reply to post by poet1b
People are always bad mouthing "the government".
Who the same hell do you folks think now own and operate our government?
Our large corporations, that is who. Corporate America is the mistress, wife and mother of our government. We are nothing more than slaves to do
their bidding.
The opening post deserves 1000 stars for laying out the gut wrenching way our lives have been manipulated into.
I have been working 12-14 hour days and through lunch to spoon feed the people in india that will soon take over my job.
There were five of us to do the actual work. Now we are down to three of us that do "the work" and three managers to manage three people that
don't even need these managers.
Our work load is astronomical, and our CEO hasn't a clue to what the real workers do - not a clue.
Like the story about the emperor and his new clothes, a king surrounded by yes men, is totally clueless he is naked.
CEO'S (Often the corporate henchmen / owners) make millions while the people that actually do the work and make the "company" profit earn squat.
No where in the rest of the world (yet) is the salary variance between the head and the bottom people so wide as in the good old USA
I haven't had a raise in three years, yet my company is now averaging two to three "acquisitions" a month, like a giant amoeba, unthinking,
uncaring just a entity that continues to eat anything that comes near it
At least for now, I have a job and some warning so I can hurry and try to pay off my house I still have seven years to pay the bank 6% interest
(that's six times the actual price/which is robbery but that's another post we won't get into banking and our dishonest money system here).
For the most part, people have become compliant sheep.
We need to take back Washington. How? Haven't a clue. Personally we are to become a corporate owned world soon.
Soul sucking, you bet.
Most people I have watched will do anything, including sell their own soul just "to stay in the game".
That is the way it is designed. Everyone watches and monitors everyone else, hoping to curry favor with the dumb clucks that pass as low to mid level
Kissing the very hand that will eventually chop their head off.
The mighty elite are getting richer, while the average "slave" is so tired, so emotionally drained that they have no stamina left to see or speak
out against the greedy pigs that are cutting 3/4 of the pie for themselves and leaving 1/4 for the rest of us to fight over like hungry dogs at the
kings table, fighting each other for the few scraps that land on the floor, while the king watches on smiling in amusement.
If the dogs were smart, they would BAND TOGETHER, jump upon the king, tear his mucking throat out and share the banquet on the table just inches away.
But the dogs are being kept to busy and too stupid. (Get the picture) If you are not worth millions, you are one of the dogs.
Why do you think the family unit is disintegrating? The kids are left to take care of themselves while mom and dad have to work just to put food on
the table and a roof over their head.
Why do you think divorce is now approaching 50% could it be that people no longer have the emotional stamina or time to work on "relationships".
Why do you think people drink and do drugs? Self medication perhaps to cushion themselves from the 8-7 work day corporate world they have to join, if
they're lucky and can find a job still on American soil.
The biggest lobbyists in Washington are our large corporations. They "donate" vast sums of money to place their puppets into office that wheel and
deal bailouts, favors and money deals.
Corporate America owns our media, our minds, souls and almost everything inbetween.
Every aspect of our lives.
Research who the top 50 companies are that have profit from our War in Iraq, over the dead bodies of our youth and the people of the middle east.
All in the false name of "terrorists" - 911 was a false flag, orchestrated to manipulate people into a war that is costing us trillions we will
never be able to repay.
Owning a home, now a joke for most American's. I have one but at approaching 60, husband is 65 we still have seven years to pay it off and if we are
No health care, no jobs (on American Soil) - America will soon become a third world country.
Our military and police are corporate pawns, their not even aware of this fact. They do the bidding and fight the corporate elite's fight.
I don't see many movies, but Hardwired is a really excellent movie that shows what a strangle hold over us corporations will eventually have.
Excellent opening post, starred and flagged.
"I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers." John D. Rockefeller
The Rockefeller's founded the National Education Association.
[edit on 12-3-2010 by ofhumandescent]