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Get rid of age restriction period

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:47 PM
Ya know, I have to thank the OP. You Sir, or Madam (whichever the case may be) have taught me in your infinite wisdom that some conspiracies are just fine and dandy. I never really realized that this conspiracy existed until you opened my eyes. And I am FINE with this conspiracy.

So you managed to sneak a cigarette at age 7. From your point of view that is OK. From the point of view of society, who will have to help foot the bill for your lung cancer (read up on the process behind insurance before you even think about contesting that) this was bad. As a 7 year old, mortality meant nothing much less long term health ramifications. As a supposed adult, you are more mentally equipped to understand the risk of the action of lighting up. I am not even going to get into the parental negligence that fostered this scenario.

Sure a 7 year old can go into the gas station and plop down a dollar and buy a lottery ticket..... but what if he wins? What in the blue blazes is a 7 year old going to do with that kind of money? Does a 7 year old have any concept of the darker side of wining the lottery? Its not all fun and roses. Many adult winners go bankrupt in a couple years due to poor management of funds. How is a 7 year old more capable than an adult. Or the piles of "long lost relatives" that come crawling out of the woodworks whenever somebody hits the big one. Sorry but it happens.

As to the 14 year olds with driver licenses. I have seen plenty of 16 year olds that shouldn't be behind the wheel much less any younger than that.

Im not even going to touch on the age of consent debate that has been raised. I think from the rest of my post, you can see where I would land.

In parting I will leave you with this: If it is worth having, it is worth waiting for.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:03 PM
The funny thing about adults and sex is that adults dont have to have protected sex as they so don't want it.

If, say, a 15 year old wants to do it with, say, a 25 year old, and is able and capable; and if the 25 year old wants it to with them, and is able and capable, then I see no problem with it since age is nothing but a number as some wise people say. And protected or not protected is up to them both as we all should understand. Just my opinion on the sex issue tied into the take off of age restriction laws. It should truely be all about ability and capability.

And sex should be that God damn free from restriction. And this should be a golden rule: To each their own.

Peace to the willing and able and capable!

[edit on 11-3-2010 by Tormentations]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:35 PM
I say lets take things back to how it was 150-200 years ago.

People were considered adults during mid teens and were capable of doing everything any other adult can do.

For arguments about people having the capacity to do things that is bull; you can have a 50 year old that does not have the capacity to do something whereas a 16 year old could and it has nothing to do with health or fitness.

I'm using the USA as an example here

Your 18 your an adult, you can go to war, do things on your own etc but you can not drink why supposedly your not mentally capable; its thats the case why is an 18 year old an adult.

That sounds like a trap to me if the person has not fully developed and is not mentally capable than adulthood should come at 21, 25 etc or let them have all abilities at 18 and stop discriminating against them.

Back during from Anicent Persia to 1800's people drank alcohol at any age and did not have any effects on them; they served children small-ale/small-beer very watered down booze because of water conditions

Our water is still not pure what has changed so that we don't allow it now.

The society we live in now going for all places mistreats people that are young or old and nothing is done about it because there are the minorities and cant do anything because the 30-50 majority does everything.

There are many laws and people that are prejudice to the old and young because they are old and young and for no other reason.

We have put to many social constraints on younger people i mean teens and 20 year olds; people between 18 and 15 are adults but they cant do a lot things without a parent they might as well not be an adult.

Nothing biologically has changed within humans from 200 years ago to now the only thing that has changed is society; in some ways for the better and some for the worst.

I would love to see the day when all age groups ( teens, young adult, adult, and seniors) and all racial groups in a country are all about equal in population the system and its standards will be reinvented for fairness.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by jatsc]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:45 PM
So why don't we lower or eliminate the age restriction for Presidential office in America, and let Chelsea Clinton run for office.

Capability and handling responsibilities are 2 different subjects.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Tormentations
The funny thing about adults and sex is that adults dont have to have protected sex as they so don't want it.

If, say, a 15 year old wants to do it with, say, a 25 year old, and is able and capable; and if the 25 year old wants it to with them, and is able and capable, then I see no problem with it since age is nothing but a number as some wise people say. And protected or not protected is up to them both as we all should understand. Just my opinion on the sex issue tied into the take off of age restriction laws. It should truely be all about ability and capability.

And sex should be that God damn free from restriction. And this should be a golden rule: To each their own.

LoL, I hope you're not loitering longingly outside schools, eyeing off the targets you want to make legal.

You've been quite transparent from your opening post. You've indicated in other threads you're ruled by lust, and a devil worshipper, and you want sex with pubescent children to be legal.

Do you enjoy the company at NAMBLA?

Do they have lots of nice videos to share?

Do they suggest you get known on a forum for a month or two before pushing their perverted, paedophiliac messages?

It's people like this who make laws protecting children's sexuality from adults utterly necessary.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by recycled
So why don't we lower or eliminate the age restriction for Presidential office in America, and let Chelsea Clinton run for office.

Capability and handling responsibilities are 2 different subjects.

Responsibilities are teachable.

There should be a class called responsibilities 101 in kinergarden (sp?) and elementary and in middle school and in high school. And also in colleges. Since many parents aren't teaching their kids responsibility. For if they were teaching it early on, then say who is called minors would be now freely drinking beer and wine and liquir, with their learned-by-parent/guardian responsiblities.

It is easy to teach? No?

Once people start teaching responibility in school, and going with able and capable, we'd be set to go about without age restrictions.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

You got me soooo mixed up like a passing rumor that gets mixed up completely in the end result.

I will ignore post like this in the future.

Rule numer one for me, is never let anyone else speak for me or about me in my presence. I'm a 'from the horse's mouth' type of guy. Rule number two for me, is be aware of half truthers that mix tellings with blunt lies.

That is all.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by Tormentations]

Oh, and if you must know, my Devil means the Devil is my HELLBOUND pet all the time. Does not God possess you to where he can put you where he wants? If you beleive in God that is.

You do not want to be my Devil. For I do what I want with my Devil, and I want my Devil in hell asap. As hevean and earth pass away... my Devil only will know hell then. That is what my current sig means when you put two and two together.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by Tormentations]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

It’s not about discrimination, it’s about protection.

I don’t want a forty year old man influencing my child into a sexual relationship and being able to do so legally.

Children are not in the same state of mind as adults when it comes to actions and consequences.

They cannot be trusted with certain “rights” or “privileges”.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

I for one would not want the government (public school) teaching my children anything about responsibility. I mean they have done so well with the concept themselves. The truly are "able" to run the country, however they are not displaying one iota of responsibility with their endeavor.

Have a great day,

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by JPhish
i agree,


your eligibility to do anything should be determined by aptitude tests.

[edit on 3/11/2010 by JPhish]

Explain to me WHY you want this, and how it would be of benefit to this country.

because age is the measure of years you've been alive, it has absolutely nothing to do with your physical or mental potential.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:55 PM
They have restrictions for a reason and for one I'm glad they are there. The only people I can see who have a problem with this would be teens.

Don't worry kids soon you'll be a grown up too then you can do all the things grown ups do.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:06 PM
The people calling Tormentations a pedophile, are pretty stupid. He didn’t say anything about age of consent. Just age of responsibility. So everyone relax. It’s not cool to call random people pedophiles it might of hurt his feelings
. But to Tormentations we need laws to enforce for teens ect. Do you really want a 12-14 year old driving down the road?? I sure won’t. Some that age can’t even see over the steering wheel.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by litmuspaper

Your right. When my youngest daughter was 15 going on 16, I heard a noise in the middle of the night that woke me up. I could hear someone talking upstairs, and it sounded like a boy. Well, I got up, went to the door leading upstairs and told whoever it was to get their butt(being nice here) downstairs. Well, pretty soon this guy, about 18-20, came strolling down the steps taking his good sweet time doing so, and all this time pulling his pants up. I told him to get the H out of my house. He told me to just hang on. Well, I told him that wasn`t fast enough, and I reached up about 6 steps and grabbed him by the back of the shirt and the seat of his pants then introduced him to mister front door. After bumping his head into it a couple of times, I got it open, forgetting the screen door, and putting him through it. Needless to say, I had a long long talk with my daughter after that.

The saddest part? She got pregnant by him. Yep, mister grown up was the father. Do you think he had anything to do with my grandson after he was born? Not on your life. This guy also didn`t think age should matter. It did in my book.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by FiatLux]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:50 PM
Age restrictions are in play due to those not being knowledgeable enough to know and fully understand all implications involved.

Adult prescriptions are more powerful then child scrips and an adult cycle can and will kill a kid. Same applies for alcohol as a 12 yr old can die on what your average 25 yr old considers a "decent night drinking".

The 18 to open an account is a oversight protection initiated by the banks so that there is accountability for the account in question.

In regards to smoking, no minor should smoke as they are taught from a very young age the health risk associated with smoking yet they continue to do it.

The prohibition of letting an adult have a sexual encounter with a minor is based on morality and spirituality. To some regions it's accepted practice but to those in a civilized society it is morally, ethically and legally wrong.

If a toy reads "14+" no minor should handle it as there are small parts, at times no bigger then a couple hundered human cells that can be easily lost or ingested.

Your average 2 yr old will put everything they touch or come into contact with into their mouth while not realizing or worrying about how hurtful or harmful said product is.

In short age restrictions on items is the ultimate exercisement of proper parenting and means that the kid will be safe. Plus in place to protect the company from a frivulous lawsuit so that our respective Court systems aren't boggled down with stupid and idiotic cases that have no merit or if it's someone trying to fake either an injury or a slip and fall just to scam a company out of millions.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

[edit on 11-3-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Not to be rude, but the only person that would think it was a good idea is someone who is frustrated with the fact that they are not yet of age.

That was the first thing i thought too after reading this thread. and I've seen posts like this before and other instances of it in real life and most of the time if not every time the person is exactly that. a disgruntled teenager.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:30 PM
Good thing this is just a conspiracy. If it was real then it would be a scary world indeed.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:57 AM
The problem is that we have no way of knowing when somebody is ready. And we couldn`t just take people`s word for it could we? Well I can`t argue that people should be allowed to do something "when they`re ready to". Then perhaps some wouldn`t drive until they were 27, some wouldn`t have sex until 38, or never. But I also know that as far as smoking, sex, drinking and drugs, kids are doing that whenever they feel like it. I sure did all those things by the time I was 15. Was I ready? I couldn`t tell ya. I somehow doubt it. I just felt like I had to do SOMETHING to rebel against a system I felt was unfair and not right. To deny ignorance whenever it was thrown in our faces and masqueraded as the... yeah thats right, the tried to tell us that bullcrap was the TRUTH! To try to explain it any further would be futile. Whether it did more harm than good is irrelevant as we were lacking in guidance and leadership, which is how I suspect it was meant to be.
As for the concerns of the OP, perhaps you should put your thoughts toward devising a test, or a number of tests, to find out if an individual is ready to partake in different tasks. Maybe someday a similiar system will be implemented, until then you can only do what you can to bring about change. I don`t think we`ll have to worry about any 5yr olds on the road killing people, (unless he was a proven genius with a ... ahh nevermind not even gonna go down that road) or 8yr olds marrying 40yr olds, no society in their right minds would allow such extremes. Unless there were a sudden shift in consciousness as to advance maturity levels both physically and mentally or if time changed its properties in such a way that... nah not goin there either!

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:13 AM
The only age restrictions that should be altered in any way are 16, 18 and 21.

At 16 you're old enough to drive a deadly weapon, but not carry a weapon.

At 18 you're old enough to die for your country, but not drink a beer.

At 21 you're old enough to drive, die, pay taxes, but not run for office or drive a taxi.

Just set one age. If you are a child, you should have the responsibilities of a child. If you are an adult, you should have all the 'rewards' of being an adult.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:19 AM
Promoting "No age" was a gimmick at least as far back as the 60s. In the modern world it's all about exploitation and nothing to do with real freedom or rights. Sadly, you have to factor in (and in a bid way) how pandering will be applied to youth and what it means to parents rights versus some fictional state authority.

Kids don't really benefit much from high school or college most would be better off in the real world cultivating real world skills and specialized training. But, it's not about the exception, it's about the general rule and most kids would be even more victimized than they are if age restrictions weren't in place. Honestly, kids are exposed to insanity at age 4 or 5 via tv that damages innocence and purity. What would life be like if they where exposed and could be suckered into just about anything.

Your being naive and mislead. We are not in a healthy society so factor that in. The manipulators want to exploit not grant freedom.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:36 AM
After reading some more posts, I thought to add:
I don`t think anyone (i hope) is suggesting that an older man or woman be allowed to influence your sons or daughters into a sexual relationship. I believe he meant when people are ready. To the man with the teen daughter, I`m terribly sorry this happened to you and your family. Your daughter (excuse me for saying so) at that time was not ready for sex with a pertner of any age. I think her getting pregnant pretty much proves that. But no offense to your daughter, sir! The same thing happened to my sister but with a guy her age. This further proves my point. Neither of them were ready for sex, period. And my sister was 18. I personally was ready for sex at 15. But then I was different, and still am, from people my age in many different ways. My grade levels were always advanced. Not that it got me anywhere (due to my rebellious streak). But I think its normal for some kids with a high IQ. Being "smarter" isn`t always "better". It`s almost how I heard/saw one person on here (ATS) put it,"You may have happiness or wisdom, you may not have BOTH." But I don`t think we have anything to worry about if the OP BECAME RULER OF THE WORLD (at least in this particular aspect), because I`m pretty sure most of your sons and daughters are not ready (and if theyu WERE surely YOU would know the instant such a change occurred, right?). anyway perhaps the discussion could take a less competitive route and take a more productive route by discussing what should be the definition of "ready"

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