he certainly was quite an amazing (and courageous) man and it seems his particular brand of objective, rigorous, analytical UFO investigation is all but extinct in the mainstream scientific community nowadays.

He did a lot of great work 'debunking the debunkers' and I think perhaps his greatest legacy was exposing to everyone just how threadbare, weak and absurd some of the Project Bluebook UFO explanations actualy are.

"As a result of several trips to project Bluebook,I´ve had an opportunity to examine quite carefully and in detail the types of reports that are made by Bluebook personnel.In most cases,I have found that theres almost no correlation between so-called "evaluations and explanations" that are made by Bluebook and the facts of the case...
There are hundreds of good cases in the Air Force files that should have led to top-level scientific scrutiny of this problem,years ago,yet these cases have been swept under the rug in a most disturbing way by Project Bluebook investigators and their consultants."

Dr James McDonald -Senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona


I'm half way through this video at the moment which involves discussion about the book 'Firestorm' and Stanton Friedman is making some very good points about how Dr Mcdonald debunked cynics like Klass and Menzel.

Dr. James E. McDonald was the most prestigious and most influential scientist who ever entered the UFO research field. He was the single scientist who made the most valuable contributions and the one who gave up more of his life for the cause of disclosure. This remarkable atmospheric physicist is becoming widely known in our field since the publication of 'Firestorm' and it is hoped that the field will return to his strictly scientific approach.


edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by easynow
I believe the PTB were worried he would be the one to make the scientific community finally come to their senses and accept the ufo subject as something to be reckoned. they of course couldn't let that happen because behind the scenes the military industrial complex was researching and studying ufo's for military applications.

McDonnell Douglas studied UFOs in the 1960s

Easynow, thanks for posting that video buddy -hadn't seen that one before. Dr Wood makes some very interesting points about the Boeing Coporation and UFO research.

Dr Jacques Vallee also made an interesting statement below about how the public records were 'shamelessly manipulated'.

"Governments took notice, organizing task forces, encouraging secret briefings and study groups, funding classified research and all the time denying before the public that any of the phenomena might be real. The major revelation of these Diaries may be the demonstration of how the scientific community was misled by the government, how the best data were kept hidden, and how the public record was shamelessly manipulated."

Dr. Jacques Vallee, astrophysicist, computer scientist 1992

edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:45 AM
Excellent thread, Karl, and good contibutions, easy; is it any wonder that almoost all of this info is carefully kept from any mainstream exposure?

Seekers of knowledge such as we are fighting an uphill battle every step of the way, and I am waiting on the naysayers to appear and throw the first stone; but Dr McDonald did leave us a wealth of research, and I, too, would love the opportunity to read his papers.


posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

Seeker, thanks for the reply and I certainly agree with your comments about mainstream exposure - a lot of people don't even realise there were U.S. Congressional Hearings held about the UFO subject in the 1960's.

There's a great NICAP link here citing some of Dr Mcdonald's collected writings and I think he makes a great point about deductive reasoning in the audio quote below:

Audio quote - Dr James E. Mcdonald

Other Statements:

"I have been studying now for about 2 years, on a rather intensive basis, the UFO problem. I have interviewed several hundred witnesses in selected cases, and I am astonished at what I have found".
Dr James McDonald -Senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona - Oral statement to House Committee on Science and Astronautics at July 29, 1968

"The type of UFO reports that are most intriguing are close-range sightings of machine-like objects of unconventional nature and unconventional performance characteristics, seen at low altitudes, and sometimes even on the ground. The general public is entirely unaware of the large number of such reports that are coming from credible witnesses... When one starts searching for such cases, their number are quite astonishing. Also, such sightings appear to be occurring all over the globe." (Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, July 29, 1968.)
Dr. James E. McDonald, Senior Physicist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona

"My study of past official Air Force investigations (Project Blue Book) leads me to describe them as completely superficial. Officially released 'explanations' of important UFO sightings have been almost absurdly erroneous."
Senior Atmospherical Physicist Dr James McDonald, speech to American Meteorological Society 1966



posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by karl 12


Hi OP and all,

Another real thread by a person who go's beyond general research to put his case accross. Excellent work Sir.

I have read McDonald's work and through that his fight to just say there's something going on in our skies. Something not olny not normal, but tangible platforms moving at speeds we are not yet capable of achieving inspite of secret advanced flying projects.

The Man, according to most all reports walked into the desser and placed a hand gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Bullpucky !!


PS: Keep up the absolute fantastic work you do, Karl. Your the best researcher I have ever had the privilege to read.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Decoy

Decoy, thanks for the very kind words - enjoy reading your posts too.

Never really followed the show but 'UFO Hunters' also made a programme about Dr Mcdonald - it deals with his extensive collection of UFO reports and also mentions a UFO sighting he experienced whilst in the Arizona desert, 1954.

The Lost UFO Files

What secrets lie buried in the never-before-seen files of a famous UFO investigator? In the early 1950's, James McDonald, a senior physicist at the University of Arizona, changed the entire course of UFO research. For nearly 20 years he examined UFO reports in great detail - interviewing over 500 witnesses, uncovering important government documents, and testifying before Congress in 1968. He challenged skeptics, performed scientific analysis, and led the charge for UFOs to be properly studied. After his tragic death in 1971, his investigations and files were sent to the University archives, where they lay dormant...until now.

As for his death, it was of course in very tragic circumstances but the comments made by his scientific colleagues just about sum things up.

Four of McDonald's peers from the University of Arizona wrote a reminiscence of their colleague, calling him "A man of great integrity and great courage. He was loved and admired by a great many people ... he made a lasting impact on many facets of atmospheric sciences ... and he will be missed much more than we now realize".


edit on 29-9-2016 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:29 AM
FBI files on Dr James Mcdonald.


Through the Freedom of Information Act, we have obtained a portion of the files the Federal Bureau of Investigation was maintaining on Dr. James McDonald, widely held to be the most effective "establishment" scientist to take a public interest in the UFO subject.

We want to make clear right up front, that we have made this material available not to embarrass, to impugn the memory, or tarnish the accomplishments of Dr. McDonald, but to provide an insight to the workings of the FBI as relates to an effective scientist who was an outspoken man of conscience and happened to have an interest in UFO.


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:39 AM
The biggest problem with conducting any real science with UFOs is that once you get to a certain point, you need the full cooperation of the U.S. Air Force, Navy, Army and whoever else can allow you access to some very Top Secret stuff so you can eliminate possible black project aircraft or other government-run experiments. And that ain't gonna happen. If you don't have a chance to conclusively eliminate government activity, the possibility will always be there messing up your data.

Even the Air Force and NASA will only study UFOs to the point at which they think they might be stepping on the Top Secret toes of another branch of the military. So they may catalog anomalous sightings, but they don't want to dig too deep to find out what they are.

As a result, everybody is stuck until a UFO pilot (or whatever) decides for itself to land and stay for a while somewhere it can't be ignored. And since that hasn't happened yet, there's a good chance that it's not being allowed to happen. Why? By whom? I don't know.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 12:43 PM
America's Most Wanted Host Walsh can't get Federal funding for
programs to prevent crimes against our children and lying Illuminati
flakes think they need a pay day for UFO studies that the government
lets private individual cover up with our money they receive by selling
more oil. Oil money pie is what they want.
Unless they do know why and are pressing their luck into a standoff.
Will the Illuminati oil blink and say OK and spend our money on UFOs
that amounts to more dis service in information that we don't need.

Tesla aircraft and Towers forever.
Wireless power towers in emergency for large power outages.
Light and heat needed over TV and radio.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

easy; is it any wonder that almoost all of this info is carefully kept from any mainstream exposure?

it's no surprise to me why they avoid any mainstream exposure, it's all about keeping black projects technology $ecret and who has the best killing machine !

reply to post by karl 12

Karl 12, here is a interesting link that has hours worth of reading for anyone interested thought i would share it


NCAS Editor's Note: These are the cases to which Dr. McDonald assigns a number and which he dicusses in considerable detail. He cites other cases, but they are unnumbered and mentioned more or less in passing, primarily in the sections of the prepared statement starting with "Physical Effects."

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
The biggest problem with conducting any real science with UFOs is that once you get to a certain point, you need the full cooperation of the U.S. Air Force, Navy, Army and whoever else can allow you access to some very Top Secret stuff so you can eliminate possible black project aircraft or other government-run experiments.

Blue Shift, thanks for the reply and I do understand you're point but it's worth pointing out that many of these reports (particularly from the 1950's) involve aspects of flight charateristics and aerial manouverability that we cannot even attain today -they also involve some pretty bizarre object descriptions and occupant reports.

Cases like the Portage County incident, the Edwards Air Force base incident, the Tehran case, the Coyne incident, the Bariloche incident, the Minot AFB incident, the Colares case, the Red Bluff case etc.. deserve serious scientific scrutiny and although I do agree with your post, I think the current way mainstream science deals with the UFO subject is an absolute disgrace. There's some relevant statements below about wilfull ignorance within the scientific community and I think the first one just about sums it up.

"Because few scientists have carefully studied the literature and conducted field investigations, most know pratically nothing about UFOs. Their ignorance of the subject has much to do with their attitudes towards it".
Dr David M Jacobs, Professor of History, Temple University - (UFO Congress paper, 1980).

"Most scientists have never had the occasion to confront evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon. To a scientist, the main source of hard information (other than his own experiments' observations) is provided by the scientific journals. With rare exceptions, scientific journals do not publish reports of UFO observations. The decision not to publish is made by the editor acting on the advice of reviewers. This process is self-reinforcing: the apparent lack of data confirms the view that there is nothing to the UFO phenomenon, and this view (prejudice) works against the presentation of relevant data."
Peter A. Sturrock, "An Analysis of the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO Project," Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.1, No.1, 1987

“For nearly 40 years, the science establishment has ignored the UFO problem, relegating it to the domain of “true believers and mental imcompetents” (a.k.a. "kooks and nuts" [according to the former editor of Applied Optics magazine]).
Scientists have participated in a "self-cover-up" by refusing to look at the credible and well-reported data.
Furthermore, some of those few scientists who have studied UFO data have published explanations which are unconvincing or just plain wrong and have "gotten away with it" because most of the rest of the scientific community has not cared enough to analyze these explanations. The general rejection of the scientific validity of UFO sightings has made it difficult to publish analyses of good sightings in refereed journals of establishment science.”
Bruce Maccabee, optical physicist

“Over the past eighteen years I have acted as a scientific consultant to the U.S. Air Force on the subject of unidentified flying objects – UFO’s. As a consequence of my work on the voluminous air force files and, to a greater extent, of personal investigation of many puzzling cases and interviews with witnesses of good repute, I have long been aware that the subject of UFO’s could not be dismissed as mere nonsense".
Dr J Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University and scientific consultant for Air Force investigations of UFOs from 1948 until 1969 (Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book).

"Much of what might be made clear at great length will have to be compressed into my remark that the scientific world at large is in for a shock when it becomes aware of the astonishing nature of the UFO phenomenon and its bewildering complexity. I make that terse comment well aware that it invites easy ridicule; but intellectual honesty demands that I make clear that my two years' study convinces me that in the UFO problem lie scientific and technological questions that will challenge the ability of the world's outstanding scientists to explain - as soon as they start examining the facts".
Dr. James E. McDonald, Senior Physicist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona

"The definitive resolution of the UFO enigma will not come about unless and until the problem is subjected to open and extensive scientific study by the normal procedures of established science.
In their public statements (but not necessarily in their private statements), scientists express a generally negative attitude towards the UFO problem, and it is interesting to try to understand this attitude. Most scientists have never had the occasion to confront evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon.”
Dr. Peter A. Sturrock, Professor of Space Science and Astrophysics and Deputy Director of the Center for Space Sciences and Astrophysics at Stanford University (Survey of American Astronomical Society)

"There are some definite flight type characteristics that are seen now that I would say represent genuine instant acceleration; instant stop; vertical acceleration -up into the air and down to the ground; reverses in direction; right angle turns -all in silence -multiple objects sometimes separating and then going back into each other.
They are classic,what I would call,genuine UFO characteristics -things that we can not do in a conventional sense".
British Detective Constable Gary Heseltine - Police UFO reporting organisation, PRUFOS.

"The opposite conclusion could have been drawn from The Condon Report's content, namely, that a phenomenon with such a high ratio of unexplained cases (about 30 percent) should arouse sufficient scientific curiosity to continue its study."
"From a scientific and engineering standpoint, it is unacceptable to simply ignore substantial numbers of unexplained observations... the only promising approach is a continuing moderate-level effort with emphasis on improved data collection by objective means... involving available remote sensing capabilities and certain software changes."
Ronald D Story - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics UFO Subcommittee -New York: Doubleday, 1980


edit on 15-6-2013 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by easynow
Karl 12, here is a interesting link that has hours worth of reading for anyone interested thought i would share it


NCAS Editor's Note: These are the cases to which Dr. McDonald assigns a number and which he dicusses in considerable detail. He cites other cases, but they are unnumbered and mentioned more or less in passing, primarily in the sections of the prepared statement starting with "Physical Effects."

Easynow, I think you've just gone and posted link of the week there mate - that's going to keep my busy for quite a while!


posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 02:17 PM
Great thread guys. I picked up the book "Firestorm" this afternoon at the local mall, it should be some good reading.

What all this comes down to is transparency of the government and the military to allow congress and investigators access to so called "classified material". I do believe there must be a simple way to release information about these subjects, yet at the same time keeping sensitive information on "black projects" rightly classified for the sake of national security.

If members of the government spent as much time and energy looking into these cases as they did President Clinton's extra marital affairs, I think they might actually get somewhere.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Jocko Flocko

Jocko, happy reading matey -here's part of Dr Mcdonald's statement to the United Nations and I think he makes some very good points.

"There is now a clear indication that the number of reports of observations, at short distance and low altitude, of absolutely strange aerial objects, having the appearance of machines and whose performances show unexplainable characteristics, increased in the few years that have just passed. It is certainly apparent inside the United States. I have the strong impression that the same increase appears in many foreign territories. My own studies led me to reject the opinion according to which they are only natural atmospheric phenomena or misinterpreted astronomical phenomena; in this respect a number of official explanations are almost absurdly erroneous. It is not possible anymore to explain all these observations with assumptions calling upon the products of a technology of avant-garde or experimental secret craft, with assumptions of mystification, fraud or trickery, or with psychological assumptions. Each one of these assumptions intervenes indeed in a great number of cases, but there still remains an astonishing number of other reports, submitted by observers highly worthy of faith during the two last decades, which cannot receive such a satisfactory explanation. I believe that this vast residue of reports, which amounts now to hundreds and perhaps thousands of cases, requires the attention of the most eminent scientists of the world. However, because of the official mocking remark that journalists, and even scientist, largely spread, almost no scientific attention is currently granted to this problem. This situation, I insist there, must be as fast as possible transformed, because the records - as soon as one examines them closely as I tried to do these last months - directs irresistibly towards a certain phenomenon about which we should quickly acquire much better information. The official mocking remark must be replaced by a meticulous scientific examination and of high precision of this problem. Because of the worldwide nature of the phenomenon, it falls immediately into sectors where the United Nations must take its responsibilities to encourage an immediate raising of the level of the scientific examination of the problem".




posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 06:56 PM
Dr James Mcdonald talks about 'scoffing and ridicule' within mainstream science.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:57 AM
Article from the scientific review publication "Electronic Design", September 1st, 1968.


Six famous scientists recommended that the Congress should seriously plan to give its support to an intensive international study of UFOS (unidentified flying objects). They asked in a pressing way that the subject is not condemned in advance, not turned in derision and not overlooked.

The six scientists brought their testimonial to a UFO symposium sponsored by House Committee on Science and Astronautics. These scientists were: Dr. Robert L. Baker Jr of the Computer Sciences Corporation; Dr. Robert L. Hall, professor of sociology at the university of Illinois; Dr. James A. Harder, professor of civil engineering of the University of California with Berkeley; Dr. J. Allen Hynek, adviser of the U.S. Air Force as regards UFOS and astrophysicist in Northwestern University; Dr. James McDonald, senior of physics at the university of Arizona and Dr. Carl Sagan, astronomer in Cornell University.

McDonald spoke about what he learned while studying more than 300 cases of UFOs observations. The number of UFO sightings being accompanied by some form by interference with the ground networks of electrical power distribution convinced him, he said, that UFOS are perfectly real, with a "strong possibility that we are under the monitoring of extraterrestrial intelligences... No service has never studied that, and however", told McDonald, "it could be the answer to all the question about UFOS."

Sagan supported this opinion: "If we are visited by extraterrestrial travelers, it would be crazy that we are not interested". He suggested that more stress is put on programs of interplanetary exploration, to obtain more information.

The scientists were unanimous to recommend that the existing program of investigation of the U.S. Air Force must be left aside in favor of a program whose direction would be entrusted to the National Science Foundation, or to the National Academy of Sciences. Hynek urged that an international study be undertaken on a worldwide scale under the authority of the U.N.

It is expected that the U.S. Air Force will submit during this September the report on its program of investigation on UFOS to the National Academy of Sciences. Last spring, the member of the Chamber of Representatives J. Edward Rousch (representative of Indiana) had recommended that the Congress takes the direction of all research on UFOS.


posted on May, 22 2010 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by easynow


McDonald placed great emphasis and value on them. It was his opinion that the data in them, if properly retrieved, could constitute a type of "physical evidence" verifying UFO phenomena.

Dr. A. Richard Kassander, former Director of the IAP, made initial contact with the University of Arizona Library, suggesting that the UFO files be archived there as part of the James E. McDonald Personal Collection. Curator Roger Myers of that Section agreed that McDonald's UFO files could be housed in the Library on the campus grounds, instead of in the less-accessible satellite facility in South Tucson.

The McDonald UFO archives will be carefully monitored by the Personal Collections Section staff. A special "Reading room" is provided for persons wishing to study them. Each item will be carefully checked in and out by the Curator's staff.

i would love to go there and look threw those files and notes,
supposedly they will eventually be available online.

Easynow, I'm sure you're not the only one buddy - 29 boxes of archived material!


Beginning the collection, as delivered to the Personal Collections Section, are hundreds of files containing McDonald's research on UFO cases, classic and otherwise; correspondence and other materials connected with his numerous seminars and symposia talks before scientific groups such as the AIAA, AAAS, AMS, etc., arranged alphabetically from "A" to "Z." This section filled fifteen record storage boxes provided by the University. The file names, for the most part, are those originally selected by McDonald. The collection continues with approximately 580 Project Blue Book R-V files photocopied by McDonald at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1970 after the termination of Project Blue Book. These comprised four boxes and are filed chronologically by date, as McDonald originally arranged them.

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