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Department of Education Posts Order for Police Shotguns

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by rogerstigers
Crowd control shotguns. Department of Education? The government never plans ahead like this for contingencies when there is a budget crisis. Someone will, in typical bearuecractic fashion, reallocate the contingency money for some "conference" in the Bahamas.

"Homeland Security" = spend as if there is no tommarro, whats a couple hundred shotguns compared to those ludicrous submillimeter wave body scanners??


And after the 911 false flag... Capitol Hill and the White House have had tons of road closures... many pop-up in the street street barricaides.. & checkpoints. It is way creepy, especially if you have ever been there before when you could drive up to the back parking lot of the capitol, and drive around in circles at three in the morning... or go up and run your hands across the marvelous bronze doors...Pennsylvania Avenue was closed at the white house...

It has become a defense installation... imo, they have been preparing for demonstrations for a decade...

What the shotgun orders tell me is just one thing, that

the Feds are scared too.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by seataka]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:03 PM
Remember guys, every single government agency in the country has an Office of the Inspector General which handles internal investigations regarding fraud, misappropriation of funds, embezzlement, waste and abuse, and other sundry crimes. While door-kicking may be incredibly rare in an OIG, it is still commonplace to keep the tools available for such a door-kicking so you don't have to look like a bunch of pussies and call the US Marshals in to do it for you. The guys in the OIGs are 1811 Special Agents and I'm sure they have to qualify with the 870 at some interval.

My friend ran into a girl that was in the OIG for the Peace Corps! I never knew that department existed!! Come to find out, there's an amazing amount of rape, molestation, sexual harrasment, and violent crime occuring when Americans are out of the country and believe they are out of sight/out of mind. He said he also ran into someone from the HUD OIG. I imagine he had to roll thru some bad neighborhoods.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:39 PM

The guys in the OIGs are 1811 Special Agents and I'm sure they have to qualify with the 870 at some interval.

Correct, all 1811 Special Agents have full law enforcement powers and are armed federal law enforcement officers. That's who these shotguns are for. The US Dept. of Education's Office of the Inspector General employed about 100 sworn law enforcement officers as of 2004.
^ lists the size of virtually every federal law enforcement agency, uniformed and plainclothes. All sworn officers. Unfortunately I can't find the 2006 and 2008 versions.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by ChrisF231]

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